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Meowth Cam 2 - Holiday Horror

Notes: Yep, it's true... Meowth with a camera on his head, again. ^_^ This takes place at Team Rocket's Christmas party, and although it's not long, maybe you can get at least a laugh or two out of it. I guess I called it "Holiday Horror" because I thought it was horrible. Oh well. ^_^

Rating: G (does drunkenness by eggnog raise the rating to at least PG? Decide for yourself. :p)

Disclaimer: I don't own them, and if I did, I wouldn't have wrote this. o_O

- Camera time reads: 8:00 p.m. -

*camera takes in a full shot of Meowth's face*

MEOWTH: "Yay! In honor of Team Rocket's annual Christmas party, the Meowth Cam has been resurrected! I may not get rich offa dis video either, but oh well. It'll provide a nostalgic laugh sometime down da road... heh... yeah."

*camera wiggles around while Meowth puts it on his head; it slides right and left several times before settling on a slightly crooked view of the room*

MEOWTH: "OK, OK. As I said, dis here is Team Rocket's annual Christmas party. Keep in mind we don't do dis cuz we're big fans o' Christmas or nothin'... it's just a time to get together, share crazy stories, and get drunk on eggnog... err... I'll have to edit dat bit later."

*camera pans around the room, taking in shots of various Rocket members in uniform, as well as the buffet with it's questionable eggnog*

MEOWTH: "Now, let's go have a look around and see what's goin' down."

*camera bounces along as it moves, taking in nice shots of people's feet, before finally raising up to focus in on Butch and Cassidy*

BUTCH: " then the Boss had this piece of mistletoe, and he went around terrorizing all the girls. You remember that?"

CASSIDY: "Oh yeah... last year was so totally awesome. Old Gio's not that bad of a kiss... Why, look here, Butch. Meowth has a camera on his head."

BUTCH: *blinks down at camera* "That he does... Let me give you a hand with that..." *reaches down*

MEOWTH: "Augh! Gettaway!"

*camera bounces around wildly, weaving through people's legs before stopping*

MEOWTH: "Whew... got away."

*camera slows goes up to see Giovanni wearing a Santa Claus suit and looking at a piece of mistletoe in one hand, with a glass of eggnog in the other*

MEOWTH: "Whoa, boy... not safe yet."

*camera runs back the other way, then stops and moves up and down a little while Meowth pants*

MEOWTH: "Gotta... stop... running... Hm, I'm in da middle of da room. Good time to ask. SO WHAT IS MEOWTH GETTING FOR CHRISTMAS?"


*balls of yarn suddenly start raining down, banging against the camera until it goes black*

- Camera time reads: 8:15 p.m. -

*camera opens with a shot of James' face taking up the entire screen; Jessie can be heard giggling hysterically in the background*

JAMES: " he made me an offer I couldn't refuse: All the eggnog I could hold. Unfortunately... I can't hold much eggnog. Where's the bathroom, Meowth?"

MEOWTH: "Dat way, moron."

JAMES: "Thanks."

*James' face disappears and the camera focuses on Jessie*

MEOWTH: "Got any words o' wisdom for da audience? Maybe a holiday message?"

JESSIE: "Not really. But James sure can drink eggnog." *continues with the hysterical giggling*

MEOWTH: "Don't tell me you two had dat stupid eggnog drinkin' contest again."

JESSIE: "Ohhhhh yeah." *silly grin*

MEOWTH: "Sheesh, I can tell. Anyway, what didja get Meowth for Christmas?"

JESSIE: "Yarn!"

*a ball of yarn bounces off the camera lens before the picture goes black*

- Camera time reads: 9:02 p.m. -

*camera pans around the empty room with only Jessie standing there, looking bored*

MEOWTH: "Well, da party didn't last long, as usual... and here we are, STILL waitin' for James to get outta da bathroom."

JESSIE: "I told you he could drink eggnog."

MEOWTH: "And I heard you da fortieth time you said dat."

JAMES: "Said what?"

*camera swivels around quickly to take in a shot of James as he comes over to stand by Jessie*

MEOWTH: "Nothin'. It's about time you got here."

JAMES: "Where is everyone?"

MEOWTH: "They're gone! Party's over! We was just waitin' for ya to get outta da bathroom!"

JAMES: "Oh."

MEOWTH: "Anyway..." *camera moves back and forth between Jessie and James' faces* "While we're here, you guys should give each udda your presents."

JESSIE: "...Presents?"

JAMES: "...Presents...?"

MEOWTH: "It's Christmas, duh. Assuming you got each udda presents..."

JAMES: "Oh..." *nervous laughter* "Yeah... I did."

JESSIE: "Of course." *more nervous laughter*

MEOWTH: "So get on with it!"

JESSIE: "Err... okay. I'll go first, I guess." *reaches into the top of her left glove and hands what she takes out to James* "Sorry I didn't wrap it."

JAMES: *stares* "This is... wow! This is my favorite bottlecap! And I thought I lost it! I've been looking for it all year... Say, where did you find it?"

JESSIE: "Oh.. well, I knew I wouldn't have much money come this time of year... and I thought you'd be really happy to get that back, so... I took it."

MEOWTH: "Dat's pathetic!"

JAMES: *shrugs* "It's not so bad. My turn now." *reaches into the top of his right boot and hands something to Jessie* "Didn't have time to wrap mine, either..."

JESSIE: "Oh! This is my favorite lipstick I thought I lost a year... ago... You had the same idea?"

JAMES: *looks embarrassed* "Well, yeah..."

JESSIE: "But it's so great to have it back! I wasn't sure I could live much longer without my 'Ravishing Red'... *opens the cap* "Umm... but, James? It wasn't half used when I lost it..."

JAMES: *turns red* "Heh... heheh..."

MEOWTH: "Umm... aren't you two.... mad?"

JESSIE: "Of course not! This is the best present I ever got!" *starry eyes*

JAMES: "Mine is, too!" *starry eyes*

JESSIE: "James!"

JAMES: "Jessie!" *massive hugging ensues*

MEOWTH: "...Dat is da most pathetic thing I've ever seen! More proof dat humans are just plain crazy... at least, these two are for sure. But wait a minute! You two got me something else, right? C'mon, whatisit, whatisit?!"


*camera screen is covered by a blizzard of yarn balls, then fades to black*

The End (hurray!)

Today's moral: keep away from the eggnog. Have a nice day. ^.^

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