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African Travelogues

This is my list of African travelogues that I either own or have read in alphabetical order. Whenever possible, the book cover is posted on the right with my own brief description on the left. If there is no book cover available by, there is a Chapters button. If Chapters has both a hardcover and a paperback version of the book, the image link will take you to purchase the hardcover, and the text link will be to purchase the paperback.

A Journey down the Niger:A Journey Down the Niger This is an interesting account of the author and his friend's journey (twice) to the much fabled city of Timbuctu in Mali (West Africa). They set out the first time at age 18, but never made it. The story intertwines these two adventures along with the more documented "famous" expeditions to find Timbuctu.
Find the paperback version here: To Timbuktu: Journey Down The Niger
Author: Mark Jenkins

I have a lot more, but am super tired tonight! hehe Expect a lot of improvements in the next few days!:)

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Kat's Library Index
Katrina's African Adventures