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Once Upon A Dream

By: Alicia (

(VOY, P/T, PG)

Summary: Missing scene from 'Once Upon A Time'. WARNING, It's -very- short.

Spoiler Warning: Once Upon A Time

Disclaimer: Not mine, Paramount's. They own it all. So please, don't sue. I'll return them when I'm through.


She hadn't seen him yet. She was there with the rescue crew that had pulled him out of the Flyer, but she hadn't seen him. She beamed directly to the shuttle bay, but Chakotay had shooed her away to Engineering. Now, the Doctor had paged her, but she couldn't go inside sickbay until he was completely finished. Tapping one foot impatiently, she remembered the past few days. Living them in fear that she'd never see him again, wondering if he was alive, wondering if he was slowly dying in pain . . .

"Come on in. There's someone here who wants to see you," the Doc said, his voice making her jump. Turning around, she offered him a tiny smile before squeezing her way into the room.

There. Sitting on a biobed. Sitting . . . so he was okay. He quickly hopped to his feet and met her halfway, scooping her up in his arms. He smelled awful, like dirt, sweat and blood. Nevertheless, she buried her nose in his shoulder, completely grateful to feel him in her arms again. Obviously, he felt the same way, as a long sigh escaped his throat.

"I didn't think I'd be able to do this again . . . " he whispered, pulling back and resting his forehead against hers. "I even recorded a goodbye note."

B'Elanna sighed against his lips and said, "I'm glad I won't have to watch it."

"I suppose you can go, Mr. Paris. I suggest a day off. But other than that, I have no reason to keep you here," the Doc said, reappearing around the corner and shattering their tender moment. Reluctantly Tom pulled away and took B'Elanna's hand.

"Come on. After almost dying . . . I want to make sure I'm truly still alive." The Doctor smiled fondly as the couple left sickbay, no doubt on their way to annoy the hell out of her neighbors.


Once Upon a Dream
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