10 Things I Hate About You ~ B'Elanna
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10 Things I Hate About You ~ B'Elanna

By: Alicia (J0J0_77@hotmail.com)

July 2000

(VOY, P/T, PG~13)

Summary: From B'Elanna's POV. The 10 things she hates the most about Tom.

Spoiler Warning: None

Disclaimer: Not mine, Paramount's. They own it all. So please, don't sue.


No matter how many times I try to see only the good, the bad always manages to make it in the list. I'd love to be able to turn a blind eye to your faults, because in the end, you're a better person for them. But sometimes, it's just so damn hard.

So, Tom Paris, these are the ten things I hate about you.

You leave your dirty underwear draped on the chairs. Do you know how embarrassing it is to have the captain come in and see your underwear on my chair? She gets this little smirk and her eyes light up, as if to say she understands. You know I hate it when she does that!

You always try to blame me when you're sick. "Well, B'Elanna, if you hadn't insisted I go on that shoreleave.." "But B'Elanna, you're the one that told me to give Neelix's food a try.." Dammit helmboy, you have a mind of your own! I'm not at fault for your misjudgements.

You tell Harry too many details about us. Don't even try to deny that one, he's told me everything you've said. And just so you know..he did not need to hear about that incident with the whipped cream, frying pan, and handcuffs!

You think I still carry a torch for Chakotay. Think about it, Paris! Do I ever scream his name during the best sex I've ever had? Is it him that I run to when I need to have a good yell? Have I ever once compared the two of you? Do you see me getting drunk alongside him, or putting up with his holodeck programs? The answer to all of those are NO! So get a clue already.

You never tell me about your past. You know my entire childhood, every up and down of it. What do I really know about yours except the fact that you had a horrible father? Talk to me!

You assume you know what's best for me. Albeit, sometimes you do. But when I'm down in the dumps or pissed off at my staff, the best treatment isn't for you to disappear! I need you to curl up with me on the couch, or take me to the holodeck. I want to get my mind off my problems, no matter how much I tell you otherwise. You're supposed to know these things!

You try to disguise it when you've been admiring Seven's body. It's not cheating until you let looking get to touching, and frankly I don't think I have anything to worry about. You may be in a relationship with me, but I know you're not blind! Even though I wouldn't want breasts that size, it's okay for you to look at them...just don't comment on them. I know you're going to do it with or without my permission, but you don't have to lie.

You tell me it's okay to cry. So why don't I ever see you cry? And I know you do cry..I've seen it when you thought I wasn't looking. Is it that you don't care enough about me to let me in on your pain? Or is it just some macho thing?

You put on sympathy weight. It's like clockwork. I get upset, or something traumatic happens to me, and boom! Ten pounds. I love you, but I don't love the spare tire around your waist. True, it makes a nice pillow..but you don't have to eat yourself into oblivion every time I get upset!

You never tell me you love me. This is the thing I hate the most. I tell you every night how much I love you, and I never get the words back. I know you feel them, so why is it so hard for you to say them? Don't you think I need to know I'm loved? Because I do. Sometimes feelings just aren't enough.

So now you know. You think you might be able to correct some of those things?

Well, I suppose I should also add this. For every ten things I hate about you, there are fifty things I love about you...but that's a different story.


10 Things I Hate About You ~ B'Elanna
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