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A (Realistic) Team Rocket Love Story

Notes: Okay, you've all read the mushy, Rocketshippy stories (heck, I've written my fair share ^_^;), but really, can you imagine it happening exactly in that way? Well, that's all fun to imagine, but this little skit shows a bit more of what might actually happen...

Rating: G/PG (I couldn't decide :p)

Disclaimer: I don't claim ownership of Pokémon, but I DO claim insanity. ^o^

Setting: Somewhere out there in Pokéland (don't ask me exactly WHERE, cuz I dunno :p). A nice quiet place out in the country, lots of grass, trees, a stream, and so on and so on. Jessie, James, and Meowth are setting up to camp for the night.

JAMES: "This is so monotonous... day after day... week after week... nothing to do but try to catch Pikachu, fail, make camp, try to catch Pikachu, fail, make camp, try to cat--"

MEOWTH: "You're the one who's monotonous, now shut up!" *gives him a good scratch across the nose*

JAMES: *holds his nose, wailing* "Ouch, ouch, OUCH! Meowth! Jessieee... did you see what he just did?! Umm... Jess?" *notices that she's paying no attention* "Jessie, you there?"

JESSIE: "What? Oh. Meowth, cut it out."

MEOWTH: "Wha... why are you takin' HIS side? It's not like you care or nothin'."

JESSIE: *glares* "Well, that shows how much you know."

JAMES: "Oh... ah..." *blushes* "Well Jess, what do you want for supper tonight? All we have left is that 'Farfetch'd In A Can' junk we stole from that old man last week. And I'm getting sick of it! It's so... so... leeky."

MEOWTH: "Like your brain."

JAMES: *looks confused* "My brain doesn't taste like a leek..."

JESSIE: "Both of you shut up. James, let's go look for something else to eat then."

JAMES: "Look for something? Food doesn't just... grow on trees, you know. Besides, I'm tired! We walked all day and I can't go any farther!"

JESSIE: "Stop exaggerating. You need more excercise, that uniform is starting to look tight on you."

JAMES: *looks down at himself* "You really think so...?"

MEOWTH: *snickers* "It ain't tight, he's just happy to see y--"

JESSIE: *throws a Golem-sized rock at Meowth's head* "Alright. James. I need to talk to you, so come on."

JAMES: "What for? Why can't we talk in front of Meowth?"

JESSIE: *tries to stay calm, but veins are popping all over her face* "James... just come on. Or I'm going to--"

JAMES: "But why not?"


JAMES: *pales* "Oh, I see. You want to talk to me privately. I get it."

JESSIE: *sighs* "NOW you get it..."

They walk through a bunch of trees, lots of grass, etc., etc., until they come to a nice sunny spot by the river, where they sit side by side on a large rock.

JAMES: "So... you were going to say something?"

JESSIE: "Yes, yes, of course." *looks nervous* "Uhh... isn't the river pretty?"

JAMES: *falls over* "Is THAT what you wanted to tell me? You could have done that in front of Meowth!"

JESSIE: "Well, yes... but that's not really what I wanted to say."

JAMES: *sounds bored* "I think I may have broken my head open on that rock, can you check it for me?"

JESSIE: "It did not." *pulls him back up* "Stop being ridiculous."

JAMES: "Then tell me already." *leans in close to stare at her*

JESSIE: *pushes his face away* "Stop that. I can't think when you do that."

JAMES: "You're not supposed to be thinking, you're supposed to be talking."

JESSIE: "Well... I can't think of... the right way... to put it."

JAMES: *squeals* "Ooo, can I guess? I love games! Okay, you want to tell me... that Meowth has some kind of terminal illness involving a hairball."


JAMES: "If it's not about him, it must be about me... err... I have a terminal illness involving a hairball?"


JAMES: "Okay... I got it... you wanted to tell me that the author of this pic is on some kind of drug that makes her laugh hysterically at the mention of the word 'hairball'?"

JESSIE: "That must be why it's in here so much... who else would laugh at it anyway... but no, it's not that."

JAMES: *thinks hard* "Well, it must be about you then. You... you..." *stares at her stomach* "You're pregnant! I'm so happy for you!" *grabs her and squeezes her* "But..." *pulls away, looking suspicious* "Who have you been--"

JESSIE: *smacks him* "No! I am not pregnant!"

JAMES: "Oh... you're just getting fat then."

JESSIE: *mallets him* "If you don't shut up... you're not going to survive long enough for me to tell you!"

JAMES: *dazed* "This game is... kinda... losing it's charm... ouch."

MEOWTH: *pops up out of nowhere* "Did someone say 'charm'?"

JESSIE: "What in the *&#$ &%$* @#$ are you doing here?"

MEOWTH: *sits down next to them* "Just makin' sure you two are okay. An' seein' what you were talkin' about." *grins sneakily* "You don't mind, right? It's not like you was gonna say 'Oh James, I fell secretly in love with you from the moment I saw you! Let's run away together!' Nope. You probably just wanted to tell him about my hairball."

JAMES: "You... really have a hairball?"

MEOWTH: "Oh yeah. A big one. So big, it's blockin' up my--"

JESSIE: *boots Meowth into the stratosphere* "Get lost, you freak!"

JAMES: "Jess! Why did you do that? He--"

JESSIE: *sits down again* "Meowth doesn't have a hairball, James. The little creep heard everything we said before."

JAMES: "Oh... about what he said before though... is that true?"

JESSIE: "Well... I... that is... you... I......... well..."

JAMES: "Oh, you don't have to say it. I already knew anyway. And I feel the same way."

JESSIE: "You knew... I was going to say that? So why did you..."

JAMES: "Say all that stuff?" *grins* "To drive you crazy."

JESSIE: *face does that amazing expanding thingy again* "WELL IN THAT CASE, NOW THAT YOU KNOW THAT I LOVE YOU, YOU WON'T TAKE IT PERSONALLY WHEN I KILL YOU!!" *kicks him up to wherever Meowth went and stomps away*

*Several minutes later, James falls back to the ground, Meowth landing on top of him.*

JAMES: *dazed* "Ouch... oooh... I'm in loooove..."

MEOWTH: *swirly eyes* "Love... hurts...."

And that's how it happens! ^_^ Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm off to eat some Farfetch'd In A Can and laugh about hairballs some more. (The only drugs I'm actually on are Dr. Pepper and pure chocolate. :p)

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