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Meowth Cam

Notes: What if Meowth walked around all day with a video camera strapped to his head? Wonder no more! :p The basic point is to imagine the whole thing like you're watching it through the camera's perspective. Makes it funnier. I don't know, it seemed like a good idea at the time... (but then, ideas always seem good "at the time"...)

Rating: PG (mild language, maybe a mildly suggestive comment or two)

Disclaimer: I hereby disclaim all ownership of these poor characters. Happy? :p

- Camera time reads: 8:00 a.m. -

*camera shakes around, the picture blurry before focusing on a close-up of Meowth's face*

MEOWTH: "Hope I'm workin' dis right... Anyway, dis is taping day number one. See, I got dis brilliant idea to strap a camera on my head so I can tape what goes on here in Team Rocket. You know, like a documentary. And then sell copies later and make a huge profit... ahhh..." *eyes go starry* "But anyway, here goes."

*camera turns around and shakes wildly as Meowth tries to fit it on his head*

MEOWTH: *mutters* Come on, come on... d@$# strap...

*camera goes black*

- Camera time reads: 8:13 a.m. -

MEOWTH: "Here we go."

*camera pans slowly around the inside of Team Rocket's "cabin" hideout*

MEOWTH: "Morning for Team Rocket. The beginning of yet another day of mischief and mayhem."

*camera heads into the bedroom for another panoramic shot*

MEOWTH: "Ahh. Notice how the men are first to rise in the morning."

*camera focuses on Jessie's sleeping bag; her head is only barely showing above the top*

MEOWTH: "As you can see, Jessie is da only member not yet awake. I would compare her in da morning to a cranky Jynx... she really looks like one anyway..." *Jessie's head appears over the edge of the bag to glare at Meowth with huge bloodshot eyes; he doesn't seem to notice* "Great care is recommended when dealin' with this member, and this is due largely to her cruel nature and nasty att--"

JESSIE: "And I'm about to show you an example of both right now! *lunges at the camera*

*camera spins around and bounces toward the door before going black*

- Camera time reads: 8:21 a.m. -

*camera jiggles a little before stopping to focus on a door standing slightly ajar*

MEOWTH: "Alright... Dis is da bathroom, where we will more than likely find the final member of our team."

*door is pushed open and the camera travels up to take in a shot of James, wearing a towel, with shaving cream all over his face, a razor poised in his hand*

MEOWTH: "Here we see James, desperately tryin' ta shave even though he can't grow facial hair." *snickers*

JAMES: "Hey! I can too! ...a little anyway... And what are you doing in here?" *stops and blinks down at the camera* "What's... what's that on your head?" *sticks his face right in the lens* "Hmm..."

MEOWTH: "Dat... oh... dat's just my new hat... it's da latest fashion. Like it?"

JAMES: "It is nice..." *straightens up* "Do you think I could wear something like that?"

MEOWTH: "Nah... It's just not you. I could see you in somethin' a little more frilly, a little more pink..."

JAMES: *scowls* "Haha. Meowth, you're just so funny."

*camera suddenly appears to fly through the air backwards, ending with a jarring thump*

JAMES: "And stay out!" *slams door*

MEOWTH: *mutters* "Moron."

*camera twitches several times, then goes black*

- Camera time reads: 9:02 a.m. -

*camera shows a small table with cans of food all over it, Jessie and James sitting on the other side*

MEOWTH: "Just another crappy breakfast for Team Rocket... Just how tantalizing are canned pancakes, anyway?"

JESSIE: "What are you complaining about? It's your fault that James didn't come out of the bathroom for half an hour. It's too late for him to fix something decent now."

JAMES: "He insulted me." *sniffs* "And it serves him right to suffer. But say, Jess, don't you like his hat? It's so... stylish."

JESSIE: "You imbecile, that's a camera, not a hat. And I'm afraid to ask what he's doing with it on his head."

JAMES: "A camera for a hat... That is stylish..."

JESSIE: *sighs* "Just shut up and eat."

*camera pans slowly back and forth between Jessie and James in complete silence for the next few minutes*

JAMES: "Hey, I'm going to use the last of the syrup, if no one objects." *grabs the bottle and waves it around*

JESSIE: "I happen to want it."

JAMES: *grins* "Too bad." *starts to tip it over his food*

JESSIE: "Hey! I said I wanted that!" *tackles him to the floor*

*camera loses them from sight for a moment before bouncing up on the table to get a view from over the edge of Jessie and James wrestling*

JESSIE: "Give... me... James!"

JAMES: "No, it's mine!"

MEOWTH: "Now dis is more like it... action at last. Notice how they only appear to be wrestling for mere syrup, when in actuality it's a convenient way ta feel each other up."

*camera shakes a little as Jessie and James stop to stare at Meowth, identical angry blushes painted on their faces*

JESSIE&JAMES: "What do you know?"

*two fists swing right into the lens, picture goes fuzzy, then black*

- Camera time reads: 10:23 a.m. -

*camera opens with a shot of Meowth's head, a large bandage pasted on top*

MEOWTH: "Well, dis is Meowth Cam number two... number one met with an unfortunate accident. At least the tape itself survived..." *glares off-screen* "Morons." *looks back* "We are now here at HQ to get our assignment for the day. Hopefully I'll get some great shots of da boss..."

*camera moves up and slides around several times before holding still: the inside of a huge building can be seen as the camera follows Jessie and James down the hall*

JESSIE: "This is just great... We're late now. And it's your fault!" *pokes James*

JAMES: "My fault? My fault? How is that?"

JESSIE: "I had to take another shower because your stupid syrup got in my hair!"

JAMES: "My syrup? My syrup? So it's my syrup now? It isn't my fault it takes you an hour to get your hair to just the right stiffness."

JESSIE: *glares* "I would punch you if we weren't so close to the boss's office."

JAMES: "Sure you would. Err... Do we knock or just go in?"

MEOWTH: "Just go in. It'll make for more drama."

JAMES: "Sure, whatever."

*camera zooms in for a shot of Giovanni's desk as the door opens; he is sitting surrounded by Pokémon dolls, it looks like he's having a... tea party.*

GIOVANNI: *high-pitched voice* "Oh Pikachu, your fur looks so lovely today! You must tell me who your furdresser is! More tea, Bulbasaur?" *stops and looks up* "Oh... uhh..." *grabs everything and shoves it under his desk* "You imbeciles! Haven't you ever heard of knocking?!"

JAMES: "Duhhh..."

JESSIE: "Dahhh..."

MEOWTH: "Dehhh..."

GIOVANNI: *clears throat* "Anyway... What in the hell do you want?" *sits back and pets his Persian angrily*

JAMES: "Uhh..."

JESSIE: "Ahh..."

MEOWTH: "Ehh... We just wanna know what our assignment is for today!"

GIOVANNI: *stands up and screams* "You nitwits! Every day you ask the same thing and every day it's the same! Get me rare Pokémon! Now get out of here! ...Wait..." *stares at Meowth* "Is that... is that a camera on your head?"

*camera starts shaking violently*

MEOWTH: "It's... well... it's a hat. Latest... fashion... heh..."

*camera gets a shaky shot of Giovanni coming toward it; a huge hand is place over the lens, followed by a snapping noise before the picture goes black*

- Camera time reads: 11:55 a.m. -

*camera shows the interior of the Meowth balloon, Jessie and James peering at the ground from opposite corners*

MEOWTH: "Welcome, camera number three..." *sighs* "Again, the tape remained undamaged... luckily. We've been searchin' for those twerps and the Pikachu for over an hour now with no lunch in sight..."

JESSIE: "Will you stop talking to that stupid thing? It's gotten us into enough trouble today as it is."

JAMES: "Jessie's right. Anyway, can't we stop and eat? We're never going to find them at this rate."

JESSIE: "No, we're not stopping for anything. Not until we find those brats."

*camera searches the land below, zooming in and out before finally stopping on three human shapes*

MEOWTH: "There! There they are!"

JESSIE: "Yes! Now, James and I will land the balloon while you deploy the Sure-Fire Pikachu Capture Thingy."

MEOWTH: "The SFPCT? Ya mean da net?"

JESSIE: "Whatever, just do it!"

*camera shows two paws grabbing a net, then shakily goes up the side of the basket to look at the ground below*

MEOWTH: "Dis is kinda... whoa... it's kinda hard balancing with dis thing on my... on my... AHHH! ...oh crap..."

*camera reels around in circles before getting a lovely shot of the sky for quite some time, then another thump is heard and the camera lags to one side*

MEOWTH: "Who'da thought... the ground... could be so... hard..."

ASH'S VOICE: "Hey, that's Meowth! Pikachu, sic 'im!"

*Pikachu's big yellow face appears slowly at the edge of the screen, then pops into full view*

PIKACHU: "Pika pika!"

*picture statics wildly and goes black*

- Camera time reads: 6:47 p.m. -

*camera shows a close-up of Meowths' face, this time with considerably more bandages*

MEOWTH: "You guessed it... camera number four." *sighs* "Well, due to extensive injury and overall disappointment... I have concluded dat this camera thing is definitely not workin' out."


MEOWTH: *yells off-screen* "Shut up!" *mutters* "Moron." *turns back* "I hate to have to say this... but... but..." *starts bawling* "I'm not gonna get rich offa dis! Dis is just a bunch o' crappy shots dat show Team Rocket's a bunch of lunatics! AHAHAHAA!! ... ehh, I'm over it."

OFF-SCREEN VOICE: "Will you shut up?"

*camera shows a pancake can flying in from off-screen and clunking Meowth on the head; he promptly falls over*

MEOWTH: "Eh... fade out, already."

*camera shows a paw reaching up over the top of the screen, then the picture fades to black*

The End... I think.

Okay, yeah, whatever. Send me comments, dangit! Thanks. ^.^

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