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Heretics of Ro
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  Welcome to the Sanctuary of Ro, home to the Heretics of Ro and it's visitors. This is a clan dedicated to Gravity's Ragnarok Online, and it aspires to be one of the best schools for "specialized" knowledge in Ragnarok. Feel free to send any information that you feel would benefit this site and its visitors.

Not many updates today, but at least it's the Magician FAQ.

Got bored, so I wrote a Magician FAQ. And no, this is not one of the "secrets" I'm currently working on. It's VERY preliminary, so don't expect anything miraculous.

Here's a quick update just so everyone knows I'm still alive and kicking. School has finally started kicking into high gear and I've finally gotten a job, so updates will be sporadic (hmm.. not that that's any different than now). Don't worry, I'm still working on it. =D

As for the guild, it seems we've come into another low. Many members have re-discovered the thrills of Hardcore Diablo II:LoD, and new people seem to fear the PK lifestyle of this guild -- and we aren't even PKing yet. =/ Whatever the case, we're reduced to a handful of active members -- quality over quantity is always a good thing.

And the new site... I've come into one tiny little problem. Angelfire doesn't provide php support (shame on them). That seems to be the only problem. I'll try and pull some strings so we can get our own server up and stuff. Also, I've got two surprises that could actually "benefit" the Ragnarok Online community. Just wait and see~ =P
In the meantime, I'll be messing around a bit with the site's layout for now...

And before I forget, thanks to my younger brother who was kind enough to make us a "kick-@$$" logo. =P

My apologies for any lack of updates for the past few days, I've been sucked into a little game called Final Fantasy X (as well as trying to learn php for the future version of this website =D ). Here's a list of updates for now:

WhyBee has sent in an easier to read version of beerninja's Level 1 Sewer Map. I know... a bit late, but it's still a bit easier to read than Loki's maps. =P

The Members Section, Roster, and Forums will not be active until the updated site is up. In other words, until I learn PHP, we've got nothin'. Mwahahaha~

And last but not least, I updated the links page for new sites and fixed URLs. Oh yeah, the contact page was fixed too. =P

Here is a map of the first level to the sewers in Pronters. Just click here. This map was made by beerninja, so give him your thanks when you see him. =)

Wow! Gravity's going all out with the beta patches. It's good to know they're actually updating... It's a shame their server is being hammered, so here's Patch #10 with just about 10k to go. Only use this patch after you've finished patches 1 - 9 (conviniently located at RO-World. Enjoy.

Update: I should have said this earlier. The patch I have hosted has only 10kb to finish the patch, so you still need to connect to the server. Gravity's server has a tendancy to cut you off and not tell you... so if it stops, just Cancel, and Resume. =D

Rejoice! The RO Beta is now online! It's a huge improvement over the alpha, so get it while you can. There are mirror's hosted at RO-World, so get them while it's hot. =P Also, it's been awhile since the last update, so there's much to be said regarding the guild and it's current status:

With the fall of and it's guild forums, I have lost my list of guild members. Sorry everyone, that was a huge mistake on my part. Everyone is still welcome to join, just contact me either in-game or online if you get the chance.

Since there's not much to do in RO with the alpha, I've decided to wait until beta comes out before we do any kind of heavy planning. Contact me if you decide to continue your stay or leave for other reasons. Until then, have fun guys and grrls!

It's opening day for the Sanctuary of Ro, and what a shameful showing it is! The site's bare and many things are still missing (namely the forums). Please forgive the lack of eye-candy, but I want to get the content down first. I'll save the fluff for a later date (maybe).

I have decided to make this page a fan-based one to help with the community and development of a new MMORPG, which is currently in alpha-testing. The beta should be released sometime this November.

Wow, it's been three months now. i thought the site needed a sleeker look (actually, i'm stalling 'cuz i don't wanna do homework), so here it is. i've taken the liberty of removing the frames, because i hate closing the silly pop-up banners. Everything else should come up within the next couple of days, so stay tuned!

Hmmm... why do i keep writing these? It's not like anyone reads anyhow, lol. Well, if anyone IS though, do you know of of any nice looking counters? i think Angelfire's looks a bit bulky with the new design...
