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Which Character Are You Most Like?

Barge of the DeadTom? B'Elanna perhaps? Take the quiz! And at the end, please sign the Slambook to let everyone know who you are =)Alice

I hate those little radio button things, so write your answers down on paper and tally up the score at the end.

1) At a work function, you could be found:
a) Sipping punch in a corner by yourself
b) Listening politely to someone
c) Engaged in a lively conversation
d) pretending to like the people talking to you
e) Making your rounds, talking to everyone
f) Wondering when you can leave
g) Planning the next event
h) Standing against a wall watching everyone
i) Following one person, hoping not to be noticed.

2) Your ideal date:
a) A relaxing spa trip with someone special
b) A free trip on the open road
c) Something to get your heart pumping: skiing, mountain biking, etc.
e) Somewhere with great music and food
f) A quiet evening with someone you care about. Maybe roasing marshmallows and telling stories by the fire
g) A camping trip under the stars
h) A science center or amusement park
i) Dancing in a quiet diner or club

3) Your favorite book:
a) The Count of Monte Cristo
b) Phantom of the Opera
c) Frankenstein
d) Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde
e) The Hunchback of Notre Dame
f) Little House on the Prarie
g) Treasure Island
h) Ripley's Believe It Or Not
i) Broken Arrow

4) When someone picks a fight, you:
a) Only hit them if they hit you first
b) Give them a fight to remember
c) Already be swinging
d) Keep talking nervously
e) Be confused. Why would someone want to fight you?
f) See no point in fighting and try to keep the peace
g) Hit them good and walk away
h) Raise an eyebrow, diss them, and walk away
i) Wait until they start the fight, then finish it

5) Your ideal pet
a) Cat
b) Dog
c) Snake
d) Tiger
e) Fish
f) Rabbit
g) Monkey
h) Horse
i) Pet rock

6) When you're angry, you're:
a) Fighting to remain calm
b) Homicidal
c) Shaking
d) Gritting your teeth
e) Balling your fist
f) Glaring
g) Dangerous
h) Pissed, but fairly calm
i) Cracking your knuckles in anticipation

7) The only thing standing between you and a perfect life is:
a) Nothing. You have everything you need.
b) A few little things
c) Peace of mind
d) Your inability to let people in
e) Undeterminable factors
f) Someone to devote yourself to
g) The right people and influences in your life
h) Respect and happiness
i) Inability to trust others fully

8) Your best quality:
a) Superior Strength
b) Peace of mind
c) Ability to love
d) Open-mindedness
e) extracirricular abilities
f) Friendliness
g) Loveability
h) Sensuality
i) Dry humor

Got your results?



1) a=5 b=8 c=3 d=4 e=9 f=6 g=1 h=7 i=2
2) a=9 b=5 c=4 d=6 e=1 f=3 g=8 h=7 i=2
3) a=4 b=5 c=6 d=3 e=2 f=9 g=1 h=7 i=9
4) a=9 b=4 c=6 d=5 e=1 f=7 g=2 h=3 i=8
5) a=2 b=9 c=4 d=6 e=3 f=1 g=8 h=5 i=7
6) a=7 b=6 c=9 d=5 e=8 f=1 g=4 h=2 i=3
7) a=7 b=1 c=2 d=4 e=8 f=9 g=5 h=3 i=6
8) a=7 b=2 c=9 d=8 e=3 f=1 g=5 h=4 i=6

Tally them up!

If you scored: 8-15 You're most like Neelix
16-23 You're most like Seven of Nine
24-35 You're most like The Doctor
36-39 you're most like Tom
40-47 You're most like Harry
48-55 You're most like B'Elanna
56-63 You're most like Tuvok
64-69 You're most like Chakotay
70-72 You're most like Janeway

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