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Schmitty Christmas Cookie Photos



Schmitty's Cookies!

Schmitty,  or Mickie, whom many of you have 'met ' on the cooking boards,
loves to bake Christmas Cookies.


She baked over 30 varieties for Christmas 1999 gift giving.  Schmitty gives away 'care packages' to friends, relatives, even the good folks at her Doctor's office.  She is one of those people that brighten all our lives.  She has been kind enough to share her recipes here on Growlies.  She has had us all 'drooling' so if you haven't had time to make ALL her recipes, here is a glimpse of some of  her famous cookies!

These cookies are clockwise from the snowman: Top plate in front of Snowman Cookie Jar - Pecanettes and Cranberry Nut Cups; 
next right - Cream Cheese Apricot Pinwheels surrounding Melting Moments and 
Almond Nut sticks; Far top right - Cranberry chocolate almond biscotti; front 
right Swiss Hazelnut Crescents (dark colored cookies) Chocolate Snowballs
Mocha Pecan Balls, Date Pecan Balls; front center - Fudge Nutters, Cranberry 
Nut Icebox Cookies, Fruit Nut Shortbread and Sweet Peanut Treats. Next, Rugelach and Hazelnut Raspberry Christmas Trees.

A plate full of (clockwise)  Fudge Brownie Slices, Cranberry 
Nut Icebox Cookies
, Fruit & Nut Shortbread  and Butter Nut Kissed cookies,


More tasty treats, (counter clockwise) Filled Sugar cookies, Pecan squares,
Walnut Frosties,  Rocky Road Bars.

Doesn't her baking look wonderful!  (clockwise)  Cranberry Jello sugar free cookies
Plate on right is a repeat I think. Hazelnut Raspberry Christmas Trees and 
Rugelach at the top of the photo.


"Schmitty's Care Packages"  ...all ready to go!!



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