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Rama Bread Pudding 

Dayle's Note: This sot after recipes comes from a popular Casino in Ontario, 
via my friend Pat's mother.  Easily increased.

 4 tbsp. butter, softened. 
8 - 10 slices homemade-style white bread. 
1/2 cup raisins. 
1 tsp. cinnamon. 
2 eggs. 
1/4 cup sugar. 
1/4 tsp. salt. 
1 tsp. vanilla. 
2 1/2 cups whole or 2% milk. 
Vanilla Sauce. 

Preheat oven to 350F. Butter all pieces of bread. 
Slice bread into triangles or cubes. Place into 6 to 8 cup buttered baking dish. 
Sprinkle raisins and cinnamon over bread.  In a separate bowl, whisk 
eggs, sugar, salt and vanilla. Whisk in milk. Pour mixture over bread and 
let stand 1/2 hour in fridge, so that bread can absorb milk mixture. 
Place dish in center of oven and bake for 1 hour, or until a knife inserted into 
pudding comes out clean. Serve with Vanilla sauce. Serves 4 to 6. 

Vanilla Sauce 
2 cups whipping cream, 
3 egg yolks, 
8 tbsp. sugar. 
1 tsp. vanilla. 

In a pot, bring cream to a boil and remove from heat. In a separate bowl, 
combine egg yolks, sugar and vanilla. Gradually add some of cream mixture 
to egg mixture and blend carefully. Carefully add rest of cream. Return 
mixture to stove and thoroughly heat for a few minutes and sauce coats back 
of wooden spoon. (Do not let mixture come to a boil!!). 
Pour over bread pudding servings.

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