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Cori-chan's Art - 1999

All the images on this page are fanarts by me! Please do not take them without asking me first! If you're nice about it, I might let you. ^_^ Most of these are done in colored pencil, my medium of choice, they might not always lend well to scanning, but...

Pencil sketch of Jessie
Similar sketch of James
The first pencil drawing of Jessie and James I ever drew (I'm so sentimental ^_^)
Back to back head shot of Jessie and James, in pencil
Cute pic of Jessie holding a rose (and James looking embarrassed ^_^), in colored pencil
Colored pencil of Jessie standing close to James
Jessie and James as kids, colored pencil (the scanner was pretty rough on this one)
Jessie really wanted a Pikachu, she wanted one really bad... (I draw strange things out of boredom ^_^)
Jessie, James, and Meowth, manga style in their alternate costumes, colored pencil
Our heroes in their hot air balloon (trust me, that's what it is ^_^)
Jessie posing, colored pencil
Big pic of Jessie and James, the scanner really REALLY didn't like this one... but it's okay.
Jessie, James, and all their Pokémon
