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Marinated Vegetable Platter

2 (10 oz. each) pkgs. of an assortment of the following frozen vegetables:
asparagus spears,
Cauliflower, whole green
Beans, cut yellow wax
Beans, artichoke hearts,
Whole baby carrots
1 (16 oz.) bottle Italian-style oil and vinegar dressing
3 hard-cooked eggs, chopped

Cooking each type separately, cook vegetables according to package directions. Drain and place in rows in shallow dish. Pour salad dressing over vegetables while they are warm. Cover and refrigerate for several hours or until thoroughly chilled. When ready to serve, lift vegetables from marinade with a slotted spoon and arrange in rows on a serving platter. Garnish top with chopped eggs. Note: When you're expecting a crowd, frozen vegetables speed up preparation because they're cut, cleaned and ready to use.

Blanched fresh veggies could also be used.

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