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July - December 2001

flea.JPGSuper-deformed Flea, as seen in Chrono Cross. Obscure character? I think not. =P Flea is also one of my PSO characters. Woohoo... =D
fleabig.JPGMore realistic sketch of Flea. Am I obsessed? Noooo... O_o
meilin.JPGMeilin Li, from Cardcaptor Sakura. The BEST character from that show, IMHO. =P
dragirl.JPGKinda strange dragon type girl with a little dragon floating by her.. it's ok, but weird. I think. o.o
ctflea.JPGFlea as he looks in Chrono Trigger. (I am NOT obsessed, darn it!) >.<
elfgirl.JPGAnother pointy-eared girl I made up. What is it lately with pointy-eared people? Hm...
pso.htmlFor those of you who DON'T read my journal (shame on you, btw ;P), here is the page with my Phantasy Star Online pic of Flea, PingChan, and Kaminto-chan. ^__^
fm.JPGFlea and Myth from PSO!! Myth belongs to someone else, just so you know. ;P I.. I think she.. likes him.. o_o;
nc2.JPGCori-chan before..
nc22.JPG...and after she evolved! (complete with semi-magic flute ;P)
hikui1.JPGLook, it's my other side, Hikui. o_o
hikui2.JPG...and another of Hikui.
inkflea.JPGInk drawing of Flea looking.. serious? Whoa. x_x
fleakun.JPG..Ok, I admit it, I'm obsessed now. ;P I didn't know what his costume should have looked like, so I got it wrong, of course. ^_^ I like it though, 'cept that I messed up his hand!!... Oh well. ;P
foface.JPGA smudgy li'l FOnewearl face from PSO.
fleav2.htmlOnce again, a few of these pics have shown up in my journal, but since not everyone reads it, they go here too. =P First is Flea version 2!! He's so evilly cute! ^__^
mythy.JPGA pic of my friend G's PSO character, Myth-chan. Aww, how cute. ^_^
flam.JPGUncle Flea and his niece, Kaminto. They're BOTH crazy. >:P Heheh. ^_^
tifa.JPGI went on a Final Fantasy character drawing frenzy. o_o First is Tifa from FF7.
cloud.JPGHehe, poor Cloud (FF7).. He ended up small and kinda funny-looking. =P
garnet.JPGPrincess Garnet of FF9.
sephiroth.JPGAnd my personal favorite of the group, it's Sephiroth (FF7), looking.. contemplative. Or something. Who knows. =P
rrr.JPGFlea's looking mad. ^__^ (Must I always have a pic of Flea each update? ...Yep. =P)

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