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About Me

Few would know it to look at me, but there are two separate beings in my brain; the two sides of my personality, with one side being dominant at times and the other just taking a nap and waiting for the other side to scream in her ear and wake her up to take over. ...And if that sounds confusing, just wait'll you read the rest! ^__^

Cori-chan: The side that is usually dominant, Cori-chan appears to be a fairy. She has wings, yes, but are they real or just glued to her back? Could she fly if she wanted to? No one knows that but her of course. ^_^ She's a pretty quiet person usually, and enjoys hiding out from scary people a lot because she'd mostly rather just be left alone. She's also kind of moody at times, and can easily become rather depressed, although she can pull out of it fairly quickly most of the time. Her favorite things include: reading, video games, sitting around doing nothing, playing her (semi-magic) flute, watching anime, drooling over a multitude of bishounen, staying up late, eating candy, making fun of herself, and doubting the other side's abilities. (Some very odd things for a fairy to like. ;P) And speaking of the other side...

Hikui: Hikui is the creative side of my personality. (But she's not a fairy. ;P) She creates the art, fiction, and whatever other "creative" things I may come up with. She's just a bit more outgoing, and simply likes to have a lot of fun. The only bad part might be that she tends to act pretty childish at times.. (Maybe that's why I get mistaken for someone still in high school so much!! ;P) HER favorite things include: drawing, writing stories, listening to music (constantly -_-), sharpening pencils, laughing at strange things, jumping up and down, making weird noises, and generally being a nuisance to just about everyone she feels comfortable around. ^__^

So there ya go. Now you know all about both sides of me. Comments? Suggestions on good mental hospitals to check into? E-mail me about it. ^_^
