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The Anti-"Is James Gay?" Page

I knew the title of this section would get your attention. :p

You've all seen them. The first time I saw one, I was shocked because I'd never considered it. And after reading several, I became disgusted with them in general, and they're now one of my pet peeves about James-only websites (since most include this section) and a few Team Rocket pages, even when most of them conclude that he's not. And heck, I'm a Rocketshipper. It makes sense that I'd hate them.

What am I talking about? Go read the title of this section again.

So, what do I hate about them? I suppose I can't really apply "hate" to most of them, but it bugs me when I see some that list every instance of James in drag, then list James quotes and try to insinuate that he's using homosexual euphemisms. Especially when they give quotes that are not even James', and incorrectly label them as such. You can probably tell I have a specific page/s in mind, but I won't mention them here.

My point is... I don't think he is, nor do I find the topic worth pursuing. But to humor those of you who simply MUST HAVE REASONS why... OK, you asked for it. ^_^

I can begin with the basics, I guess. You've probably read them a million times: He "fell in love" with a girl (even though it was a spell, and the girl was a ghost). He once commented on a girl being "cute".

I know, I know. They've been used so many times, they almost seem cliché in thier own right. Another thing that I recall is that in his Japanese song "Lucky Lucky", he sings about meeting a girl, and later they supposedly go to her place (uhh.. sorry, Jessie ^_^;). And I know some of you have seen the Toshihiro Ono manga pictures of Jessie and James together. As in, married. If you haven't, I'll have a link up soon to where you can find them.

I know some of you still think the crossdressing thing is proof enough... But see, it's a disguise. When you wear a disguise, people aren't supposed to know who you are. So if you're a boy, disguising yourself as a girl may be the best way to go. And don't even bring up the inflatable breasts thing. It was all for the sake of the Team. Besides, there is such a thing as a gag (gag: 4. "a comic effect" --The American Heritage Dictionary). And the Japanese are much more liberal with their comedy in animation than Americans are, trust me. ^_^ Something to remember... when James is disguising himself on his own, he usually dresses as a guy ("The Ultimate Test", etc.) There are a lot of times where he's just disguised as a guy anyway. Don't forget that Jessie crossdresses just as much as James. Have you ever seen a "Is Jessie a Lesbian?" page? Not I.

Finally, a note on James' voice. I know that Eric Stuart's version (as much as I love it) seems a little shrieky at times. Not to mention that insane giggle. But have you ever heard Miki Shin'ichirou's version?

Wow. It's often very deep and quite masculine, and when he's talking in a soft tone, downright spine-tingling. To some of us, at least. ^_^ Yet he has that amazing range too, going from lower to higher and back. Again, it's comedy.

Anyway, I've had enough. I can't take it anymore! I'm writing my own worst nightmare! It looks like a "Is James Gay?" page in disguise as a Anti-"Is James Gay?" page... at least it's not in drag. :p Ah well. My feelings on the subject have finally been aired from their long stay in the dusty recesses of my mind.

Hey! Got a comment? Wanna pummel me into the ground after I said some o' those things? Let me know. ^_^
