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Team Rocket/Slayers: Minisode #1

Notes: This isn't an episode... It's a minisode, a word I so cleverly created by putting together "mini" and "episode"... I'm so clever. *purrs* =^.^= Anyway, this is kinda like a commercial or something, it's pretty short... The basic point is trying to teach the basics of Monster summoning, but... well, I don't know if it achieves that goal entirely. ^_^

Rating: G

Disclaimer: I don't own these characters, or anything else that has to do with them, or... I'm beginning to feel so redundant...

Minisode #1: How to Summon a Monster (Right in Your Own Backyard!)

*Jessie, James, and Meowth are standing in the backyard of what appears to be a very large (not to mention very familiar) mansion.*

JESSIE: "Yay! Now it's time to show you all the correct way to summon a Monster! Isn't it exciting?"

JAMES: "You all...?" *looks at Meowth* "Who is she talking to?"

MEOWTH: "Heh. This was her stupid idea, doing this television thing. Just to make a few extra bucks." *mutters*

JESSIE: "Haha... Why Meowth, whatever are you talking about? I've never even heard of tele... viz... on... whatever. There's no such thing." *smiles directly at the camera* "Now where was I... oh yes! Summoning a Monster! And it's so easy, you can do it right in your own backyard!"

JAMES: "But does it have to be my backyard?"

JESSIE: *glares* "Shut up." *smiles* "As I was saying, summoning a Monster is easy. You take your Monster Orb... and... and..." *feels inside cape* "Hey... where did they go?"

MEOWTH: "We took them all to the cleaners. Don't you remember that?"

JESSIE: "Oh... ah... right. The cleaners. Anyway..." *looks around* "So where do I find a..." *Monster Orb comes flying in from offscreen and clunks her on the head* "Crap! I mean, great! Now we can continue!"

JAMES: "Is there something in it?"

JESSIE: "Um..." *tosses it on the ground and watches it just roll* "No. So I guess we'll have to catch one. Now where would I find a Monster..." *looks all around*

MEOWTH: *eyes grow huge* "Gee, I dunno."

JESSIE: "Aha! I've got you!"

MEOWTH *hysterical* "I'm not a Meowth! I'm a rock! A rock!"

JESSIE: "Have you ever considered seeing a psychiatrist?"

MEOWTH: *serious* "Actually, I--"

*Jessie hurls the Orb at Meowth's head; it hits him right between the eyes.*

MEOWTH: *falls over* "Ouch..."

JESSIE: *runs over and grabs the Orb* "Alright, it's weakened! Now I just throw it again, and..." *tosses it again, and Meowth disappears inside with a flash of light* "Yay! I got it!" *dances around*

JAMES: "Uh.. is this really a good idea?"

JESSIE: "Shut up!" *turns to the camera, holding up the Orb* "Now. As you can see, I have captured the elusive beast."

JAMES: "It's just Meowth."

JESSIE: "For the last time, would you just SHUT UP! .....ahem. Once you have captured your Monster, you have two options: one, to call it out in the air in a kind of spiritual form. This way, your Monster can still use the same attacks, but also won't be able to be destroyed. Two, to call it out on the ground in a physical form, useful for if you want to battle two together. I will demonstrate the second way." *rolls it along the ground again* "Come forth, Meowth!"

*With another blinding flash of light, Meowth appears, looking thoroughly disgusted.*

MEOWTH: "I'll have you know how thoroughly disgusted I am."

JESSIE: "I think that was already covered."

MEOWTH: "Er... right. I'll also have you know that I feel completely degraded, and also that I think you're a no-good, third-class, half-witted, incompetent.. umm... STUPID sorceress."

JESSIE: *turns slowly to face the camera, one eyebrow twitching* "Now. Once you have called out your Monster, you can have it do an attack. Meowth, you're about to do the Feline Missile."

MEOWTH: "Feline Missile? There's no such thing."

JESSIE: *screams* "That's because you're going to learn it now!" *grabs it by the tail, then swings it around in circles* "Now, go! Feline Missile!"

*Jessie lets Meowth go; it flies directly at the mansion, which soon disappears in a gigantic mushroom cloud.*

JAMES: "WAHH! My house!"

JESSIE: *sweatdrop* "Uhh... That's all the time we have for today... Hopefully you've all learned... something... important... Oh, who gives a darn." *runs offscreen as the dust swirls in*

WEIRD VOICE: "Please note: No Meowth were actually harmed in the making of this... whatever it was."

MEOWTH: "Speak for yerself, jerk!"

WEIRD VOICE: "Uh... right."


Maybe it's just me, but every time I have someone yell "Come forth, so-and-so", the "Pattycake Boys" from the original Slayers come to mind. ...Geez, maybe it IS just me. -_-;

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