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Cori-chan's Art - 2001

At least now you won't have to wait another year to see this year's pics... *kisses scanner* Anyhow, if more of these are in pencil, it's just an indication of how lazy I'm becoming. Which is pretty darn lazy. :p I'd love comments if there's anything you'd really like to say. ^_^

Here I have created the ultimate freak of nature in "Jim the moogle". (Too much FF9...) The writing wasn't showing up good on the scan, so I just added text with the computer. It probably looks dumb, but I don't care! Bwaha! {pencil}
If I was a shojo artist (and I'm not), this is how I'd draw James. Hm.. what's with all these James pics I've been doing lately? Dunno... {pencil}
A slightly messy and partly unfinished drawing of James running... or maybe turning around quickly. Why else would his hair be doing that? ^_^ {pencil}
Super-deformed James with Meowth making a funny face. ^_^ {colored pencil}
Re-make of a pic I did last year. Jessie and James in perhaps their most famous costumes... heh, well they're MY favorite. I didn't like the original, but this one's kinda cute... {colored pencil}
Jessie and James with their "manga" clothes and hairdos. I realized I didn't have many 'shippy pics... this one will have to do. ^_^ {pencil}
My little sister created a Team Rocket member, and she asked me to draw it a little better for her. This is what I came up with. Note: I am not responsible for choosing the colors. ^_^; {colored pencil}
Sketch of James from the side. Not really my typical style, but thought it worth a scan {pencil}
Original rough sketch of Jessie... Those easily offended by very sloppy artwork will hate it. ^_^ I'm just too lazy to copy it.. (shame on me, I guess :p){pencil}
SD Musashi {colored pencil}
SD Kojiro {colored pencil}
This original pic that I re-drew for the profiles page was just so cute that I had to scan it... It has a bit more charm in pencil, I suppose ^_^ {pencil}
Character design for Emily from my fic "Wish" {colored pencil/pen}
Super-chibi Rumika (I've lost my mind...) {colored pencil}
I won't take the time to explain this, so it's just here. I guess it makes sense to the person I drew it for... ^_^ {pencil}
Super-chibi James thinking about something he loves very much... probably food or money. -_- {colored pencil}
Kinda weird James, looking like he knows something he probably doesn't. And I guess I just like that pose... I use it so much. =P {pencil}
Ya remember those two kids I made up for Jessie and James last year? Well, I decided to draw the girl again, more with my current style. :P But she still doesn't have a name... {colored pencil}
YES! Proof exists that I can still draw them. ;P {ink}
James and... Butch? o_o Heh, I really like the way this turned out, but don't mind the way they're looking at each other. I was just in a phase at the time. I'm over it now. ^_^;;; {pencil}
SD Jessie and James are sort of.. looking at you. I guess. o_o {colored pencil}
Second annual Halloween pic. Heh, seems like I always gotta have a Final Fantasy character, too. =P A lot more SD, and dare I say it, a heck of a lot better than last year's. ^_^; {colored pencil}
