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Team Rocket/Slayers

Notes: Wanted posters for our heroes are cropping up everywhere (shades of the first season of Slayers). But who wants them? And what are they wanted for? Read it and find out, duh. :p

Rating: PG

Disclaimer: I hereby disclaim all ownership of the Slayers and of Pokémon. That's my "formal" disclaimer, I guess. :p

Episode 6 - The Hunted

"AhaHA! See how you like this!"

The ball of fire exploded overhead, sending sparks showering down over a head of fiery red hair. She tossed her head back, eyes gleaming defiantly.

"That was nothing! Now, taste this!"

The Orb spun into the air, flashing red and white colors dissolving into a hazy mist; the electric Monster appeared, tiny sparks darting off the tip of it's tail.

"Thunderrrr.... shock!"

"No fair, no fair! Waaahhggg..."

Jessie called back her Raichu, then stood with her feet placed on either side of her sparring partner, now laying on the ground in a daze.

"I am undefeated! I am the best! I... I RULE!"

"Is this going to take much longer, Jessie?" James sighed as he watched, arms resting on the hilt of his sword, the tip firmly planted in the ground.

"This guy needed to be taught a lesson. Stupid amateurs think they know everything," she sighed back with a frown for the prone figure below her, who by now was mumbling and waving his arms as though about to get up, but he obviously wasn't going to end up going anywhere for awhile. "Challenging me is like... Well, it's like the stupidest thing these guys can do. So why are so many of them attacking us? There are more and more every day."

"Maybe they enjoy being humiliated," Meowth muttered sarcastically, although Jessie paid the cat Monster no mind. She was too busy thinking. Recently a large amount of sorcerers, as well as normal people, had been coming up their group of three and issuing a challenge to one or another of them. Which always resulted in the challenger getting defeated quite badly, and if it happened to be Jessie that they challenged, they were usually thoroughly humiliated, tormented, and fried to a crisp as well. But why they were doing this... That was the mystery. She turned back to look at James and Meowth in turn, then shrugged.

"Well, let's get moving again. Hopefully we won't be attacked anymore today. If I remember correctly, there should be a town up ahead. We can rest up there." Without a backward glance at the smoking figure of her latest challenger, she strode off again down the path they had been following for so long, and without really knowing where it was they were headed. Towns had become increasingly close together lately, so Jessie's mood hadn't been too bad recently. But it would have been even better if not for these little "incidents".

She looked up when she realized that James and Meowth had fallen in on either side of her as she walked. Meowth seemed to have outgrown it's habit of talking to itself, or at least it had mostly outgrown it. Jessie figured that maybe it had finally gotten it's story so perfect that it didn't need to practice it as much. James had changed little, however, still remaining as klutzy as ever, and still getting his chance to do those stupid speeches every time he had been the one challenged lately. Fortunately, he was able to defeat anyone he went up against, thanks to that sword of his. Jessie was unsure whether or not he would be so good if he didn't have that sword.

"What are you thinking about? You look so serious, too." James was looking at her, the corners of his mouth curving into a curious and amused smile. Jessie realized she had been staring at him the whole time she had been thinking about him; she quickly swiveled her head back to where it should be.

"I was thinking about how annoying you are," she sniffed haughtily, sticking her nose in the air for added affect. The degree of closeness in their relationship was beginning to scare her, even if all it amounted to was just him acting protective all the time while she had actually began to find that she enjoyed it. And it was all beginning to scare her, and made her wish she had never encouraged him in the first place. A relationship was just not what she wanted right now.

A moment of silence later, she slid her gaze briefly sideways, just in time to catch the reflection of sadness in his usually bright green eyes before he too turned his head. The feeling of guilt that slammed into her made her want to scream.

"Look, there's the town! Great, isn't it?" she exclaimed happily to cover that feeling. James just shrugged while Meowth coughed discreetly.

"Yes, that's great. Where do you propose we stay tonight, then?"

"How the hell should I know?" Jessie demanded. "Like I've been here before? We just wander around and find a good-looking inn, just like always!"

"Right, right... How could I forget?" Meowth muttered caustically, rolling his eyes at James, who just stood looking at the buildings around the outskirts. Jessie frowned a moment at his dejected expression before she shook her head, hard.

"Then let's get going already!" She began to walk fast, striding into the town as if she knew where she was going. She just assumed that Meowth and James must be following her, since they always seemed to. The town was fairly nondescript, and overall pretty boring-looking, but when she finally spotted an inn that looked somewhat decent, she headed for it.

"Hey, Jessie? Wait a minute!" She looked back at the sound of James' voice, surprised that he was talking to her so soon after she had insulted him. Usually it took him hours, or at least a day. He and Meowth were both standing near the side of a building, staring in puzzlement at something on the wall. She hurried to catch up with them, slightly annoyed.

"What? What in the world are you... looking... at..." Her voice trailed off to a whisper when she saw. Three posters of identical size were hanging on that wall, each with a black and white rendering of a different person. Well, one was quite obviously a Monster wearing a hooded cloak. And above the drawings, in big letters readable from at least ten feet, was the word "Wanted".

"We're... we're wanted? For what..." Jessie began shakily, still staring in shock. She hastily shook off that expression and replaced it with one of mocking. "Oh, I know... It's because I'm so desirable, who wouldn't want me? But I don't know why anyone would want the two of you."

"Stop acting like this isn't a big deal," Meowth said testily, without taking his eyes from the posters. "It doesn't say what we're wanted for, but whatever it is, it can't be good."

"And you stop acting so dramatic about this," she scoffed back. "Although I must say... doesn't this world have any good artists? This picture of me really sucks."

"Actually... It reminds me of you. Flat, sharp angles... monotone personality..."

"What did you just say?!"

"I said that I think it's lovely."

Jessie glared at James while he grinned innocently back. Maybe he was trying to get her back for her earlier rude comment, or maybe he had truly forgotten it and was back to his old self. Whatever it was, she had half a mind to introduce the top of his head to her fist. Maybe even both of her fists. But she contented herself with the glare until she turned to look down at Meowth.

"So what do you suggest we do?" she asked in exasperation. "You seem to know everything today."

"What I suggest is that we find a place to hide out, for now. Until we find some decent disguises."

"Disguises, huh..." Jessie smiled evilly. "I think I may know just the thing..."


"Are you trying to get me back for something?"

Jessie smiled at the pathetic look on James' face. "Why would you think that?"

"Oh... The way I'm dressed, perhaps."

"What's wrong with it?" She smiled at him innocently; the look on his face made it obvious what was wrong with it. The long, flowing, pink dress might have been alright, except that it was covered with so much lace and ribbons that it ended up being decidedly gaudy. The flowered hat hid his chin-length blue (or purple, depending on how you look at it) hair nicely, and he even had a touch of makeup. All in all, he looked like a rich noblewoman. Which apparently wasn't making him very happy.

"Why can't you wear this frilly one? You get to wear the one that's halfway decent... It's really not fair."

"There, there," she soothed, patting his back gently. "You look prettier in it than I do, is all." Then she couldn't help laughing. Her own dress was a dark blue shade, with very little trimming beyond the ribbon on her hat. She was, of course, the noblewoman's servant.

"If you think you've got it bad, look what I have to put up with," Meowth grumbled from where it was held in James' arms, wrapped in blankets so it would look like a baby. Jessie laughed at it, too.

"You're both so cute... A woman and her baby," she grinned at them. "And I will serve you as best I can."

"Sure you will," James sighed as they continued through the town and back to the inn Jessie had spotted earlier. The number of wanted posters they had seen with their faces plastered on them on the way there had been astonishing. "If you'll obey me, then take off your dress and-- Ouch! Why did you do that?"

"Excuse me, but I don't think it would look right for the serving woman to be hitting her Lady," Meowth muttered sarcastically.

"And it also wouldn't look right for the stupid baby to be talking in complete sentences," Jessie hissed right back. Fortunately, no one noticed this little exchange.

"And I was going to say," James added indignantly, "take off your dress and put this one on!"

"Sure you were," Jessie sniffed.

They made it to the inn with no further mishaps, and seated themselves rather uncomfortably at a round table near the front of the common room. The innkeeper came over shortly, bowing deeply at the "Lady".

"Greetings, my Lady. Welcome to the Golden Magikarp. Is there something I can do for you? Food? Rooms?"

"Ah... oh.. oh yes," James replied uncertainly, shifting in his seat and trying his best to remember to pitch his voice high. "We'll need one... umm... two rooms for tonight," he said, noting Jessie's expression when he had said "one". "And... umm... we'll eat now, I guess... Just bring us three... I mean... two servings."

The innkeeper only blinked a few times at the "Lady's" apparent awkwardness before bowing again. "I'll have a serving girl out with the food shortly," he said, then disappeared through a door at the front of the room, probably the kitchen.

"Great job, really," Jessie commented quietly, looking about the room casually to see that no one was listening. "Can't you act?"

"I never had to before... I don't know how to act like a lady! It's not like I can use you as an example."

"You're just lucky there are so many people around, or I'd kill you," Jessie muttered angrily. She looked down at Meowth, which she now held in her arms. "Hope you're not too hungry. You won't be getting anything for awhile." All she got in answer was a frigid stare. With a sigh, she looked back up at James.

"Now, listen. While we're trying to get some information, let me do the talking for you. Otherwise, we aren't going to find out anything. If we just listen long enough, we're bound to hear someone talking about those posters." And with that, they settled in to wait.


It was almost midnight as they still sat at the same table, their empty plates long since removed and James about to drop onto the table asleep. Jessie kept up her avid watching and listening, though, for she was definitely not giving up. Her ears perked up when a bit of conversation drifted over from a table where two men who had just entered were sitting.

"...and he's still looking for them?"

"Yeah, that's for sure. He ain't gonna give up 'til he gets ahold o' them, all three."

"I suppose... Are you going to try to capture them for him? For the reward? 5,000 is quite a bit..."

"Hell, yeah! Good money is hard to come by in my line o' business. Whaddaya say ya buy me a drink, eh?"

"Oh, I don't know..."

Jessie nodded to herself quickly; she knew what to do now. She stood up, walked right up to their table, and with no introduction whatsoever, invited them to sit at her table, where she would buy them both drinks. Her monologue was met by two very confused faces at first, but they brightened considerably at the prospect of free drinks. Once they were seated at the table with her "Lady" and "baby", she took the opportunity to look the pair over more thoroughly while they awaited their drinks.

The first man who had spoken appeared to be very clean cut, his clothes announcing to anyone that saw them that he was not an unwealthy man. The second man was drastically different, taller and wider, with rough clothes and an equally rough-looking and unshaved face. That the two could be friends seemed a little strange, but Jessie knew there were stranger things in the world than this.

"So..." she began slowly once the drinks arrived, watching them carefully, James beside her still blinking sleepily as though he didn't know what was going on. "My Lady and I could not help but hear a piece of your conversation. My Lady thinks that she may have seen these people and know where they are, but we want to be sure that they are the right ones. Can you tell us more about this whole situation?"

The two strangers exchanged a wary glance, but then the taller one shrugged. "Well, yeah, of course. I'll tell ya anything ya want to know, but..." Here he stopped and grinned slowly. "My, what a pretty lady, if I may say so. Ya know, I'll tell ya anything ya want... If I could have a kiss from this lovely lady. Whaddaya say?"

James finally appeared more awake. "Wha... huh?"

"I'm not sure..." Jessie began uncertainly. "I'm not sure that my Lady would... would..."

"Hey, no big deal. But no kiss, no info. Ya gotta make this worth my while, here," the man cut in with an indulgent smile.

What a weirdo... "Oh, I suppose that... My Lady, would you mind?" Jessie asked James, smiling very brightly, but reaching discreetly under the table to pinch his thigh. He gave an abrupt start, bit his lip, then slowly raised his eyes to meet the man's.

"I... guess... so..." he practically moaned. The man leaned forward and closed his eyes; as quickly as he could, James bent forward also and kissed his cheek lightly, looking as though it was all he could do not to spit afterward.

"Awww, not on the lips?" the man laughed. "Guess that would have been too much to ask, after all. But I can tell you what I know." The big man looked at the smaller man, and they both shrugged again before the taller spoke next.

"See, there's this rich guy, goes by the name of Damask. He's had his eye on these three characters for quite some time now. Exactly what he wants them for... No one has a clue. All that really matters is the big reward. So if you've seen 'em, ya really should talk to him." The man finished with a nod, then drained the rest of his mug. "Now, if that's all, m'Lady..."

"And how do you know all this stuff anyway?" Jessie asked skeptically.

"Heh. Don't know a sailor when ya see one? This here is a port town. Sailors hear lots o' stuff. Ya must not be from around here."

"Oh... no, of course not. But we'll keep your suggestion in mind. Where does this man live, then?"

"Edge of town. Big mansion. Can't miss it, ya know?" The man stood up, his companion not far behind. "Gettin' late. I'll bid ya goodnight, and thanks for the drinks." Only when the two had left the building completely did Jessie speak to her companions again.

"There, see? We waited, just like I said, and we got lucky. Now all we have to do is find some way to get to that guy and see what he wants us for... How tricky..."

"Can we figure this out sometime after we get some sleep? And this is getting to be uncomfortable," Meowth spoke up crossly from James' arms. "He's really squeezing me."

"That's because he's asleep." She awoke her human companion with another well-placed pinch, then helped him up the stairs while still managing to hold Meowth without dropping it. James simply collapsed on his bed and fell asleep without bothering to take off his dress after Jessie got him into his room. Meowth was gratefully freed from it's blankets, and it curled up near James' feet at the end of the bed. Jessie just stood watching them for some time before she smiled to herself.

"Sorry for making you kiss that guy," she said softly to James. Despite her better judgement, she leaned down to give him a gentle kiss on the cheek, then left quickly for her own room.


"Are you sure about this?"

The man looked very uncertain. His guest nodded rapidly.

"Yeah, I'm sure. That wasn't no lady. Trust me, I know when a lady kisses me. And I repeat, that was no lady. I think it's them in disguise, if you ask me."

"Yes... You might be right. Make arrangements for the morning. They won't make it far before I finally have them at last..."


"Honestly, a real Lady wouldn't complain so much," Jessie sighed, watching James finish up breakfast while holding a rather unwilling Meowth in her arms.

"Do I look like a real Lady to you?" he grumbled back, shoveling the rest in his mouth in a very unladylike fashion.

"Close. But I mean it now, stop whining about this. Until we find out what this is all about, which should be soon, you have to put up with it."

"And what are you going to do once we know what the guy wants?"

"We'll... well, we'll have him cornered and I'll just take him out."

James blinked at Jessie, his fork still in his mouth. "Kill him?"

"Well, if it turns out he wants to do us in, I think that killing him would be in our best interest. And don't make that face and give me some silly speech. I've had it with all these people attacking us for money. Now, if you're finished, let's go."

In a few minutes they were leaving the inn, Jessie's face set in determination while James looked somewhat squeamish. They had barely taken two steps outside the door when they were surrounded by a group of at least six men, similar in dress and appearance to the man they had talked to last night; in fact, that same man was there, and he also appeared to be in charge.

"Alright ladies," he stressed with a mocking grin. "I have someone to take ya to, and a reward to collect. So if ya would be so kind, just come along with us and don't make no scene." Jessie stared in shock. All but one of her Monster Orbs, that being the one containing Ninetails, were in their bag where she had left them hidden with her normal clothes, which was in the woods a short ways from the town. And the only one was in a bag inside her skirt, and it would take too long to get it before being stopped. She hadn't thought she would have needed them until later; now she inwardly cursed her own stupidity. There was really no choice but to do as the man said.


Fifteen minutes of being prodded through town later, the group arrived at the mansion from the man's story, a huge white building that was just short of being as magnificent as James' former home. Jessie, James, and Meowth were only ushered in the building by the man from the night before, where they all stood in a huge room, awaiting the arrival of this Damask fellow.

"Well, well... Could this be? After all my searching?" The trio looked up to see a man decked out in more gold and jewels than they had probably ever seen before, a haughty and imperious look on his mustached face. "Yes... Let me see." With no further introduction, he walked directly to Jessie to pull of her hat, causing a wealth of fiery red hair to tumble about her shoulders.

"Yes! This is her!" the man exclaimed excitedly before striding over to James next. "And you must be him!" With a flourish, the man pulled off James' hat to reveal his blue/purple hair, and then unceremoniously grabbed Meowth from James' arms, unwrapped it from it's blankets, and set it on the floor with a look of wonder.

"And this is the talking Monster... At last... at last I finally have you all..."

"Now listen here!" Jessie finally exploded, her ability to speak catching up to her at last. "Who the hell are you and what the hell do you want with us?"

"Amazing... She has a wonderful temper, just like the reports said. So fascinating..."

"Answer my questions, dammit!" Jessie nearly screamed, her face starting to turn purple.

"Ah... oh yes." The man blinked several times before regaining his composure. "My name is Damask, which of course you must already know. And what I want with you, well..." Jessie waited as he appeared to be thinking about his next words, the tension just about enough to make her blow up again. Fortunately, Damask continued before that happened.

"I've been watching you all... or rather, my scouts have... and I truly find you fascinating, all of you. You see, I am a person who is very interested in traveling rogues - bandits, thieves, or what have you. And according to the reports I've received, you three are among the very best there are. Or at least among the most interesting. That is why the reward posters are up - so that I may have the opportunity of meeting you. The law was quite understanding about it, seeing as I have so much money and all..." He cleared his throat slightly before continuing.

"What I am getting to is that I have a little collection that I would like to add to. If you would be so kind..." Here he held up a small, leather bound book and beamed happily. "Can I have your autographs?"

Jessie was the first to get up from the floor. "All this is about... is a dumb autograph..." she muttered as if to herself, reaching rather undecorously under her skirt to find the Monster Orb.

She really wasn't listening then to see if anyone was protesting her actions, but Ninetails did a really nice job of frying Damask and his sailor friend to a crisp.


"Ohhh... I can't believe this, I can't believe this... Me, a thief? A bandit? How did I... ohhh... It's all so... so... unnoble... It's not right, not right at all..."

"Will you stop it? I've had just about enough." Despite her reprimand, James continued moaning to himself as he dragged himself along beside her, tears flowing down his face in a continuous stream. And Meowth, on the other side of her, had taken up his muttering habit again with a vengeance. She sighed. The relief of being in normal clothes again apparently wasn't enough for them to forget what they felt had been a terrible injustice to them. And Jessie supposed it wasn't.

"We'll just find another town, one far away from here, where there are no lunatics. And then everything will be fine, you'll see." This produced no response either, except to continue what they had been doing. Jessie sighed again, shaking her head tiredly.

"Or maybe I'll just ask the author to make the next episode have a serious plot and ending for once. ...Sure, like that'll happen."

I would like to encourage your comments. So, here I go. "C'mon, comments! You can do it! I know you can!" :p

Episode 7
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