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Mistaken Identity

Notes: This is basically a wierd story of what would happen if Brock and James switched personalities. I personally think it would be cute, but... Anyway, Mew's in this fic, and... *horror* the twerps.

Rating: G

Disclaimer: I don't own these characters, but I can't say I don't wish I did.

*Tiny silver bubbles float up from the bottom of the ocean; beams of light cut through the top in dappled patterns. Mew floats through the the water, gliding and twisting in a delicate sort of dance.*

MEW: *thinks* "Crap, I'm bored. What to do, what to do..." *shoots out of the water in a streak of pink, soaring low along the ground faster than anything else can travel*

MEW: *thinks* "Ahh, there they are." *screeches to a stop and runs right into a tree*

MEW: *thinks* "Dangit."

FEMALE VOICE: "Did you hear that? It sounded like something furry hitting a tree."

MALE VOICE: "Huh? I didn't hear anything."

*The voices belong to none other than Team Rocket, settling down for the night after a hard day's... work... trying to catch Pikachu. Mew pulls it's head out of the tree and peeks at them around it.*

JESSIE: "Guess I was hearing things."

JAMES: "Maybe it's the ringing in your ears from when Pikachu shocked us again today... That thing must chew power lines for breakfast."

MEOWTH: "Whatever, I'm tired, so you two shut up!"

*Mew watches as they go to sleep, then flies away in the other direction. It comes to a stop above another camp, this time without fracturing it's skull. This particular camp is inhabited by three twerps, a Pikachu, and a strange eggy thing that wouldn't look half bad if it was squashed in a frying pan, sizzling, with maybe a dash of pepper.*

ASH: "Ahh... time to sleep. G'night, Pikachu."

PIKACHU: "Piii..."

MISTY: "Hey, what about me? You say goodnight to a Pokémon before me!"

ASH: "Who wouldn't?"

BROCK: "Let's calm down and go to sleep, huh?"

MISTY: *squints at Brock* "You're asleep now, for all I know. Your eyes are always closed, how can I tell?"

BROCK: *mumbles something too profane for the 'G' rating*

*Mew is hanging upside down above them. It twists it's head around, looking at the three humans in turn as they fall asleep.*

MEW: *thinks* "Hmm... hmmmmm....... hmmmmm..... I got it!"

*Mew giggles above the twerp's heads, then floats down to Brock. It gently touches his forehead with a paw, then lifts it up slowly. A tiny, clear green orb appears to drift up out of Brock's head; it then hovers close to Mew as it speeds off back to the first camp. Once it arrives, it repeats the same process over James' head, extracting a clear blue orb this time. With another giggle, Mew presses the green orb down into James' forehead. The blue orb then follows Mew back to the twerp's camp, where the same thing happens again. Giggling once more, Mew vanishes*

-Morning: Team Rocket's camp-

JAMES: "Rise and shine everybody! Breakfast is ready!"

JESSIE: *groans and reaches for the alarm clock* "Ugh... James, it's 7:00 a.m.! You know we sleep in until at least 10:00!"

MEOWTH: *yawns* "Yeah... and you usually don't fix breakfast unless I order ya to at clawpoint."

JAMES: *looks confused* "What do you mean? We've got to get a good head start on our day! Come on!"

*James grabs them both and pushes them over to the blanket they usually eat on. They just stare sleepily until they realize what's in front of them. Almost every kind of breakfast food imaginable is spread out on the blanket. More food than you could shake a Snorlax at. Almost.*

MEOWTH: *eyes get huge* "It's a... it's a feast..."

JESSIE: *eyes bigger than her face* "I've never seen anything like it..."

*They waste no more time with words as they begin to stuff their faces. James eats as much as he can manage around the other two while grinning like an idiot.*

JAMES: "Do you like it? It only took a few minutes, and while you were asleep, I took the liberty of arranging all our supplies! It just looked so messy, I couldn't stand it.

*Meowth and Jessie finish everything off, then stop and stare at James.*

JESSIE: "You... did work... without being told to? And since when do you mind things being messy?"

JAMES: "Huh? Well, I just can't stand it. I thought you knew."

*Meowth and Jessie exchange a blank stare.*

MEOWTH: "Umm... nope."

JAMES: "Oh, and by the way Jessie... You're looking gorgeous today. *leans over to kiss her hand* "You just get more and more beautiful every time I..."

JESSIE: *stares*

MEOWTH: "Jess... we gotta talk."

*Jessie and Meowth sprint off to huddle out of James' hearing range; he stares after Jessie with huge hearts in his eyes.*

MEOWTH: "Okay... so what's with him? This ain't normal... and saying that about James makes it twice as wierd. Hey... are you blushing?"

JESSIE: *blinks* "Ah... the sun's making me hot, that's all."

MEOWTH: "It hasn't risen yet."

JESSIE: *glares* "Just shut up. We have to figure out what's wrong with James."

MEOWTH: "I dunno... But come to think of it, he's actin' an awful lot like dat squinty-eyed twerp, ain't he?" *shares a stare with Jessie*

BOTH: "Nahhh...."

-Morning: The Twerp camp-

MISTY: "Brock! Hey Brock, would you wake up already? It's 7:00, and you haven't even made breakfast yet!" *kicks Brock's sleeping bag*

BROCK: "Ouch... ooo... that really hurt... 7:00? No, can't get up... sleep..."

ASH: "Hey Brock, we're starved! Aren't you the one who always wants to get a good head start on the day?"

BROCK: *moans* "No... a 'good headstart' would be three more hours of sleep. G'night..."

*Ash and Misty look at each other and nod.*

MISTY: *pulls out a Pokéball* Alright, Staryu! Give 'im a Water Gun!"

ASH: "And finish him off with a Thundershock, Pikachu!"

BROCK: *jumps up* "AAAHH! Alright, I'm up! Look! See?

*Five minutes later, Misty and Ash are sitting and staring at their breakfast.*

ASH: "...Toast?"

BROCK: "Yeah, well, I'm too tired to make some big fancy breakfast."

MISTY: *mumbles through a mouthful* "You sure did make a big mess for just making toast. Aren't you going to clean it up?"

BROCK: "No. Someone else can do it for me."

*Ash and Misty stare again.*

ASH: "Brock... are you feeling okay?"

MISTY: "Are you sick?"

PIKACHU: "Pika pii chu?"

ASH: "Pikachu wants to know if the mind-controlling Clefairy from outer space abducted you again."

TOGEPI: "Briii!"

BROCK: *sits up* "Look at that... at that egg... Come to think of it, I'm starving, myself..."

MISTY: "Hey, don't be getting any funny ideas."

BROCK: "Funny ideas?" *grabs a knife and starts sharpening it* "What do you mean?" *grabs Togepi and starts measuring it against a frying pan* "I don't get funny ideas!" *starts drooling puddles*

MISTY: *screams* "Get away from my Togepi!" *bashes Brock's head in with the frying pan*

*An hour later (during which Brock gets his skull cracked at least three times for making egg comments), the twerps are heading on down the road to their next destination.*

BROCK: "How long until we can stop? My legs are killing me... I'm so tired..."

ASH: "We've been walking five minutes."

BROCK: "So? I get tired easily... And this wind is messing up my hair."

*Ash and Misty groan as they let Brock fall behind.*

MISTY: "What is wrong with him anyway? He's acting like a nutcase."

ASH: "If I didn't know any better, I'd swear he was acting like James."

MISTY: "I said nutcase, didn't I? But you don't really suppose..." *stares at Ash*

BOTH: "Nahhh...."

*Suddenly, a cloud of smoke billows up ahead and swirls away slowly to reveal Team Rocket, as usual posing and reciting their motto.*

BROCK: *finally catching up* "Oh, not Team Rocket... I don't feel like fighting them today. Besides, we always win! I wonder how it would feel to lose for a change..."

*Team Rocket stares at Brock. Well, except for James, who is busy staring at Misty.*

JAMES: *jumps forward and takes Misty's hands in his own* "Ahh, my goddess... You are truly a vision of beauty... I've never seen a prettier--"

JESSIE: *stomps on James' face* "You idiot! You said I was beautiful this morning! What's with you?" *grinds her heel on his face*

ASH: "Besides, that's MISTY. What would you call her pretty for?"

JAMES: "....face...get...foot...ouch..."

MISTY: *screams* "I'm gonna kill you, Ash!" *chases him around until she catches him, then searches through her pockets for one of those convenient mallets or frying pans* "Where are they, where are they... I must be out." *sighs in frustration* "Ah, what the hell." *picks up Togepi and smacks Ash around with it*

Togepi: *laughing* "Briii!"

JESSIE: *now punching and kicking James* "How dare you? I'm gonna make sure you never look at her again!"

JAMES: "Ahh... being beaten up by a beautiful woman... This must be a dream..."

*Meanwhile, Meowth is staring in shock at the commotion.*

MEOWTH: "Dat's it... CUT IT OUT!!" *scratch attacks the girls* "Now shut up and sit down!"

MISTY: "You little..."

JESSIE: "My face!"

*After a lot of arguing and name-calling, Meowth finally settles everyone down and the two groups sit on the ground facing each other. Ash, Misty, Meowth, and Jessie lean forward urgently, while Brock just looks bored and James divides his attention between staring at Jessie and staring at Misty.*

MEOWTH: "Alright... now, it seems to me that we have both got a little problem here."

MISTY: "A little problem? Brock is acting like a freak!"

ASH: "You mean like James?"

MISTY: "That's what I said."

JESSIE: "Well, look what we got! A girl-chasing wierdo who's so organized it makes me want to puke."

MEOWTH: "It's almost like they switched personalities..."

ASH: "How did they get this way? And what do we do to make them normal again?"

MISTY: "Hit them on the head really hard?"

JESSIE: "It hasn't worked yet, has it?"

*Everyone sighs. Everyone who's paying attention, that is.*

BROCK: "Is this going to take much longer? I'm getting hungry."

JAMES: *still looking back and forth* "Can't... decide..."

JESSIE: *stands up and clenches her fists* "I can't take this anymore! Let's just switch guys and go our separate ways!"

ASH: "Guess that's all we can do..."

*A few minutes later, Jessie and Meowth head off with Brock.*

JESSIE: "I gotta admit though, this is going to take some getting used to." *looks sideways at Brock*

MEOWTH: "Yeah, but it's better than having Mr. 'I Think I'm God's Gift to Women' around."

JESSIE: "True..."

*In the meantime, Ash and Misty are walking away with James.*

ASH: "This is great... no more whining and complaining. Just drooling over girls 24 hours a day."

MISTY: "And that's supposed to be better?"

ASH: "You've got a point...."

-Late at night-

*Mew once again floats along above two different, giggling at it's own joke.*

MEW: *thinks* "This is the most fun I've had this millenium! Even more fun than the time I let loose that killer Magikarp to annoy and terrify the general public... heheh... Now for the best part..."

*In the near darkness, Mew reverses the process it had went through the night before, then flies away, giggling insanely as though it was drunk. Which it probably was. And the next morning, the only thing which can be heard for a long time is the sound of two men screaming.*

Heh... yeah, the Magikarp mentioned is the page's mascot... Drop me a line and let me know if it was at least slightly amusing.

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