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name: Kingsley John Daniel Delgado Chargualaf
nick: kinx
birthdate: march 23
occupation: financial specialist
type of music: hip-hop, r&b, & alternative music
schools: guam community college - tradesmen (graduated 1999)
             john f. kennedy high school - islanders (freshman year)
             dededo middle school - roadrunners
             maria a. ulloa elementary school - carabaos
phone: ask and ye shall receive......

all this info is all about don't you go frontin' when you see somethin' that you don't   like...cause it don't matter...i have listed the things i'm thankful for and the things i am    determined to achieve...think twice before decidin' on misusin' any of this info in any harmful way...cause if you know...i'll do you wrong as much as you could do do know how "payback" works...yeah...well...i thought so...  for me...anyway...i have always thought of myself as a strong, smart individual that has the potential that can bring others down...forcefully or not...i will admit i am rather "blunt"  however compared to others...i seem small-talk...but i'm not one to debate with...i'm stubborn...and unless i feel sorry for you...and your at your at-most-accuracy...i'd probably make you feel good and win one...i'll let you have your's the least i could do for your self family has always told me that if i were in "mtv's the real world"...i'd make the show "two hours"...well...i don't those of you who know know wassup...and i'm not trying to brag or's just that i'm up-front...well..a lot has changed about me since high school or so i was told...and if you knew me then and see me now...i guess you can say so...but otherwise..keep your mouth shut..i don't need no false accusations...for those who know me personally..if you thought i was hell on wheels or not...try me now...the best advice i could give you is to not let me think of a way to bring you down...and believe me...i'll find a just watch....and if you thought you were close to me before and i didn't mention your name in my list...what does that tell you...(it's either i found out something about you or what you said about me before...) oh and if your a family member and you see "cuss" words...well...don't tell me you didn't know...cause uhhhh.....i do live in the northern section of did have a lot to do with my attitude growing up...and....yeah...well...enough gossip...and let's do this!
things i like...
wrestling...(watching it, anyway...) 
talking to friends... 
giving advice... 
listening to music... 
playing on the pc... 
making money...lots of money... 
kicking back with friends... 
use your imagination....wait...nevermind... 
things i dislike... 
kinky stuff... 
what pregnant people crave... 
prejudice people... 
people who think their all that... 
people who know their all that... 
backstabbing "so-called    friends" 
stinky things...diapers...garbage cans... 
people who complain too damn much... 
people who cry all the time... 
mo-foes who think they got it... 
you get it.....right?... 

Jos...i just want you to know that you were more than just a were more like an idol...up-front...if i wanted to be like someone else but myself...i would want to be just like you...thank you..jos..for bein' such a great and understandin' friend...

Ness...i would just like to thank you for all the laughs and all we had together...i just wish we could have spent more time together...and you know...if you ever need gas money...come see me...cause there ain't a damn person out there who could take your place...

James Santos
  James...thanx for all the gossip and entertaining stories you had boilin' up in that head of yours...i know we didn't start out as good friends...but ended up a cool friend...thanx for bein' one...i appreciate it...

     Urs...thanx for sharin' your time with me whenever it was just you and me...all the laughs..the gossip..the are just too much of a good friend...puttin' all them bad things behind...i appreciate your friendship as much as i appreciate your company...thanx Urs!

James Berry
   James...i know we didn't have much of a close friendship our senior year...but i hope to make up for that with you bein' considered my best friend...thanx for all the help and your lended ear to hear whatever i had to say...your just have to know it...thanx James...

 Dac...i miss you girl...there are times that i just wanted to tell you stuff that i couldn't tell others...your understanding...i know who to go to when i need some honest and up-front advice...

Tia know i love you girl...i'll miss you...don't you forget about me..cause it's gonna be hard for me to not think of you...i trust in your decisions...keep it real...

Darren Delgado
    D...thanx for bein' such a cool friend...even though you can be such an cool...keep your head up and gon' wit' yo bad self!

Darren Camacho
 dude...good luck in life...i wish you the best in college and may you find the person of your every dream to finally quench your thirst!

Justin Cruz
  Jus..give Tara a hug for me and take care of yourself! you know we care..and you need to come around more often!

 Justin Camacho
    aight have a kid you need to make up your mind and take care of things...i know you could do it...your that type of guy! as you always say.."live in the now!"

 Teej...thanx for always bein' there for me to relieve stress and headaches...i thank you for your honesty and can't be matter how hard anyone tries...

Jessel best keep in touch...just cause your lover left...anyway...good luck without that person and as i told you fire with fire...and get yourself a "cha'mak"! and thanx for all the great tips on html...

John Paul
  John..thanx for bein' so open and honest to i told know how to flatter someone...i could tell in all those girls voices..keep your head up and keep in touch!

To All You Others
   Kevin..Aaron..DECA..CSO..Computer Science..Marketing..GCC Library Staff..GCC Student Support Staff..all ya'll..thank you..thank you..