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Cathy's Art

Here's some pics sent to me by Cathy in England! (cool, huh?) ^_^ Let her know how much you like them by writing to her here.

Jessie doing her James impression ^_^
Manga-style James, and a little Misty
Large pic of Jessie, James, and Meowth from the Pokémon manga. They're so cute. ^_^
Oh, I love it! Chibi Kojiro and Zelgadis... ^_^
Self-portrait of the artist as a Rocket member. Very cute ^_^
Chibi Jess and Jim waving... ^_^
Cathy cleaned up the messy Musashi pic from my art section! And now it looks lovely! ^__^
Jessie and James on holiday in England... Cathy says it always rains there. ^_^ But they look so cute. ^.^
SD Jessie and James dancin'. ^_^
Pretty SD Jessie.
SD James and doughnuts. O_O Hehe. ^_^
Jessie and James as merpeople. I really like this idea, it's cute. ^_^
