When I Met BSB!!
Hello my name is Kathy and this is when I met BSB.
Ok so it waz may 19th and me and my friend Cathy cut school. We went to the Virgen Mega store in Times square here in New York. We were about to leave when we saw this little crowd of girls standing outside this hotel. My friend and I had like so much time to chill so we deciede to wait outside the hotel. Well, I was up all the way right in front of the hotel cause somebody left the spot so we took it and this girl got attitude with me and I said "no I wasn’t going to move". Well the first person I saw was Brain's GF lennanne leaving the hotel with Brian's dog. Everyone including I was saying " hi lennann" but she just smiled and walked away. Well she came back after a few minutes and then My friend and I were waiting for like 20 minuets more and then I looked inside the Hotel and I SAW HIM.....KEVIN right in the elevator coming out.... I screamed to my friend " OMG Kevin" I was pulling her to the front but she was so nervous that she couldn't move so I was ahh. Then the police said "ok ladies your going to behave right or if not, they'll leave through the back door" and all the girls said "yes"....The first person to come out was Brian, ( he was holding lennann's hand :o( ) I saw him and I couldn't move...he was right infront of me...I was so shocked that I just couldn't move. then he started to walk away but I was like "no, Brian can I have your autograph please!!" and he stop his GF and he took my CD and I was like walking with him while he signed my CD then after he finished I turned around and saw Kevin so after he signed this other girls CD I gave him mine and he sign my CD and I was like " Thank you Kevin" Then I turned around again and saw Howie so I put my CD right infront of his face I was "hi howie hi howie please sign my CD" and he took my CD and signed it and he gave it back to me and I said " I love you howie" and he had this look on his face like " why is she saying she loves me if she doesn't even know me look...But I didn't care...so I went to go fine my friend and I said " OMG got Brian, Kevin's and Howies signatures and she interrupted me and said " DID ya get Nick's,,,,and I was like no...Then I ran right threw the crowd pushing everyone trying to reach Nick. I got to Nick and this security guard pushed me in my right shoulder and I just pushed back and held out my CD to Nick and he signed it for me and he got into the red van. Then I was like Thank you nick. All the other girls were looking for AJ but he wasn't there. So when we saw nick threw the car window we started to wave at him and he waved back at us and I blew him a kiss with my left hand. And then two red vans pulled right in the middle of the street and we were like following the vans. I was like OMG Cathy those other cars next to the vans, do those people know who are in those vans??? OMG it was raining so much, we had our umbrellas but we didn’t use them....we were like "OMG Cathy what just happen to us...OMG Kathy who did we just see...we were like crazy people. So everywhere we went I was telling strangers " We met the Backstreet Boys" and there like laughing....it was mad funny but we didn’t care!
OK.......Hey guys!!! Well if any of you ever met the BSB or saw them, can ya please send me a write up!! I dont care if u saw them a mile away or a inch away!! It means the same to me!! Please Email me with them!!
Love ya guys! :o)
Email: katluvsbsb@hotmail.com
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