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January - June 2001

ff9group.JPGMy four fav characters from Final Fantasy 9. One of the best RPGs I've ever played! ^_^
zidanekun2.JPGA chibi Zidane. He's so adorable!
kujachan2.JPGKuja, the main villian from FF9. He's even cuter when he's super-deformed ^_^;
eiko.JPGA super-deformed Eiko from FF9. I told you I liked the game :p
sephy.JPGSuper-deformed villian Sephiroth, from Final Fantasy 7. Why do the bad guys have to be so hot? (uhh... did I just say that? o_o)
dabunnygirl.JPGJanice (or as I like to call her, "da bunny girl") from Chrono Cross
feena.JPGPencil and ink drawing of Feena from Grandia (yes, another RPG). Kinda shows how messy my original drawings can be ^_^;
chibfeencc.JPGAnother pic of Feena, this time SD. I guess you could say she was my fav character... I added a cool "charcoal" effect to it
jim.JPGExtremely sloppy drawing of Outlaw Star's Jim Hawking
miyu.JPGThe anime twins, Miki and Yuki. Never heard of them? That's because I created them. They don't have a purpose just yet...
yuki.JPGAnother pic of just Yuki
jimch.JPGNicer pic of little Jim Hawking. He was supposed to be sitting in a chair... but I didn't finish it. Thought it was cute enough to scan, though ^_^
tbonnecc.JPGMy video game idol, Tron Bonne! Yay for Tron! ^_^ Had more fun with the charcoal thing again on this one...
roan.JPGCute little Roan from Grandia 2. My favorite character from a great game ^_^
ryoko.JPGSketch of Ryoko. Dunno why I drew it, but I kinda like it
milina2.JPGLina! It's not that good, but it's Lina... ^_^'
mgourry.JPGGourry! (I guess I have a Slayers theme at the moment... :P)
lillina.JPGSuper-chibi Lina... not too cute, but it's ok :P
ksama.JPGMy first drawing ever of Kenshin (my newest love) *ooh* *ahh* Kenshin... *drool*
lefay.JPGAn anime-style pic of one of my PSO characters, Morgan LeFay. But she's wearing a dress and not her real outfit :P

