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The A - Z List of What You Can Learn From Team Rocket

Always remember where you dug the hole.

Be prepared; you never know what's going to come flying out of nowhere and hit you in the face.

Criticize not the woman that holdeth the 50 pound mallet.

Don't laugh at any Pokémon - no matter how small and pathetic-looking it is.

Electric rodent + water = ouch.

Frying pans are amazingly multi-purpose.

Grabbing ahold of your partner is perfectly acceptable as long as it's synchronized.

How long you fly through the air is directly proportional to how hard you were hit.

If at first you don't succeed, try, try, again... and again... and again...

Just thinking you're invisible may not mean you actually are.

Kicking Pokémon is a good way to induce evolution; it's also a good way to induce them to beat the crap out of you.

Large, heavy objects really hurt when they land on you.

Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy you something totally worthless.

Never underestimate the motto.

Over-dressing for any occasion is impossible.

Place blame on someone else whenever possible.

Questioning the decisions of an angry redhead is a good way to get your vertebrae rearranged for you.

Round objects can be very distracting.

Self-worship is a completely legitimate hobby.

Trust the enemy only when you're sure you can deny doing it later.

Unicycles can be cool.

Victreebel don't make good hair stylists.

Whining usually doesn't get you what you want; but at least it annoys your partner.

EXtra hairspray can make your hair a formidable weapon.

You would be surprised at the kind and amount of 'accidents' you can live through.

Zubat live in caves. (Okay, so I didn't learn that from Team Rocket, but I couldn't think of anything else. :p)
