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Pokémon the Parody 2000: The Power of Three

Notes: Okay, so this isn't a straight parody. It has it's similarities to the movie, but then it's different in a lot of ways. For one, Team Rocket are the main characters and Team Twerp only appears in one (very brief) scene. The character of Melody is replaced with "Harmony", and the collector guy is just called "Collector". Other than that, there really aren't any other of the characters from the movie. But then, I didn't want this to follow the story from the movie exactly. So as you'll see, it's... different. And hopefully funny. ^_^

Rating: PG (mild language and even milder innuendo)

Disclaimer: I don't own Pokémon, but if I did, you could probably tell that they wouldn't let me do any of the writing for it. :p

*screen shows Jessie, James, and Meowth pedaling away in their Magikarp submarine, in warm sunlit waters*

NARRATOR: "Just another happy sunny day, with our heroes engaged in their usual pursuit: villainy."

JESSIE: "Say what? We're the HEROES of this story, therefore we aren't involved in any villainy."

JAMES: "So basically, stealing Pokémon is okay, since we're the heroes."

MEOWTH: "Dat's right!"

NARRATOR: *clears throat* "Now, where was I... Oh yes, all that happy sunny crap and then our heroes in their usual pursuit: umm... good guy... stuff."

JESSIE: *looking through the periscope* "WAHAHAH! We've got those twerps this time! They're dead ahead! Ready the Pika-seeking missiles!"

JAMES: "The Pika-seeking..."

MEOWTH: "...missiles..."

JESSIE: *sweatdrops* "You mean to tell me... you two didn't install them like I asked yesterday?"

JAMES: "Heheh... Oh, we installed them..."

MEOWTH: "It's just that they didn't seem to... that is, I mean that they didn't..."

JESSIE: "What happened??"

JAMES: "See... well, I just wanted to see if they worked... and... I fired them."

JESSIE: "You.. did what?"

JAMES: "I said... I... fired... them..."

JESSIE: "I know what you said, you dolt! I was just trying to make this stupid movie more dramatic!" *jumps back and tackles James to the floor, where she proceeds to beat him up*

MEOWTH: "Guys... guys? I can't exactly control this thing by myself... whoa... Hey you idiots, we're gonna crash!"

*Jessie and James look up just in time to be hurled to the front of the sub along with Meowth*

JESSIE: "Oh great... what did we hit?"

MEOWTH: "I'd say land. Or else one heck of a big Horsea."

*They push open the sub door, and peek out to see what looks like a small island right outside*

JESSIE: "Great... this is great..."

JAMES: "This isn't going to turn into an episode of "Survivor", is it?"

MEOWTH: "God, let's hope not."

*They climb out to take a look at the sub; after several minutes, Jessie steps back and shakes her head*

JESSIE: "There's no way we can fix this here. We need more supplies."

JAMES: "Where are we going to get supplies? Oh my... Oh my God, we're gonna die!"

JESSIE: *smacks him* "Shut up! I'm sure we can get supplies... somewhere... on this island."

JAMES: "Where? The Deserted Island Gift Shop? No wait, how about the Out in the Middle of Nowhere Store That Just Happens to Have Supplies to Fix a Submarine? *turns green* Oh God! I'm gonna die! On an island!"

JESSIE: "I said cut that out!" *proceeds to strangle him, stopping when Meowth begins speaking*

MEOWTH: "Or maybe... they could help us..." *Jessie and James look up in the direction Meowth is pointing; a swarm of natives are heading straight toward them*

JAMES: "Yeah... maybe they know where the gift shop is."

JESSIE: "Will you forget about that? They probably just... want to welcome us... to their lovely island."

MEOWTH: "Or maybe they're cannibals come to welcome us to dinner."

JAMES: "I'm gonna die! On an island!"

JESSIE: "Meowth! Why did you have to say that?"

*By this time the natives are standing close around the trio; they are all wearing clothes made of long grass and frighteningly painted wooden masks*

MEOWTH: "Uhh... We come... in peace..."

NATIVE: "Wow... that Meowth speaks human..."

JESSIE: *sweatdrop* "Oh.. so you all aren't primitive cann... cann..."

NATIVE: "Cannibals? No... Well, only on weekends."

*Our heroes faint simultaneously*

NATIVE: "Kidding, just kidding!"

*The "natives" then toss off their masks to reveal fairly normal looking people underneath; Jessie, James, and Meowth sit up slowly to stare at them*

JESSIE: "So what... what..."

MAYOR: "I'm the mayor of this island. We like to greet our tourists in the traditional way; it's part of the experience."

MEOWTH: "Some experience..."

JESSIE: "Anyway, we aren't tourists. Our submarine crashed into this stupid island and now we need some supplies to fix it."

MAYOR: "Hmm.. you could try the gift shop..."

JAMES: "Ha! They have a gift shop!"

JESSIE: *elbows him* "Shut up. Well, take us to your... town... or whatever it is."

MAYOR: "Alright, just follow us." *the group of fake natives head farther inland, with one girl with long ponytails remaining behind*

GIRL: "Hi, my name is Harmony! I play the ukulele!" *brandishes a beat-up ukulele at them*

JESSIE: "Gee, that's nice. Can we get going?"

HARMONY: "No, I wanna tell you the story first!" *sees James* "Oooh, what a pretty girl!" *squeezes him tightly*

JAMES: *wheezing* "Not a.. guh... not a girl..."

MEOWTH: "Heheh... He's not a girl. Although sometimes it seems like it." *grins* "Jess likes to dress him up real purty."

JESSIE: "What a lie, it's just for the sake of the Team." *blushes* "Now will you let go of my partner?"

HARMONY: "No, he's too pretty... I can't! But... if he's your partner... I guess you have dibs." *sighs and lets him go*

JESSIE: "He's not... he's not that kind of partner..." *face turns redder* "We're on a team together, is all."

HARMONY: *big smile* "Oh reeeeaaally? Hurray! Now he's mine!" *re-squeezes James* "Wanna watch me play my ukulele?"

JAMES: *unidentifiable gurgling*

MEOWTH: "Something tells me that this girl is not all there..."

JESSIE: *growling* "Okay, that's enough.... Let go of my partner right this minute."

HARMONY: "But why? If he's free... Why can't I have him?"

JESSIE: "Because he's MY partner... He can't just go off with some girl. Also... His face is turning blue."

HARMONY: "Oh my goodness!" *lets go* "I'm sorry!"

JAMES: *gasping* "I'm gonna die... On... an... island..."

JESSIE: *sighs* "Now, what were you saying about a story?"

HARMONY: "Oh! I have to tell you the story before you go anywhere." *clears throat* "Okay, here goes. A long time ago there was a prophecy! A really bad one!"

MEOWTH: "I can tell this is gonna be a great story already...."

HARMONY: "In this prophecy, the horrible Collector comes in a flying airship to... to..."

JESSIE: "To what?"

HARMONY: "To collect all the Pokémon toys in the world! He's a collector, you know."

JAMES: "So... how is this so bad?"

HARMONY: "Isn't it obvious? With no more Pokémon toys in the world, what will the children do? No one will ever again receive them as Christmas and birthday presents, and they won't be able to bug their mothers to buy them in the store while annoying other shoppers in the process! No more Pokémon toys! Don't you get it?"

JAMES: *pales* "You mean... Even those cute little plastic figures of... me?"

HARMONY: *whispers* "Even... those..."

JAMES: "AHHH! It's horrible!"

JESSIE: "Oh brother."

HARMONY: "But wait, it gets better! Also in the prophecy, three strangers shall come to this island aboard a broken-down metal Magikarp! And they'll save us!"

MEOWTH: "Wow... those prophets are pretty accurate."

JESSIE: "How are we supposed to save you?"

HARMONY: *smiles* "That's the best part. To save us all from this cataclysm, you need to collect the three Cartridges of Power found somewhere on this island, then place them all together in an open spot where the Collector is sure to see them! Then, when he comes, a beautiful girl plays the ukulele and he is defeated! Oh, and I'm that girl, 'cause I play the ukulele!"

JAMES: "And a ukulele is supposed to defeat the guy? How?"

HARMONY: "Umm.... well, the prophecy isn't too clear on that. But it'll work!"

MEOWTH: "Huh... Doesn't this prophecy have a little song or catchy rhyme to help you remember it better?"

HARMONY: "The prophets weren't exactly miracle workers, ya know..."

JESSIE: "Back up a second... Cartridges of Power? What are those?"

HARMONY: "Oh yeah. The first three copies made of Pokémon Red, Blue, and Yellow."

*Our heroes stare blankly*

MEOWTH: "First copies?"

HARMONY: "You know, it's a video game. Handheld."

JAMES: "We really don't have time for games... We're always following a group of twerps around."

HARMONY: "Oh. Well, come on into town then, and you can start looking for the Cartridges soon. Then you can fix your submarine and be on your way! Unless..." *bats eyelashes at James* "Some of you might want to stay longer..."

JESSIE: *glares* "No way."

*As soon as the turn to head inland, a crash is heard on the beach behind them; they turn around to see an interesting sight and some very familiar faces*

MISTY: "You sure don't know how to drive a Lapras, Ash!"

ASH: "It's 'cause you're too heavy! That's why we crashed on this dumb island!"

TRACEY: "Guess Ash has a death wish..."

*The trio of twerps then sees Team Rocket standing with Harmony*

ASH: "...Huh?"

MEOWTH: "Just as articulate as ever, eh?"

ASH: "If you three are looking for a fight.."

JAMES: *smirks* "What happened to your Lapras, Ashy-poo?"

ASH: *looks embarrassed* "It just.. uhh.. it just quit."

JESSIE: "Suuure. I bet you haven't changed the oil in that thing since you got it."

MISTY: "Ash, you idiot! I told you it needed an oil change!" *bashes him on the head with her fist*

TRACEY: *confused* "Lapras use oil?"

MISTY: "Just shut up, you pathetic excuse for a Brock replacement."

JESSIE: "Let's leave them alone so they can have their little squabble. This is our story, anyway."

*Team Rocket and Harmony sneak away, leaving the twerp trio, still arguing, behind them.


*We next see Jessie, James, and Meowth standing outside a small grass hut at the edge of a village, Harmony standing in front of them*

JAMES: "Is there a restaurant in this town? I'm really hungry."

HARMONY: *starry eyes* "Sure! Wanna go out with me?"


JAMES: "Excuse me, but she asked me."

JESSIE: "And I said no. We're getting this done, fixing the sub, and leaving."

MEOWTH: "Jealousy rearing it's ugly head..."

JAMES: "Jealousy? Who's jealous?"

MEOWTH: *sighs* "Never mind."

HARMONY: "Okay, then... I guess we could start looking out in the field..." *gestures to the field behind the hut* "It's as good a place as any."

JESSIE: "So, you have no clue where they might be..."

HARMONY: "Nope, the prophets didn't say."

JESSIE: "Great..."

*They spend the next several minutes looking about the field, until Meowth makes a discovery underneath a rock*

MEOWTH: "Uhh... What are these?" *points at the red, blue, and yellow plastic objects*

HARMONY: "That's it! You found them!" *thinks* "That's funny... They're all in one place. And not hidden too well. What kind of a challenge is that?"

JAMES: "I don't know. We probably blew the entire animation budget on the crash scene, and now we can't afford to have some big fancy search sequence."

MEOWTH: "But this is a fanfiction."

JAMES: "Err... right. Maybe the author is just too lazy to think up a big fancy search sequence."

EVERYONE: "That's it!"

*Several minutes later, they have piled up a bunch of rocks in the middle of the field and placed the "Cartridges of Power" on top*

HARMONY: "If this don't bring that nasty old Collector, nothing will! My ukulele is ready!"

*About 2 minutes later, a giant "airship" (looking like a mess of wire with tinfoil wrapped around it) shows up and lands on the ground, a big man with funny-looking blond hair jumping out*

COLLECTOR: "Is that what I think it is? The Most Holy Original Copies? I must have them as part of my collection! They're mine now, all mine!"

HARMONY: "I don't think so! Your evil collecting ways end here!" *begins to play the ukulele*

JESSIE: "Oh..."


MEOWTH: "...ears..."

*Soon everyone but Harmony herself is writhing on the ground in agony, hands clamped over their ears*

COLLECTOR: "No... no! I'll quit! I'll go straight! You can have these back!" *runs into the airship, comes back with a gigantic bag* "All the Pokémon toys I ever collected! I promise I'll never do it again! From now on I'll collect... err... Digimon! Sooo... bye!" *jumps back into the ship and speeds away*

HARMONY: *stops playing* "Victory!"

MEOWTH: "Yeah, but at what cost..."

JESSIE: "I may never hear right again..."

JAMES: "I knew I was gonna die... on this island..."

*Eventually everyone has recuperated and they watch Harmony look through the bag*

HARMONY: "Wow... Look at all these. I'm sure the kids'll be real happy now. Here's your figure." *grins and hands James a box*

MEOWTH: "And now we can leave!"

JAMES: *staring at the box* "Who'd have thought I'd be so gosh darn marketable..."

JESSIE: *veins popping* "That's it, we're leaving now. Nice meeting you, blah blah blah, have a nice day, get some ukulele lessons, see ya!" *grabs James and Meowth and runs off*

HARMONY: "Strange, strange people... But they've saved the world from what seemed to be certain devastation." *cheesy music plays, etc.*


NARRATOR: And so, after purchasing (in other words, stealing) some submarine parts from the gift shop (which did have sub parts), the sub is fixed and our heroes are off to perform more... err... heroic deeds.

MEOWTH: "Hey, that was a pretty good adventure. Compared to.. previous adventures."

JESSIE: "I guess. James, stop playing with that and pedal!"

MEOWTH: "Don't worry about it, James. She's jealous 'cause she don't have one."

NARRATOR: "Note to all you perverts: They are talking about the action figure."

JAMES: "Don't worry about it Jess, I'll steal you the next one we find, if you really want one."

JESSIE: *sweatdrop* "Why me..."

MEOWTH: "Say, do you think we could ever really have a movie like this on the big screen?" *everyone thinks for a moment*

EVERYONE: "Nahh..."

The End... Really.

Okay, I know what you're thinking. Wait, no I don't. Write me and tell me what you think. ^_^;

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