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Piouso Resurrection

Chapter Six - Tale of a Pokemon Thief

Misty waited patiently, listening to the ruffling of clothing and the light clanging of medical instruments. James' soft footsteps sounded within after a while, getting closer to the door with each step. The door swung in gently, James backing out quietly without his hospital uniform on, just a lavender shirt and black jeans, his hair a little messy, probably from being stuffed in the surgical cap. His eyes were aimed inside the room, a small smile crossing his lips. 'Looking at his patient. What could have made him change from a vain jerk into a gentle humanitarian?' she wondered, remaining still as he shut the door.

He turned slowly, his eyes moving up, and then he saw her. He froze, looking about ready to run, but all he did was stand there, his emerald eyes filling with fear. She raised up her arms slowly, shaking her head. "James, I didn't come here to hurt you. I swear." She told him. He was still motionless, watching her every move. "Yeah? Then why are you here anyway? To turn me in? Is Ash waiting in the lobby to kick the stuffing out of me again?" he asked, his voice suspicious.

", James. I'm here alone. I came to get Venusaur fixed talk with you. No battles or anything, just to talk. Plain and simple." She explained, taking a cautious step towards him. James was still in place as she stepped up to him. She pulled off her duffel bag and tossed it to his feet. "See? All my Pokeballs are in there. You can see for yourself. I only want to talk, James, that's it. You can tie me up if it makes you feels better, just don't run. Please." She pleaded.

He looked down at the bag, poking it with his shoe, then looked back up at her, his body relaxing. "Pick up your stuff....*sigh*....and follow me." he said quietly, turning around slowly. He walked away from her, looking back every so often at her cautiously. She grabbed up her bag and jogged after him, following him through the dimly lit halls.

They went on walking for several minutes before James stopped next to a door with a Snorlax sign painted on it. He turned the knob, then held it open for Misty, keeping his eyes fastened on her as she passed him into the room. He shut it quietly behind him, locking the door.

Misty saw that there were many cots in the room, with fluffy white pillows and blankets. She looked back, seeing James leaning on the doorway with an almost defeated look on his face. "It's where I sleep, and any trainers who don't want to be far from their Pokemon. It's not like my bed back home, but I'm not complaining as long as I get some rest. Pick any one you like, then we can talk." He drawled out, pushing at the lone lock of hair that hung down the center of his face.

Misty nodded, sitting down on the first cot she passed. James sat down in front of her, his fingers twisting together nervously. "James, I'm not Ash or the cops. I just want to talk....about what you've been doing these past ten years. Jessie did say you died in an explosion....not that she sounded too broken up about it." Misty sighed, trying to make eye contact.

"I'm not surprised. She left me for dead anyway on that island." He grumbled. Misty put her hands on his and squeezed them gently. "What happened to you, James? Jessie never really had time to tell us anything....we were to busy battling her, before I had to return home." She admitted, shrugging slightly.

"I bet she didn't tell you why we were on the island, now did she?" James offered, Misty shaking her head," I thought not. For the best of friends, she sure didn't act like one. It was on an uncharted island, a ways from Sunny Town, shrouded in mist. Our boss....Giovanni had fired us, but was willing to give one of us a second chance. Only one, the other one would be shot through the brain and left to rot on the island. Get a Pokemon or get a bullet, either way, me and Jessie were bound to be separated. I found Jessie after hours of walking, screaming how happy she was....that she was going to live....but we'd agreed before we left that if either of found a Pokemon, we'd call out to the other. We promised each other we would...."

"And she didn't." It was a statement, not a question. Misty could tell from the way his voice was cracking, struggling not to cry, that Jessie had hurt him then, she'd lied.

He nodded, rubbing his throat for a moment, then coughed. "Yeah, she just ran off, not even calling my name. It hurt, not just the fact that I was going to die, but....the fact the only friend I had after I ran away from home had stomped on our friendship like it was yesterday's garbage. I decided to hide in the ruins she came out of with her Pokemon, for as long as I could until they'd come after me, but my luck....I wandered for a long time, till I reached a dark room....lit a match....and boom! Everything went up, even me. I would have drowned if it hadn't been for Nurse Joy and her boyfriend. They got me to a hospital....and even took me in because I had nowhere to go. She took on the role of being a mother to me."

"How sweet, but didn't she recognize you from the bike gang?" Misty asked, James finally looking up at her.

"Maybe, but she never said anything. She welcomed me into her home with open arms, I was very touched. I even got a few part-time jobs after a few weeks, and a haircut. I was being given a second chance at life, and I wasn't going to screw it up like the last time. I saved for a year or so, and Joy even donated a little to get me into to Pokemon Technical. The students knew who I was, picked on me, beat me up, but I wasn't going to go back to the life I lived before. I couldn't, Misty, I had to show Joy how much I appreciated her and her boyfriend caring for me, like I was their real child. I couldn't let them down."

"Seeing you now, I guess you did pretty well." Misty smiled, and James returned it, tilting his head to the side. "Yeah, better than any of the other students expected. I passed just as good as anyone on my own. No help from anyone, and I passed all the way to graduation....and I went home, attended Mom's wedding. I felt like I really had a life, a family. I had a mother, then a father, and later on my Mom had a daughter, Kara, my first little sister....but....well, with family and all, I didn't feel like I was contributing enough. I wanted to do more, to do better, so I enrolled in Pokemon Medical. I signed up for grants and scholarships....everything to pave my way through medical school. It took a longer time than Pokemon Tech., but it was worth it. I got my license....and I made money for the family helping out with Mom's practice. I know you'll think me selfish when I say this, but don't worry, you're not the only one. I still wasn't happy."

"Why the heck not? You had access to the Pokemon League, the Centers, a family, what more could you have wanted?" Misty asked.

"I wanted real freedom, Misty. I was still looking over my shoulder at night, no matter where I was. I was afraid all the time that Team Rocket would find me....kill me, then my family. I left home after medical school cause I was so scared, to do what you, Ash, Brock, and Tracey did. My own Pokemon journey, I caught my own Pokemon with the ones the school gave me, battled the gym leaders and earned my badges. Just anything to keep myself away from home, so my family would be safe. I didn't want them to get hurt over me, and it made me very paranoid. It is my fault that they know I'm alive. I shouldn't have let my guard down for a stupid party. Now all my worst fears are going to come to life." He muttered, his head sinking down into his hands, then looked up a little.

"It was nice to be the hero for once. For ten years, I've just been James Hartman, from student to doctor, I've never been anyone's hero till a few days cost me my secret identity, but I guess it was worth it to do what you all did in the past. It felt good." He said, smiling gently.

"Eh....yeah, heroism has its perks....doesn't it?" Misty chuckled, blushing a little. He noticed it, and blushed brightly, rubbing his nose nervously.

"Well, back on the subject, I guess I'll have to take out Team Rocket now instead of waiting them out. Now that they know I survived, hiding won't work anymore, but it won't be as prepared as I'd hoped it would be. I don't have enough money to do it perfectly....I'm stilling paying my debt to society with most of my paychecks. To every gym and town me and Jessie caused damage was the least I could do to make up for my past evils." He sighed, lifting head back up fully to hers.

"That's very noble of you, James. Funny how near death experiences can change your perspective. I never would have thought you even had a heart for anything except yourself.." she chirped out, patting him on the shoulder. She felt him twitch slightly, the muscle hardening under the skin, but he didn't push her away.

"Hey, that's not fair. Don't you remember when we all had to help Pokemon at the human hospital? I showed I cared enough to help Pokemon that weren't my own. I even begged Ash to give Togepi to Meowth because he took such good care of it." he shot back, looking hurt.

She smirked at him, saying," And I recall that you and Jessie tried to steal all of the Pokemon at the hospital and you didn't bother to help Meowth battle us for Togepi, now did you?"

"Well," he sighed," You're still not being fair. I was a dumb kid then, I would have listened to any half-baked idea Jessie, Meowth, and Giovanni would tell me to follow. I was getting paid to do what they said then, not for what I said. I didn't have the strongest backbone then, I admit, so it was my fault for listening to their dribble, and might I add that Meowth said he didn't want my or Jessie's help to get Togepi and it was Jessie's idea to steal the Pokemon. I was rarely allowed to have any plans. I was stupid, ok?! Stupid!"

Misty was quiet a moment, the opened her mouth, but he cut her off. "It is my fault, I know that, I always have, but I'm trying to make up for it all. I am. I'm going to be paying for long time for not thinking for myself. I was always following the crowd, trying to fit in....when I ran away it was Jessie for a long time, the bike gang, Team Rocket....none of it was my own choice, I just followed Jessie because she was all I ever had. These past ten years have been great, making my own decisions, my own life made by me only. I'm ashamed of my past and so would everyone who came to respect me, they'd hate me if they ever knew."

He was crying a little, as if it hurt to even talk about. It wasn't like his usual tears, it was slow, his nose and eyes a little red. "James, I'm sorry."

"Why? You didn't make me who I am." He countered, wiping his tears away gingerly. "No, if I had just left Team Rocket alone at the party, you never would have been discovered. Your life sounds so nice, and I ruined it by trying to save the day on my own." She mumbled, lifting her hand to his cheek, catching some tears on her fingertips.

"I never thought I'd ever hear you take the blame for an idiot like me," he chuckled, taking her hand in his gently. Misty smiled warmly at him, touched by the pain in his eyes. She leaned in towards him, taking his lips in hers slowly for a long time. She felt his hand squeeze hers, then it trailed down her arm, gently across the skin. His arms encircled her waist, rubbing her back. She wrapped her arms around his neck, the kiss deepening. 'I can't believe who I'm kissing....If he wasn't so sweet and cute, and such a good kisser....Oh, I'd kick his butt.' She thought, feeling his hands go through her hair.

He was kissing her back, like in the pool, with more feeling than the first. She wondered if he was just trying to make her pity him or if he was seducing her, but she pushed those thoughts away quickly. He'd been afraid and nervous the first time they'd kissed, fighting her to keep from getting close, but she hadn't known who he was then, though she'd liked him anyway. As much as she'd tried to hate him, to remember who he'd been, she couldn't help but feel bad for him, or care for him.

She felt him pulling away from her, his bottom lip brushing against her chin. She opened her eyes at last to see his staring right at her, his mouth curved into a smile. She blushed, ducking her head shyly.

"Where's Ash?" she heard him ask.

"Ash? Oh Ash, he's....uh, outside. He was still, well, kind of in a the mood to hurt you still, so I had to....humble him so he'd get locked out." she shrugged.

"What did you do?"

"Kicked him in the groin." She chirped, trying to look innocent.

"You little minx. Still as tough as ever....but enough chit chat. I have a long day tomorrow....and I have to explain things to much as you think I should anyway. We'd best get some shut eye." He coughed, looking a little embarrassed.

"Yeah, we should," she sighed, getting under her covers quickly," See you in the morning....James."

He nodded, going over to the light switch, smacking it off, then all was dark. She heard his footsteps approaching her, then felt a light kiss on her cheek.

"Good night, Misty." He said, then she heard nothing.


Misty woke up at noon the next day, alone. She leapt off her cot with a start as she saw James' was empty, the sheets hanging off the side. 'He better not have run off again. Then no kiss in the world will keep me from beating him to a bloody pulp.' She thought, stumbling towards the door.

She ran out and down the halls, peering in every window she passed, but no James. She finally burst out of the emergency doors, slipping to a stop. She fell right on her rear in her haste, but her eyes were pleased with what she saw.

"Yes, she was an excellent patient. It was painful, but she was the proud mother of 85, and in a few months, healthy little baby Ekans. You're on you way to better breeding, Tara." James was saying to a tall blonde girl, wearing a blue shirt with a smiley face on it, her jeans hugging her legs tightly.

"Thank you, Dr. Hartman. I'm so glad you came on such short notice. Arbok doesn't like coming to the center, hates any other humans to touch it but me. I'm happy that she's learned to trust at least one doctor." She chirped out, her blue eyes shining up at him.

"Anything for a Pokemon, Tara, it's what I was trained to do. You just give Arbok her painkillers and the diet she always receives, then she'll be as right as rain. If she's still in pain after the medicine is gone, bring her back and we'll check on her to see if she needs more painkillers. No battling whatsoever now, Tara. She'll rupture her reproduction system or worse, she'll start bleeding. Absolutely no stress, all right?" he said sternly.

The girl nodded and walked out the door, then turned, winked and blew him a kiss. She was gone after that and James walked back to the desk, his face full of disgust. "Bimbo. That Arbok is lucky it even made it to the emergency room." He mumbled, then saw Misty on the floor. "How long have you been there?" he asked, helping her to her feet.

"Long enough to see another ridiculous flirt." She grumbled.

"I get it all the time, I think its either my hair or that I'm a doctor. Some girls dig rich guys, especially when they're so young. It's a gift and curse sometimes, it makes what I do very difficult with some floozy grabbing my butt while her Pokemon is dying. Makes for quite a lawsuit too." He shrugged, letting go of her hand gently, then moving behind the desk, punching something on the computer.

She stepped up beside him, staring at him. "How many?"He looked back at her a moment, then back to the computer. "How many what?"

"Women? How many of them have you dated?" she asked, more earnestly now.

"Ah, you did have more questions then....Kind of personal, but I get that from a lot of girls. To be frank with you, at least 12, give or take a few disasters." He said plainly.

"What disasters?"

"Haunter, or they just couldn't take my paranoia any more. None of them liked Haunter, that much was true, he freaked them out and they couldn't get used to his pranks....or the gaseous smell he gave off sometimes. I got used to it, but they refused. Some would just up and leave cause Haunter wouldn't, or the usual edginess I had a tendency to show off. Color me crazy, but I had other things on my mind than keeping a date." He smirked, shutting the computer off.

He moved away from her, shrugging out of his lab coat. He was wearing a purple button down shirt and dark jeans, and sneakers, far out in colors and style from the clean cut clothing he was wearing. She smiled, he was as handsome as ever, as ditsy and weird as she kept remembering him as a boy. He wasn't even touching his hair, a mess of tangles and sweat, the vanity he'd once had seemed distant.

"You're already done?" she asked, trotting after him back through the emergency ward.

"I work the night shift, and this was a temporary job. I was to come and find what the cause for the so-called stomach flu that's been ravaging the Pokemon of the area. It was poison derived from an Arbok's blood, toxic to other Pokemon and humans," he sighed, entering the employee locker room," Its also easily cured by some antidotes and super potions. I'm going to the next town that needs my services, Celadon City."

Misty kept with him, watching him stuff his lab coat into his bags, then slamming the locker shut.

"An Arbok, huh? You think its Jessie's?" she asked, stepping back as his face soured. "I wouldn't put it past her or the boss. I don't know how they'd get rich quick with that one, seems pretty vicious even for Team Rocket. I have other sick Pokemon to check on before I leave, since the hospital now knows to search the river and reservoir, and they know how to cure the sickness. If it is Jessie, I want to get as far away from this town as possible, with or without Haunter. He always catches up with me anyway." he shrugged, walking back out and towards the lobby again.

"What Ash? We could help you. Three people get along a lot better than one against....well, who knows how many Rocket members are after you right now." She piped, grabbing him by the arm as he entered the hallway.

He stopped, then looked back at her hand as it held him, and up to her eyes. "You feeling suicidal or something? I'm going it alone, Misty. I don't want anyone hurt because of me. I have to do this on my own." He told her, yanking his arms away from her and stalked back down the hall.

She went after him, trying to keep in step with him. "Why? Why just you!?" she snapped. He didn't stop, only looked at her, pain filling his emerald eyes. "Because it's my problem, I was in Team Rocket, I ran from them. I have to deal with it, this is all my fault that I'm in this stupid mess."

"I don't care, you can't make us stop following you. I....we want to help you. If you're against Team Rocket, then we have to join. What do you think me and Brock and Ash do when we're not home? We're stopping them as best we can whenever we can. Don't give me this crud that you have to go alone. 'This is my fight, I can't let you get involved, blah, blah, etc. etc.' Oh, if I had a dime for every time a guy said that to me, I'd be rich."

"Did I say you were weak? NO! I said this is my problem, therefore I solve it. I don't want anyone to get hurt or involved with this. If they see either of you helping me, you.....your families, friends, their necks will go right on the chop with mine. No thanks, just stay clear of me until I finish this....or it finishes me."

"You're being stupid now!" she yelled as they came back into the lobby, Joy sitting calmly at the desk, until she heard them yelling.

"What? Why am I stupid!?" he shot back, slamming his bags on the ground.

"Taking all this pressure on your own just because you used to be one of them. Please! Spare me, James, Team Rocket already has us on their hit list cause we've stopped them so many times, and they never come after us. How's this any different? I'll tell you, it isn't because Team Rocket could care less about little people like us. Pokemon trainers are nothing to them unless they wear a big fat red 'R' on their chests and have rare Pokemon," she shrieked, wagging her finger at him," We're nothing to them, James, they only want you because you know more about them anyone outside the team. You need our help, whether you think so or not! Even if I have to tie myself to your motorcycle and ski behind you, I'm going. And so is Ash."

James just stared at her, wincing a little while she screamed. Joy was staring at them in alarm, her hand on her cheek as she shook her head. "You really want to come with me? Its not to make sure I don't go back to them, is it?" he asked, picking up his bags again.

"No, its to make sure you come back too much about you to see you lose all you've worked for, to lose your family....because you went it alone. I want to help, and I know I can convince Ash to help. Please, James, you don't have to take all the burden by yourself. Let us help you." she said, in a more pleading voice, her hands clasped together.

He looked at the floor a moment, biting his lip. A thick lock of hair fell across his cheek, innocence glowing on his face as he thought there, Misty only watching and waiting as he stood there, still as a statue.

"Misty....?" He said quietly.

"Yes?!" she chirped.

" and Ash can come, but it's your funeral. But I have a few rules....Maybe its best I tell you and Ash together than have to repeat myself to the brute." He said, giving her a faint smile.

"All right! Sure...." She beamed, grabbing him in a big hug," He's waiting in the alley outside, its where we parked. I promise, I'll make him understand."

"Yeah, just so long as his Venusaur doesn't give me another hug. I prefer yours, specifically." He chuckled, kissing her forehead softly.

"Thanks, James....And speaking of which, we better get Venusaur or Ash will accuse you of stealing him." she said, pulling away slowly.

He put his bags down beside the desk, shaking his head. "I wondered when you'd say that. Ash is still as big headed as ever....heh, it'll be fun to be smarter than he is." He smiled.

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