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Early one bright sunny morning, James picked up Meowth's miniature sleeping bag and shook it, spilling the disgruntled and drowsy cat Pokemon out onto the ground. He picked Meowth up by the tail and trotted quickly off until he had put some distance between himself and Jessi, who was still sleeping. There was no way he'd risk waking her up and invoking her wrath.

The mere thought made him run a little faster.

Meowth blinked blearily, realizing with muted surprise that he was upside down. James lifted Meowth up until they were face-to-face, and Meowth screamed.

"GAAHH!! What da... Whaddya think yer doin', ya big stupid..." Pale fur flew as Meowth scrambled to get his paws back on the ground. James dropped him hastily, not wanting to experience a Fury Swipes attack so early in the morning.

"C'mon, Meowth. Don't tell me you forgot your promise! You said we'd wake up early and go Weedle-hunting today. Isn't that right?"

Meowth was annoyed. "When ya said we'd wake up early, I thought ya meant ten 'o clock. How was I s'posed to know you'd drag me outta bed at six in da mornin'?!"

James rolled his eyes. "Aw, stop. I don't want to hear your whining. Let's just hurry and get done before Jessi wakes up."

Meowth's feline eyes widened. He jumped up and scurried into the forest, calling back over his shoulder: "Last one ta find a Weedle is a blue Chansey!"


Five Weedles, two collisions with hanging Kakunas, and a narrowly-escaped Beedrill swarm later, James and Meowth were finally ready. The Weedles had been given collars and leashes, and put together in a burlap sack, too thick for the small poisonous stingers to get through. The ends of the leashes hung out the top of the bag so that they could be pulled out without risking being stung.

James and Meowth shared a glance and took a collective deep breath. It was time for the moment of truth.

Meowth clambered up a nearby tree, about six or seven feet away, perching safely on one of the higher branches. James set the bag of Weedles down close at hand, where he could grab one of the bug Pokemon at a moment's notice. He pulled out a single Pokeball and stared at it for a moment. Closing his eyes, he threw it as far as he could.

Victreebel emerged, looking around ravenously for the nearest victim.

James gulped and prayed that Meowth would be able to get through to the angry Pokemon.

"M'yowth!" the small cat Pokemon yelled over the sound of Victreebel's rampage through the underbrush. "Yowth, yowth mee-yowth!"

Victreebel stopped and looked in Meowth's direction. It screeched a reply. "Eeeeaaaii?!

"Meeyowth yowth!"



James couldn't help but follow the conversation with his eyes, though he didn't understand any of it. His fingers rested lightly on the end of a Weedle's leash.

Meowth said something else to Victreebel in its own language, and then pointed at James. Victreebel saw who Meowth was indicating and looked slightly annoyed. It shot an obviously scathing reply to Meowth. The cat Pokemon nearly fell off his perch in his indignance.

"Myowth yowth myaow MYAA!!" he jeered. Victreebel looked furious. James resisted the urge to turn tail and run away.

This was not going as planned.

Victreebel's slanted eyes seemed to glow red as it extended its vines towards Meowth, who just barely escaped capture by throwing himself backwards out of the tree, falling a good eleven or twelve feet. He landed with a yelp and lay still. James hesitated for a second, wanting to see if Meowth was okay, but he knew that neither of them would end up okay if Victreebel kept attacking them.

The enraged grass-type lunged forward, gearing up for a Razor Leaf attack. James whirled around and grabbed a squirming, squealing Weedle's leash, then turned back toward the charging Victreebel, using the momentum of the turn to drop the Weedle right into Victreebel's mouth. After releasing the leash, James lost his balance and went sprawling backwards on the ground.

At first, Victreebel didn't know quite how to react. It stopped its attack and realized that its favorite food had just been deposited directly into its mouth. It settled happily to chew the tasty morsel.

James, still flat on his back in the grass, sighed in relief at this small reprieve. It was a very good thing he'd had the foresight to gather Weedles as peace offerings for Victreebel, otherwise he'd be in trouble.

"Dat t'ing needs some therapy," came a groan from beside James. He was quickly on his feet and trying to help Meowth up. The tough little scratch cat Pokemon waved him off and struggled to his paws. "I'm fine, now back off, Jimbo," he growled.

"What'd you say? Why was it so mad?" James asked, once he realized Meowth wasn't hurt.

Meowth scowled in the direction of Victreebel, which was busily chomping on the unfortunate Weedle. "First I told ta stop stompin' around like a rabid Rhydon. It asked me, why should it stop? I told it that its trainer wanted it to, an' it said it doesn't have a trainer. I told it that it did. I told it you were its trainer, and it called me a mangy fluffball." Meowth snorted in disgust. "Can ya believe it? Me, a mangy fluffball... Hey, are you laughin' at me?!" James shook his head vehemently, quickly stifling his laughter. "Well... anyway," Meowth continued, still glaring at James suspiciously, "then... I kinda got mad and called Victreebel an overgrown psycho alfalfa sprout." Meowth put one paw behind his head, sweatdropping in embarrassment as James' mouth dropped open in shock.

"Y-y-you... called it a...? And now it... oh geez." James slumped to the ground and gave a huge exasperated sigh. "Meowth, you were supposed to calm it down, not instigate a killing spree. Now what am I supposed to do?!"

"I dunno, but ya better think of something fast!" Meowth exclaimed, nervously pointing over James' shoulder. The cat Pokemon scrambled backwards, trying to keep his balance.

James was on his feet and turned around in a few seconds' time, but it was too late; Victreebel was upon him. Unable to stop, the so-called "alfalfa sprout" slammed into James, turning its speed into a crushing attack.

As James crashed to the ground, he heard a cracking sound and felt a sharp pain in his side. Victreebel's massive weight pressed down on him, making it hard for him to breathe. Victreebel poised to use Razor Leaf, and James closed his eyes tightly, unwilling to look up as he was killed.

Meowth slammed into Victreebel, a flying pale blur, with as much force behind the blow as he was able to muster. Digging his rear claws into Victreebel's delicate leafy covering, he began slashing its face with his foreclaws.

"Get up, James!" Meowth ordered between attacks. "Hurry it up, will ya?!"

James was having difficulty moving. Every time he attempted to sit up, there was a new jolt of pain in his side. He realized, in a daze, that he must have bruised a rib. His face contorted in pain, he managed to roll onto his stomach and push himself up onto his knees. Making his way to the tree Meowth had previously taken refuge in, he pulled himself to his feet, panting from the effort. Meowth yowled as Victreebel finally threw him off.

"Watch out!" he screamed to James. Victreebel screeched and glared at James, who pressed himself against the tree and wished he was anywhere but there. With a final triumphant cry, the insane grass-type began rapidly closing the distance between itself and its trainer.

James found himself wondering, as if in a dream, what had possessed him to do something as stupid as training a homicidal Victreebel. His vision was dominated by the red glowing eyes of the Pokemon that was charging towards him.

There was no time to think. If there had been, James probably would have frozen where he stood and ended up being killed. Instead, only seconds before Victreebel would have hit him, James reached up and grabbed a branch. With strength lent to him by fear, he hoisted himself up, trying to ignore the sharp protesting pain from his ribs. Swinging forward, his boots connected with Victreebel's face, sending it sprawling to the ground. Unable to support himself any longer, James had to let go of the branch, and he landed directly on top of Victreebel, knocking the breath out of it and rendering it unconscious. For the moment, at least.

It was all James could do to keep himself from passing out. His side was throbbing and his head hurt from the impact of his latest fall. Meowth approached him and put a paw on his arm, causing him to jump.

Meowth eyed him worriedly and started to help him up. "Are you okay? C'mon, why don'cha get offa dat Victreebel an'-"

James interrupted him with a cry as Meowth accidentally touched his injured ribs. The Pokemon looked up at him in surprise. "James? Are you...?" James looked guilty as he held one hand up to guard his ribcage from any more careless paws. Meowth scowled. "Whatta mess ya got us in..." His tone softened slightly. "C'mon now, get up! Victreebel ain't a Pokemon dat'll stay out fer long."

"I can't."


"I don't think I can get up."

Meowth waved a paw dismissively. "Sure ya can. It's just a little bruise, Jim, ya can't tell me yer that delicate."

James sighed, then winced at the pain it caused. Meowth's eyes widened in concern. They sat quietly, each thinking their own thoughts.

Silently, James leaned towards the ground and used one hand to support his weight as he carefully eased himself off Victreebel's unconscious form. Meowth watched, curious, as James tried to reach the bag containing the remaining four Weedles.

Meowth wordlessly padded over to the bag and dragged it closer to James. He took it gratefully and motioned for Meowth to come closer.

"Listen," James began in a quiet voice. "I've got a plan. I can't explain it all because Victreebel might wake up soon, and I have to get this done first. Just help me do this and I'll tell you the rest as we go along. Okay?"

Meowth shrugged. "Fine wit' me. Just make sure ya don't get us into any more trouble."

The two began to work quickly.


Victreebel's life had begun in a peaceful glade within the Safari Zone, populated by a community of Bellsprouts, Weepinbells and one wise Victreebel, the leader of their tribe. Her parents, both Weepinbell, had raised her to be strong. She sparred with other Bellsprout like herself at every opportunity. Despite her reputation for being quick to anger, she had many friends and was quite content.

One day, while she was playing tag with a group of her friends, they accidentally stumbled upon a large Raticate, which attacked them, slashing at them with its claws and snapping its huge jaws in warning. She had stepped up to defend her companions, Vine Whipping the larger, stronger Pokemon mercilessly. It scratched her, hard, knocking her down but not knocking her out of the fight. Leaping up, she began to glow and change. When the light faded, she had evolved into Weepinbell. As her friends watched in awe, she used Stun Spore on the now-frightened Raticate and used her vines to throw it far away. She was regarded as a hero after that, and was even thanked personally by the Victreebel leader.

Quite a few more enemies were vanquished in this manner. She was dubbed the Protector, and made the second-in-command, topped in authority only by the wise old Victreebel. She enjoyed battling for the good of her tribe, and being looked up to by all the young Bellsprouts. She couldn't imagine her life any other way.

That all changed in one single day.

She was out by herself, that day, and patrolling the edges of the glade which her tribe called home. She heard a sound that she'd never heard before, and moved silently to check it out. Peering through the leaves of a large bush, she saw two strange-looking creatures. She'd heard of them from the old Victreebel, but had never seen them. What were they again?... oh yes, Humans. There was also a Pokemon with them, a Meowth.

She watched them suspiciously. As they approached, they continued talking. She didn't understand a word of it, which did nothing but add to her suspicion. Even the Meowth spoke the unfamiliar Human language. And they were all headed toward her glade. Well, she wouldn't stand for it.

Leaping out of her hiding place, she began screeching a warning at the trio. The Humans paused, looking nervous and slightly confused. The Meowth blinked and then said something to the Humans. They talked Human some more, and then made happy sounds, and Weepinbell was puzzled. She was threatening them as fiercely as she knew how, and yet they were happy?...

One of the Humans stepped forward. It was, Weepinbell thought, very odd-looking. She wondered what the blue stuff on its head was. It wore some kind of covering draped over its body, so that its delicate-looking skin only showed on its face. And its eyes... something about them confused her. Its eyes were green, the same color as a Victreebel's vines, the color of the grass, the color of the treetops, and, of course, of her own leaves. Somehow, she sensed that this Human, at least, was good. How could it not be, with eyes the color of leaves?

The Human looked at her for a moment, letting her study it. Slowly, it pulled something from its pocket. The mysterious round, red-and-white item made a noise, which Weepinbell ignored. The Human gently tossed the ball at her, as she continued to look into its leaf-green eyes. They were the last thing she saw before she was turned into red energy and sucked inside the ball.

For just a moment, she struggled. Suddenly she remembered the Human's warm eyes, and calmed down, somehow realizing that it wouldn't do anything to hurt her. Sure enough, in another moment, she found herself outside the ball and before the Human again. It approached her and knelt cautiously in front of her.

"I'm James," it said in a soft, deep voice. "I hope you and I can be good friends." Weepinbell, somehow, understood. And she hoped so, too.

That changed when she evolved.

James had left her. He'd promised he would be back, and told her to have fun, but she'd been so scared. It had been a long time since she'd been away from James. She didn't like the Humans who were caring for her. They kept her away from the sun, in a cold cage. They fed her once a day and took her out at night to battle her against other Pokemon, most of them much stronger than she was. She began to resist the two cruel Humans. Every time she tried, however, they would hit her. She hated them. She wished James would come back for her. The only reason she didn't kill them was because she didn't think James would like that very much. He had told her very sternly that Humans were not to be battled, and she'd promised not to ever lash out at a Human.

One day, the cruel Humans came to her cage carrying a strange stone. Weepinbell had felt its energy from across the room. She shivered at the presence. It was wrong, so wrong... The Human pressed the stone against her trembling leaves. She glowed white. Inside, she screamed.

When the light cleared, all that was left was anger. She Vine Whipped the Human for no reason other than that she felt like it. She cared nothing about the memories in her mind. She pushed them away, and embraced her anger.

When James returned, he only reminded her of the disturbing memories still haunting her dreams. She hated him just as she hated everything else. She attacked him, too. When the cruel Humans forced the Pokemon to attack the other Humans who were fighting them, she didn't resist. When the control over her was broken, she felt no different.

She hated Humans. She attacked James. And deep down, she wanted it to stop.


Victreebel was scared. She was awake, her eyes were open, yet she didn't see the sun. She wanted light, she wanted sun... She probed around with her vines, but they were stopped by some kind of barrier. She began to panic. It was just like being locked up, in a cage, away from James... so dark... so cold...

James felt Victreebel begin to move, and he tightened his grip on the burlap bag which now held Victreebel's top half. He was nervous about this plan, although he'd devised it himself. He knew that Victreebel could escape if it tried hard enough, but he was counting on the fact that it would still be dazed. He glanced at Meowth, who nodded at him, giving a nervous but encouraging grin.

James took a deep breath, trying to ignore the pain in his side. "Victreebel, it's James," he said, putting his face close to the bag. He felt Victreebel stiffen and continued hurriedly. "Listen, I know you're mad at me, but I'm not mad at you. I really want to be your friend again. Can't you give me another chance?"

Victreebel began to make high-pitched noises. "Eeiii... eeaaiii..."

James understood. (Dark... too dark...)

"Too dark? Okay, I'll let you out, but promise you won't hurt anyone."

"Eeaaa, eeiiiie, eiiaaa..." (I won't, but please, just give me sun...)

James felt a pang of pity. Gently he pulled the bag clear of Victreebel. Her eyes peered up at him, devoid of the anger they had held before. The rage was replaced with shame and sorrow.

(I was wrong. Let me fight for you again. I still... still want to be your friend.)

James was shocked, but tried not to show it. He could feel Meowth's eyes on him. Slowly, he smiled at Victreebel and carefully released his hold on her, moving off her and allowing her to sit up.

Victreebel reached out a vine and very gently touched James' face. He nearly jumped, but forced himself to stay calm- Victreebel had, after all, apologized, and she was his Pokemon.

Meowth cautiously approached the reunited Pokemon and trainer. "So, uh... Victreebel. Dis little truce includes me, right?"

In response, Victreebel shot out a vine and wrapped it around Meowth, carefully lifting him and bringing him closer to herself. (Meowth is strange,) she commented to a startled James. (He wriggles like a Caterpie.) Meowth was, indeed, struggling frantically, not quite knowing how to take the sudden display of affection from Victreebel.

James laughed quietly to himself, and Meowth, who was still suspended in midair, shot him a glare. "What's so funny?" the cat Pokemon growled. James laughed harder, trying not to move for fear of hurting his rib any further. "An' another thing," Meowth added, pointing over to the Weedles, which were still on their leashes, tied to a branch of a shrub. "What're we gonna do wit' dose Weedles dat're left?"

(Weedles?!) Victreebel abruptly dropped Meowth on his tail and bounded over to the four unfortunate bug Pokemon. Meowth scowled, his dignity lost for the moment, and shook his head.

James grinned crookedly at him. "Well, Meowth. Do you think Jessi is awake yet?"

Meowth looked up at the sky. "Nah. It's only about eight 'o clock."

James watched as Victreebel chomped down the Weedles, slightly messily. He decided that, even though it had been hard to achieve, he was very glad that Victreebel was an ally again. Maybe, after he'd had time to recover from his aching ribs, he could confront that twerp kid again- the twerp's Charizard had only recently started obeying him, and James wanted to see the look on Ash's face when he realized that James' Victreebel was trained faster than Charizard. James allowed himself an evil laugh. Even though he'd probably lose, it would be worth just to see the look on the twerps' faces...

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