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Some of you out there may not know much of Jessie's history other than what you've seen in the anime: she was poor as a child, and once she wanted to become a Nurse Pokémon so badly that she went to school for it. So for those of you who know no more than that, here goes:
Jessie is the daughter of Miyamoto, who was a member of Team Rocket when Jessie was a child. Sent to the Andes Mountains in search of the elusive Mew, Miyamoto never returned. She is assumed to have died in an avalanche, but I don't like to jump to conclusions. ^_^ According to some of my sources, Jessie's father managed to save up enough money to send her to Pokémon Tech, but he died sometime later...
Thanks go to Christina, among others, for helping me with some of this info. And if any of it's wrong, it's their fault, not mine. *giggle* ^_^
I suppose I'd have to say that Jessie is the typical red-haired, strong female for the show... but I guess she shares that role with Misty. :p She may be tough and quite independent, but you can't say she isn't loyal to her true friends (those being James and Meowth, of course). There WAS that time in "Bad to the Bone" where she runs off by herself... but James and Meowth weren't about to let her get away with that. As Meowth put it, they really could be "rottener as a team than they could as individuals". ^_^
She's also vain, pushy, hot-tempered, and equally quick with either an insult OR a mallet. But that's why we love her, isn't it? Isn't it? ^_^;
Weird Stuff:
Her hair is pretty wierd. It should be stiff as a board, but apparently it's quite pliable at times, yet still has the ability to knock someone over. Wierd.
*She's horribly frightened by roller coasters. Which I think is wierd because I love them. ^_^
*She can dance a mean flamenco. I don't even need to explain why THAT'S weird.
*She's rather ignorant when it comes to technology. It was funny when she pulled on the cord they connected to that kid's laptop in that one episode... which I can't find the name of...
*She wanted to BE a Nurse Pokémon. Which is a little strange, since only Pokémon can be Nurse Pokémon. She could be a nurse but not a Nurse Pokémon, since being a Nurse Pokémon requires you to BE a Pokémon in the first place. Or did I already say that?
Favorite Scenes:
I thought she was adorable as a little girl in "Snow Way Out!". Singing about how much she loves snow... ^_^
**In "Tracey Gets Bugged," after she gets her hair chopped off by the Scyther and she finally has them caught in a net... She dramatically laments her loss, then she turns the most evil-looking face on those poor Scyther as she laughs dementedly... It sent chills down even MY spine. But that face was perfect.
**I like the way she jeers at Misty during "Princess vs. Princess". Serves the little twerp right! I mean, at least she HAD dolls, while Jessie didn't have any at all! Where is the justice in this world? Where, I ask?! ....Never mind. :p

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I could best compare Jessie to a... "well-developed" Lina Inverse... *ahem*