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See "Go West Young Meowth" for the details. But I figure most everyone knows it already. ^_^ (Lazy! Yes! I'm lazy!)
As far as Pokémon go, I figure Meowth is pretty smart. He DID teach himself to talk, after all. Just never mind the fact that that took up all his learning abilities, and he can't seem to learn any more attacks, such as Pay Day, much to Jessie and James' annoyance. You might argue that he can't be very smart to be in Team Rocket, but... As far as he's concerned right now, it's where he belongs. I sometimes think that Meowth is smarter than his partners... sometimes. ^_^
He would probably like to think of himself as the leader of their little group, but Jessie would definitely fight him for that title. Well, Meowth DOES fight with Jessie more than with James... Their personalities tend to clash a bit more, I think. Meowth also has a good-natured side to him, as you can plainly see in how he felt about Meowzy, and also toward that girl in "The Problem with Paras" when she cured him. All in all... Meowth is cute. I love cats. ^_^
Weird Stuff:
Meowth has an all-consuming love for round things. All Meowth do, I suppose... But this Meowth can be distracted from ANYTHING by a mere ball of yarn...
*He seems to have a lot of love for his gold charm. He certainly takes care of it well... ^_^;
*For a Pokémon, Meowth sure does seem to appreciate human females sometimes... I won't say anything more about that...
*A walking, talking Pokémon that can pedal a submarine, drive a van, and steal other Pokémon... now THAT'S wierd.
Favorite Scenes:
Taking care of his little "eggy-weggy" in "Who Gets to Keep Togepi?" was just precious. He would do anything for that egg: lay on it to keep it warm, bathe with it, beat off all of James' attempts to eat it... The devotion was truly touching. ^_^
**He was cute in the entire "Meowth Rules!" episode. But especially at the end when he admits his need for Jessie and James... that was sweet.
**When he tells that joke wrong in "Flower Power" after Jessie and James stick him on stage... "Whaddaya call a fat-free Pokémon? ...Caterpie!" That was too funny. The part where they tell everyone he's a talking Pokémon, but he's so scared to be on stage that he can't say any more than "Meowth" was funny, too. ^_^

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Meow! Meowth meow! Meeeeeoooowth... (don't ask)