Can.Am.Ch. Shamar Acre's Takhe Me I'm Yours (USA) |
Sire Ch. Razzmatazz Prizetaker |
Sire China Crest Mohawk |
Sire Gipez's Ying Ming of Mordor |
Dam Zanzibar's Terraco |
Dam Razzmatazz Strelka |
Sire Kojak King of the Blues |
Dam Gipez's Belle Noire |
Dam Gorman's Bidez Tu Woo |
Sire Rosemary's Oh Jong Doo of Dickerson's |
Sire Dickerson's Johnie Apple Seed |
Dam Mayapan's Skeeter of Cha Miko |
Dam Dearborn's Ting Ting |
Sire Falconcrest Flamingo II |
Dam Phaedian's Rhea |
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