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Cori-chan's Art - 2000

It may be a bit after the fact, but here's some of my artwork from the year 2000. I believe I remember promising this would happen a lot earlier... hey, at least it's here now. ^_^; The good thing is, I could weed out the pictures I just don't feel too happy with anymore, meaning that most of these are actually from the last 3 or 4 months of 2000. When viewing these pics, please keep in mind that some of them have been exposed to a great deal of humidity, so the paper quality isn't always the best. Ah, who cares, just go look at them! ^_^ And as always, I'd love to know what you think...

Annual "Halloween" picture with James as Android 17 (DBZ), Jessie as Tifa Lockheart (Final Fantasy 7), and Meowth as Mokona (Magic Knight Rayearth). {colored pencil}
Inevitable Christmas picture. ^_^ {colored pencil}
James with Meowth on his head! I dunno why I made his hair purple... ^_^; {colored pencil}
Slightly older pic of Kae (from my fanfic "After All..."), wearing a school uniform, with Chikorita and Bellossom. {colored pencil}
A rather large pic of a rather large Jessie. James isn't that big. ^_^ This is what happens when I draw when I'm bored... {pen}
Two characters I "created" as children for Jessie and James. They don't even have names, but maybe I'll write some fiction about them in the future... {colored pencil}
Myrea from my fanfic "Wish". {pen}
I love Slowpoke. Just don't ask me to explain this picture. I was bored again! ^_^ {colored pencil}
Another somewhat older pic, this time of... Jessiebelle. I have no clue why I wished to draw her. ^_^ {colored pencil}
Super-deformed Pearl (in normal clothes) with Eevee. It's about time you saw what she looks like, right? ^_^ {colored pencil}
James dressed up as Anthy from Revolutionary Girl Utena. Jessie is a great seamstress, I guess... {pen}
The last picture I drew in the year 2000 - Jessie, James, and Meowth pose for 2001. {colored pencil}
