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1 (1 pound, 14 ounce) can peeled apricots
1 (1 pound) can crushed pineapple
2 (6 ounce) pkg. orange Jell-O
2 cups hot water
1 1/2 cups syrup drained from fruits
1/2 cup chopped pecans
1/2 teas. vinegar
1/2 cup sugar
3 Tbsp. flour
1 egg, beaten
1 can syrup from fruit
2 Tbsp. butter
1 cup cream, whipped
1/4 cup longhorn cheese, grated

Drain fruits, reserving syrup. Cut apricots into small pieces. 
Dissolve gelatin in hot water. Add 1 1/2 cups syrup from fruits. Cool. 
Add fruit and nuts. Pour into lightly oiled 9x13 inch pan.

Chill until firm. Mix sugar, vinegar, flour, egg and one cup syrup. 
Cook, stirring constantly, until thickened. Add butter. Cool. Whip cream and fold in. Spread over gelatin layer and sprinkle with cheese.

Refrigerate. Can be made days ahead. Cut into squares and arrange on lettuce 
on large tray for buffet. Serves 16

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