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How i met BSB...again!

How I met BSB...again!
Ok, well everyone already knows how much I love BSB! I’ll do anything for them and to meet them. So it was the day after the Johnny Noname concert, which was April 10th. My friend Erica and I decided to look for BSB in the city (NYC) cause they were all here to tape the special VH-1 Men Strike Back.
So I left on my quest to find BSB again and this time to take at least one picture with one BSB. I didn't care which BSB, cause I love them all!
So I left my house at 10:30pm at night to meet up with Erica in the city. We knew that Howie, Kevin and AJ were going to the Howard Stern show on Tuesday April 11, 2000 for an interview by Howard Stern himself and that later that day BSB were all going to go to the taping of Men Strike Back.
So it was Monday night April 10th at 11pm and we headed out to fine BSB. We first heard that BSB were staying at the Four Seasons Hotel, but they weren't there, only Enrique Iglesias was staying at that hotel. So Erica and I decided to wait for Enrique to come back from rehearsals so we can ask him if he knew were BSB were staying at. Then we met up with other BSB fans that were also looking for the hotel. So Erica and I decided to try other hotels.
So we asked these fellow BSB fans if they could give us a ride to the Swiss hotel. Cause the Backstreet Band,(the Johnny Noname band) were staying at the Swiss hotel, so we thought BSB would be there also. So before we tried that Swiss hotel, we were going to check out other hotels. From that moment on, we knew that we were going to stay outside all night. So we Broke Night. (which means, staying out all night with NO SLEEP) ahem, guys, am I crazy or what? Yah I am crazy….FOR BSB!
So, we knew that if we didn’t fine there hotel, that we at least knew that BSB was going to appear in the Howard stern show and that we were going to go to the K-rock building (where the Howard stern show is boardcast) to try and catch up with them! Well we went to various different hotels, and NO LUCK.
So it just turned 6:30am and we headed towards the Howard Stern Building. We got lost like 3 times looking for that building. But we found it eventually. The building was infront of a McDonalds and I had to go to the bathroom cause I felt sick to my stomach. I felt sick because I was cold, scared that we already missed BSB enter the building, cause I thought I wasted my time (the whole freakin' night) looking for them and getting nothing out of it, and because maybe I would just meet them and start crying or something like that.
I told Erica let me first cry and throw up before I go back out there to meet Howie, AJ, and Kevin. I didn’t want them to see me cry like a baby. But I thought if I just stood there in McDonalds, that I would probably miss them. So we left to Meet Howie, AJ, and Kevin. When we were in front of the doors, we were afraid that the security guard would be a mean man. But we said, "what can we lose..Let’s just go ask him if BSB would enter throw these doors" and the security guard was the nicest person ever! He said that BSB would enter through those doors cause he needs to check them in and that entrance way was the only way into the building, yet alone into the Howard Stern Floor.
I asked the guard if the BSB came already and he said no. but he said he thought one of them was already upstairs, but this lady who was also down stairs said that no BSB was upstairs cause she just came back from there and she didn’t see no BSB what so ever. So the security guard let us stay inside with him! He was so nice, and he kept giving us hints! He said that once he is off duty that my friend and I could enter the elevator and go upstairs to the Howard Floor andthat he can't stop us because he is off duty. We were like "Oh My god" but I was just nervous that I was going to meet them again in a more personal manner. IT WAS JUST MY FRIEND AND I... THE ONLY ONES THERE WAITING FOR BSB INSIDE THE BULIDING!!... NO ONE ELSE!!!! JUST ME AND HER!!

[ thats sad though. Only two fans waiting to see them.
It's like they lost a great deal of fans!. ]

I kept getting into these nerve attacks and my friend Erica told me to stop cause I was making her nervous to. I kept breathing in and out and walking all around!! I just couldn’t stop! I was happy and at the same time very nervous! I was going to meet up with Howie, AJ and Kevin.
Well like 15 minutes later, it was about I think 7:45am and the security guard told is that he was off duty and that we can enter the elevator without his permission. He was VERY KIND! (I should go back to the building and give him a present!) But anyway, the thing was, this other security guard told us that when he comes back to take over, he was going to ask us to leave the building and to wait outside, IN THE COLD! So I was praying that BSB would come soon, but I was also STILL VERY NERVOUS..
then it happen…the security guard told us, look there they come, get your pen and paper ready!…I was like OMG OMG OMG then they came inside the doors, and my friend Erica was all up in AJ, putting her arm in his shoulder and talking to him, while I asked Howie for an autograph, but see the thing is, the Howie’s security guard told me to WALK WITH THEM CAUSE THEY COULDN’T STOP..that was so very nice of Howie’s security guard. Then I asked howie for an autograph and he signed it in my DAIRY! He did the whole signature bit for me! He drew a smilely face and made his signature all nice! Then he said to me "HERE YOU GO SWEETIE" looking right at my eyes…..Oh My God…Howie D called me Sweetie!!!!!!!! Then I gave my Diary to AJ and my jelly pen to him and he signed his signature also and after he was done he said, "Here, Here you go, here is your pen" making sure I didn’t forget my pen! OMG AJ was sooo awesome and he was SOOOOO HOT!! OMG he was the best!! I didn’t bother to get Kevin’s Signature cause Carlos (his bodyguard) was there. That guy is such a d*ck head! So, when they entered the elevator we saw there was no room for us to enter with them, so when the elevator went up, the security guard told us to go up there also, and Erica was like "COME ON KATHY!!" I went to grab my bag and we took the next elevator up to the Howard floor and when we got off, we heard howie and AJ’s VOICE! We like screaming silently! Then we were scared and we went by the elevator and kept pushing the down button. Then when we entered the elevator we started screaming! I was like “Oh my god, thank you Erica!!” She was like “See, I told you B, I told you we were going to meet them!” then we decicded to go back to the Howard floor and see if we can get into the show, so when we got out of the elevator, Howie, AJ and Kevin were gone, but this other guy was standing outside the studio and we asked him if we can enter and he was like “Hold on” and then this big fat guy in glasses and dressed in a businness suit told us that we couldn’t enter, so we were like “Ok thank you” and we went back down to the......

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