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If you don't know his history by now, you can probably read all about it on half a dozen other pages. Or just go watch the episode "Holy Matrimony". So I won't bore those of you who know it already. Which is another way of saying: I'm lazy. :p
I think of James as the comic relief for the comic relief. Not that Pokémon is ever desperately in need of comedy scenes. What I mean is, he usually ends up being the source of humor when even Jessie and Meowth are being serious. And if that doesn't make sense to anyone else, at least it makes sense to me. ^_^
Besides providing the show's main source of wholesome bishonen goodness (it's required for a healthy anime, ya know), he also offers a slightly more compassionate side to his teammates' often complete callousness. Don't get me wrong, all three of them have serious attacks of conscience at times, but James is just the easiest one to imagine possibly giving up his life of "crime" at some point. Let's just hope it's not... too soon. ^_^
Weird Stuff:
He seems to have a sort of magnetic attraction to Magikarp. (Or is it the Magikarp that are attracted to HIM?) He paid good money for one once, got his butt kicked for it, then almost repeated his mistake a second time! Then there was that incident where he got one stuck on his head... Okay, that's only three instances I can think of now, but I won't give up my theory just for that. :p
*He was apparently unable to ride a bike without training wheels in his bicycle gang days, but somewhere along the way, he must have learned. He rode one in "Friend and Foe Alike" just fine. With Meowth in the basket. ^_^ (cuuuute) *drools*
*He collects odd things like bottlecaps, and is obviously quite attached to them. Now how wierd is THAT?
*As a child, he used to get so bored he would fish in his swimming pool. Which I find cute... in a wierd way.
*The poor guy can dance ballet... quite well. Now if only he'd wear a MALE ballet costume...
*He only needs to count to five Mareep to get to sleep.
Favorite Scenes:
In "Pokémon Scent-Sation", when he's dressed up in that goofy guy disguise with Meowth stuffed down his shirt to make him look fat... Meowth pops up out of the top once to say something, then James tries to shove him back down his shirt... Geez, I STILL laugh when I watch it. Which proves to you that my sense of humor is very strange. :p
**The original scene where James buys a Magikarp in "Battle Aboard the St. Anne" is cute, but my jaw dropped when I saw it happen again almost identically in the recent Johto episode, "Tricks of the Trade". Then I laughed when James started to chase that old scammer around when he realized it was the same guy. Loved that scene. ^_^
**I also loved the scene in "Don't Touch That 'dile" where Jessie and Meowth were fighting over who would get to call the Boss to tell him they got a Pokémon. While they battle it out, James walks over to the phone booth quite calmly and is about to make the call, when he realizes he can't remember the area code. He asks his teammates to help... and they stop beating on each other and start on him instead. It's funnier watching it than writing about it... ^_^

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Did I mention he's my fav character? ^_^