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After All...

Notes: This is it! The last part! (Really...) The end is basically a lil' glimpse of the future, although I guess I could have made more parts instead of explaining it in a few sentences... Well, I really didn't want this series to last forever, did you?

Rating: G (Oh my gosh! What's happened to the rating? It keeps getting lower! :p)

Disclaimer: I created Kae, but the rest ain't mine!

Part Eleven - What the Future Holds

"What, Mom? Did you say something?"

With a start, my gaze focuses on my daughter's curious face. "Oh... no, I guess I was just talking to myself."

"Again?" she teases. "You must have an awful lot on your mind." I just smile as she continues carefully weeding her little garden. From my vantage point on the back porch, I can see both of her gardens quite well - the smaller vegetable garden she is working in now as well as the much larger flower garden she takes so much pride in. And with her big hat, dusty overalls, heavy gloves, and smudge of dirt on her nose, she looks almost like a professional gardener, even if she is only 15 years old. I am so glad that she has the space now to do what she loves so much. Which brings her earlier statement to mind: I do have an awful lot on my mind.

Life has seemed to improve to me since we moved to this house on the outskirts of town, a comfortable two-story place with more than enough room for all of us. That had been a whole six years ago... but it has only felt like a few days.

Kojiro had insisted I leave my waitressing job behind when we moved, and I had been willing to do so, mainly because it become so burdensome to me. In turn, I had insisted that he keep his own job; it makes him happy, and besides that, gives him something to do so he's not underfoot all the time trying to "help" me keep house, which is what I call my job now. I guess it is hard for him to let me take over, since it is something he's done all by himself for years now. But by now he has become used to the arrangement and only helps out if I allow him to.

As for Kae, she is doing wonderfully in school while still keeping up with her gardens, as well as the plethora of grass-type Pokémon she's managed to catch - six so far, her favorites being Kireihana and Chikoriita.

I watch her in the garden as I continue to muse over her, before she finally stands up and heads my way, dusting her hands off on her pants legs. Her lavender hair catches the light as she tosses her hat on the chair next to me; the little pigtails had grown out into two long ponytails that she keeps in a style similar to Yamato's. Not something I would have been thrilled with some time ago, but it doesn't bother me much now.

"Daddy come out yet?" she asks with a smile as she seats herself cross-legged in front of me. I lean forward to affectionately flip the long strand of hair between her eyes.

"No, not yet." I suppose that Kae is a bit of a "daddy's girl", as she does tend to follow him around a lot. She has definitely inherited his strange sense of humor - I often have to yell at the both of them for some of their terrible jokes.

"Well, he'd better hurry up! He promised to look at my rosebushes today. Besides, it's Saturday! He shouldn't be working on those projects," she sighs.

"You know your father," I reply in a mock-scolding tone. "Always putting things off until the last minute. But I'm sure he'll be done soon and be out here to pester us before you--"

"Good afternoon, ladies." We both turn quickly to see Kojiro standing in the doorway, bowing deeply. "Have either of you seen Ootachi lately?"

Kae is obviously fighting hard to keep from laughing, while I merely frown disapprovingly. "Kojiro... it's on your head."

He swivels his eyes up just in time to see the little rodent-like creature peek down at him, chirping happily before jumping down and dashing away. "Ah... oh! That's why my head felt so heavy..."

I just shake my head while Kae bursts out laughing. "You two... I don't know how I can put up with either of you."

"It's easy," Kojiro begins, squishing himself into the chair with me. The seat is actually quite large, but there is barely enough room for two people. "It's because you love us so much," he grins, leaning slightly to kiss my cheek. I eye him warily, but notice that Kae is gazing up at us adoringly.

"We must have the best family in the world... don't you think?" she sighs happily. I look from my daughter to my husband, two sets of emerald eyes shining at me with deep love.

"Yes... As a matter of fact, we do."


Time continues to pass, just as it has always done. Kojiro and I still have many things ahead of us in life.

Our daughter will go on to become a top horticulturist and plant Pokémon breeder, and of course will continue to make her father and I very proud.

Yamato and Kosaburo will continue to be our friends, even if I still find Yamato to be quite annoying at times. But she will remain welcome to visit us, along with her husband and five (yes, five) children.

We will read about Satoshi in the newspaper; he will finally become the Pokémon master he had always wanted to be. And despite our past differences, we will be happy for him.

Rocket-dan will seemingly dissolve - there will be no further mention of them in the papers.

We will never see or hear of Rumika again.

And as for our old and dear friend Nyasu... We will never discover what fate truly befell our old comrade, for such information probably disappeared along with Rocket-dan. But we will never forget him, for you never forget your true friends.

And Kojiro and I? Of course we will live happily ever after. After all... We deserve it, don't you think?

There. Done. Happy now? Yes? I hope so. Cuz I am. ^___^ Now write me and let me know what you thought!

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