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Piouso Resurrection

Chapter Seven - Triple Trouble on the Double

"NO WAY! No, forget it! I'm not traveling with that whack job." Ash grumbled, turning his hat backwards on his head as he scowled. James didn't look any more thrilled than Ash did, standing next to the younger man and frowning.

"Ash, how many times do I have to tell you. He's against Team Rocket and he needs our help to stop them....permanently. The more we fight about, the closer Butch and Cassidy are going to get." Misty put in, crossing her arms over her chest.

Ash shook his head rapidly. "No, Misty, we agreed we'd follow and confront him, not make friends. Have you forgotten all the misery he caused us with Jessie in the past? Huh?!" Ash growled, shoving James.

James kept frowning, and shoved him back, harder. Misty stared at the two for a while, thinking about Ash's words, but at the same time she observed both men. Even with Ash's good build, James looked about the same, but was an inch or so taller than Ash was. Neither man looked particularly happy to see each other, their frowns deepening with their heated glares. James looked more unhappy, probably because of Ash's actions the other day, Misty guessed.

"I remember, Ash, but do you see Jessie around? Or Meowth? Heck, maybe he's got you beat with despicable acts, but you're no angel yourself. I haven't shunned you for a few things, so don't do it to him," Misty said, pointing at the both of them," I know your deeds aren't the same, but he could have let Butch trash me and he could have sent his Haunter to hurt us too, but he didn't. I say that's pretty darn noble for someone who's just pretending. We're going as a trio to take down Team Rocket, then you can go wherever you want, ok Ash?"

"Mmmph, I still don't trust him. He's still the same creep who never stopped trying to capture Pikachu....and dressed up like a sissy girl!" Ash hissed venomously.

James just looked at him, a wicked smile on his face. "I'll try to remember that the next time you need your wimpy butt saved, Ashley. Still have that dress you picked out in the Celadon Dress Shoppe? It was pink...right? And that darling, girly wig, heh....blonde so suits you." He snickered, stepping to the side as Ash took a swing at him.

"I'll go get my motorcycle packed. You can follow me to the next city, if you can keep up, Ash." He added, walking over to his vehicle, tossing the bags in neatly.

"I can do anything you can do and much better, James. You can bet your Pokemon on that." Ash hollered after him, running for his car, dragging Misty along behind him.

Misty heard James laughing, like icicles shattering in her ears. He had his black helmet on and gloves, his head cocked at them as he revved his engine. "I like my Pokemon too much to lose them over such a weak promise. Better luck next time, Ash, when you've learned to think with your brain, not your rear." James shouted back, the motorcycle engine coming to life. Misty buckled her seatbelt as Ash turned his car on, pulling it out of the alley and following James to the outer limits of Lavender Town.


"Slow down, you weirdo. This is a country road, not a highway." Ash yelled over his engine, James still in the lead, whisking down the dirt road as if it were nothing. "You snooze, you lose, Ash. Get a decent ride and you might actually catch up." James called back, seeming to increase his speed, just to annoy Ash more.

"He's doing it on purpose now. I told you this is going to be a pain, but no, you and your peaceful alliances to get the job done. We could have done it on our own, we don't need some reject from Team Rocket around. Heck, I could have done it all by myself. I became a Pokemon master without anyone's help." Ash grumbled, shooting an accusing stare at Misty.

She glared at him. "Oh please, without me Brock, Todd, Tracey, and half a dozen other people, you would have messed up years ago, still trying to get your stinking first badge. You're still a big headed jerk, Ash Ketchum, Pokemon Master or not. Once James beats his boss, he gets a badge from the top Pokemon Gym Leader in the world....then Gary is next, you, and the Elite Four."

"Why are you sticking up for him? What did he say to you? So what if he beats Giovanni? Big deal, I have all the badges and I did it the hard way, a Pokemon journey. He went to that fancy prep school and did it less than a year, the easy way. He was probably given all of those Pokemon he uses." Ash shot back, but Misty kept going at him.

"For you information, not only did he go to that prep school, he went to Pokemon medical, which you didn't, and he went on his own Pokemon journey after that and got his badges. Giovanni will make the final one, then the rest is history. He did it all by himself, unlike you." she hissed out, smacking him upside the head.

The car swerved a little, but Ash quickly steadied it. "There you go again, defending him, and you left that stuff out of the explanations he gave you. What's so special about that skirt wearing ex-con? What the heck did you two do last night? You're as stubborn as a mule, Misty, I don't get how he could have convinced you of anything with your rotten attitude."

She blushed a moment, remembering the kiss James had given her that night, then started rubbing her cheeks rapidly. "We talked....ok? He's under a lot of strain. He even cried about it, and not that crybaby type stuff he used to do. Why can't you just let bygones be bygones and give him a break?!" she blurted out, leaning back in her seat.

Ash sneered, looking at her for a brief second before pushing his eyes back towards the road. "The second I give him a break, I'll be the one wearing the dress, and that won't happen in a million ye.......WHOA! NO!" he shouted, slamming on his brakes as hard as he could.

Misty looked up in time to see why. James was leaping out of the way with his bags from the motorcycle, which lay overturned in the middle of the road. Then she felt the grinding impact as Ash's car rammed into it, sparks and twisted metal ripping through her ears as they came to a crashing halt.

"Misty? Pikachu? You both all right?" Ash muttered, rubbing his head, switching off the engine.

The tiny Pokemon nodded, squeaking out a stunned," Chu." Misty nodded as well, pulling off her seatbelt. "Good, now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to break James' face for trying to kill us!" he raged, leaping out of his car, Pikachu going with him as they ran James was sitting with his bags beside him. Misty followed swiftly, getting between the two men before Ash could try and tackle him. "What's the big idea....stopping your bike without even warning us?! Are you insane!?" Ash screamed, shaking his fists at the fallen man.

"Pikapi! Pika, Chu! Chu!!" Pikachu said, looking equally as angry.

James peeled off his gloves off, his voice coming out angry and hurt. "You think I did that on purpose?! You're the crazy one. Look at the road, Einstein, it's covered with glass, and spikes. Look, go on, see for yourself." James challenged, picking himself up slowly.

Ash did as he was told, his angry features melting away as he did. "He's right. But who would do such a cruel thing?" Ash said.

James moved up beside him and Misty, and she saw how hurt he really was. He had a cut on his hand, he knees were both bleeding and skinned, but not too badly. He clothes were dusty, as if he'd taken a nasty fall. "I saw them in the road. I was honking my horn as hard as I could so you'd stop, but you two were fighting. I had to jump off at the last second before my tires exploded. I even yelled for you to stop. Now we'll have to wait for a tow truck....if we last that long out here."

"What do you mean, if we make it?" Ash asked.

"You said so yourself, why would anyone do such a thing to travelers....way out here? This spot is very far from any city. We're practically in the middle of nowhere, I'm lucky I have a cell phone or we'd have to walk all the way to Celadon City. This cruddy trap was planned for us....and I hate to admit it, but I think I know who." James muttered, backing up a little as he patting his helmet.

"Team Rocket, of course. Why didn't I think of that?" Ash swore, snapping his fingers and walked towards his battered car. Misty rolled her eyes, saying," I could think of a few reasons."

"Nobody asked you, Misty. We'd better get moving if we want to stay ahead and alive. If Team Rocket isn't around now, all this noise will get them here in a big fat hurry. Help me get our stuff out." Ash called, trying to yank his pack out.

"Yeah, yeah, but let's hurry," she said, moving towards him, when a hiss reached her ears," Hey, um, Ash, did you hear that?"

"Hear what?" Ash groaned, still pulling at his pack.

Misty moved closer to him, staring at his tires. "It's a hissing sound, but all of your tires are popped. Is it the engine?"

"No, I turned the engine off. You're hearing things."

"No....she's....urk....not!" James choked out, a hiss following it, louder this time.

Misty and Ash turned around slowly, their eyes going wide. James was still near his bags, but with something extra, a very large and mean looking Arbok that was wrapped about him tightly.

"They're here...." Ash and Misty groaned.

"That's right twerp. Prepare for trouble and make it double!" Butch and Cassidy's voices rang out, then the two leapt out from behind Arbok and its prey.

"To infect the world with devastation!" Cassidy said wickedly.

"To blight all peoples in every nation!" Butch added, standing to Cassidy's back, each with one arm extended out proudly.

"To denounce the goodness of truth and love!"

"To extend our wrath to the stars above!" "Cassidy!"


"We're Team Rocket, circling earth day and night!" Cassidy smiled.

"Surrender to us now or you'll surely lose the fight!" .Butch concluded, their Raticate jumping in front of them."Cate!!!!!" it yelled, gnashing its teeth at them.

"Raticate! Get those twerps, tackle attack!" Cassidy yelled, tossing another Pokeball after it," Venomoth, stun spore those brats."

"Yeah, Hypno, head butt!" Butch added, tossing his Pokeball in. Their Pokemon did as they were told, charging at the two stunned people.

Pikachu leapt after Misty, who was scrambling into the car, digging into her duffel bag before the things reached them. The Hypno and Raticate rammed into Ash's chest as he readied his own Pokeball. His head jerked back hard, right into the car door. Misty heard the sickening thud as she stuffed the Pokeballs in her pants, and saw Ash slump to the ground.

"Ash! Oh no! You two are going to really get it....Oh!" Misty yelled, then the Rocket Pokemon noticed her, surrounding her quickly. She tried to get away, but Venomoth's stun spore was showering down in her and Pikachu, paralyzing them.


"That was too easy. You brats have gotten real sloppy over the years." Cassidy smiled, grabbing Misty by the hair and dragging her towards Arbok. She tossed her in front of Arbok and James, his throat looking terribly blue.

"Ugh, Jessie, tell that overgrown garden snake to ease up a little. We need him alive for the boss either way." Butch groaned, picking up the stunned Pikachu.

"Fine," said a familiar voice," Arbok, loosen a little, but not much. Lil' Jim has a lot of explaining to do."

James didn't bother turning his head and Misty didn't look like she could if she'd wanted to. He knew the voice, it hadn't changed in ten years, the same haughty, seductive tone his best friend had spoken with.

"Jessie...." He choked out, trying to catch his breath again. "How sweet, you remember me....hmmm? Well, James, let's see what you look like under there. Cassidy and Butch just said you were different, and you know how miserable they are at everything." She cooed, standing in front of him, Meowth beside her.

"Yeah, the little idiot's a big idiot now. He fell for such a simple trap." Meowth laughed.

She was the same, only a little taller with the same figure. She was as pretty as she had been the day he last saw her, but some things were different. She no longer wore the uniform he'd grown to appreciate as a member of Team Rocket. Instead she wore an outfit similar to Cassidy's, but her slim stomach was still uncovered, and she wore a red shirt under the black outfit as well. She looked more evil than ever, and it bothered him.Meowth was still the same, but that didn't shock him. Meowth despised his evolved form Persian like the plague. How he'd managed to prevent his own evolution, James didn't know, but it didn't matter right now.

He didn't have time to think about it as Jessie pulled his helmet off, the breeze moving through his rumpled hair. Jessie was smiling, moving closer.

"My, my, they didn't tell me about a haircut. It suits you. You won't be able to disguise yourself as a girl with that look, but its still quite....manly. You really are different." She snickered, rubbing under his chin with her gloved fingers. James didn't move, his eyes aimed at Arbok, its flitting, venomous tongue coming out a mere breath from his face.

"No need to be afraid, James. Arbok just misses death, you might say. You better start talking or I'll have to take drastic measures. What do you say?" she smiled, kissing his cheek.

He shivered, trying not to show it, slowly looking at Jessie. He could still feel the coldness of her lips on his cheek, the lipstick infecting his flesh and chilling his blood. "What do you want me to say?" he asked, and Jessie raised an eyebrow.

"Hmm, even your voice has changed. This is very interesting. Now, this isn't a social visit, James, we're just here to offer you a proposition. And maybe more if you say yes." She smiled, running her fingers through his hair.

"Just spit it out. I'm a busy man....And I love my ability to breathe too." He muttered, looking down at Misty. Her legs were twitching a little, but weakly. He frowned at that, and Jessie noticed.

"Oh, they told me about your locking lips with this little twerp too. I don't know what you see in her, she's still a brat. Not as beautiful as me, hah, I can't even fathom what you were drinking to make you want to even touch such imperfection." Jessie sneered, kicking Misty in the ribs and Meowth scratched at her face. Misty shed tears, but she still couldn't do anything about it, and remained silent.

"Hey! Leave her alone! She isn't the one you're after. So you'd better tell me your deal or just have Arbok bite my head off." James yelled, struggling.

"Yeah, Jessie, we didn't come here to flatter or hear your vain excuses. We came for James." Cassidy sneered.

"Don't talk to me that way, you spoiled brat!" Jessie growled, then slapped James," And you, never raise your voice to me. You're not on the team yet and even then, you'll be taking orders from me for running off on us, you beast!"

"Don't get your cheap panties in a bunch! If the deal is for me to come crawling back to Team Loser, you can shove that proposal where the sun don't shine! I'm never coming back. I'd rather die than be back under your.....withered thumb." James yelled.

"Uh-oh, he's gone nuts." Butch said, dropping the paralyzed Pikachu.

"Yeah, totally crackers." Cassidy muttered, backing away.

Jessie's face tightened up, Meowth's eyes going wide as he zipped away from her. James kept his face straight, his eyes fastened dead on with Jessie's, her eyes going aflame. "What are you saying? And you'd better take that withered crack back or else!" Jessie growled, slapping him again.

"No, you stupid old hag! You betrayed me, our friendship, everything! For what, a team that gave us nothing but misery and pain?! And you still want to be a part of that!? You are so dumb, you withered, imperfect, tacky.....scrawny ditz!" he screamed, smiling all the way.

Jessie blinked a moment, her teeth grinding against each other before she let out an inhuman scream. "WHAT DID YOU CALL ME! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" she wailed, rushing at James in a full blown rage.

As she reached him, James jerked his head back, Jessie falling short of a few her swings. She fell into Arbok, her boot heels jamming into its coils. James felt Arbok loosen its grip a bit, but not enough. "Sorry, Arbok, but this'll hurt me more than it hurts you....maybe." he said, and bit down hard into Arbok's body.

"ARBOK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" it screeched, it coils falling away from James' body and crashed into Jessie. It slithered around in circles rapidly screaming, Jessie hanging onto the end of its tail.

James picked Misty up and ran into the woods. "Stop fooling around, they're getting away!" Cassidy shouted," Raticate, Venomoth! Go after them!"

James kept going, jumping into a bush with Misty and watched quietly as the two Pokemon passed by. "Misty," he whispered," Are you all right?"

"Yeah," she returned," I can move. Give me a few more minutes, I'll be able to walk on my own soon. But what about Ash....and Pikachu?"

"We'll have to go back," he said, checking his belt, his face souring," Um, what Pokemon did you get from your bag?"

"Starmie and Seadra, I'm sorry, but I didn't have time to be picky. I just grabbed what I could. Why?" she asked. He lowered head, pointing to his belt. "I only have my Weezing and a Beedril. They're at high levels, but against Arbok they won't be so good. Poison versus poison is as bad water versus water. The others they can handle, might not be enough."

"But we can't just leave them." She began, but he smiled. "I never said we wouldn't go back. We just need to distract them long enough....they'll be too busy trying to beat us back to worry about Pikachu and Ash so they can recover. I have a plan, only as long as you're willing to go through with it."

"If it will teach that old bat Jessie a lesson, bring it on." She grinned, sitting up a little," Oh, after I can feel the rest of my body."

"Sure, now here's what we'll do." He began, whispering quietly to her.


"Ooo, they'll be back, Ash and Pikachu are still here, along with their other Pokemon. A fitting price for him stabbing us in the back." Jessie grumble, putting bandage on Arbok's coils.

"It's your fault we lost him, you and your vanity problem. You get so miffed about your so-called beauty being insulted....*sigh* Do you know how many Pokemon yours and James' vanity cost us in the past? You still cost us a lot of them, even without him around." Cassidy growled, getting in Jessie's face and snarling. Raticate and Venomoth were a few feet away from them, shaking their tiny heads at their masters' fighting. Neither female looked happy with each other, growling and raising their fists up, Butch forced to watch with the prone Pikachu in his hands.

"You girls are ridiculous, fighting over words. We just have to catch him and bring him back, that's all, not rip each others lungs out over a few comments. Grow up already!" Butch hollered.

"You stay out of this!" they screamed, sending Butch jumping back a few paces.

"He sounds pretty reasonable to me, Jessikins." James voice rang out, but he was nowhere in sight.

"Come on out, you coward! Fight like a man!" Jessie screamed, her Arbok coming up behind her.

"I will, but how about a blast from the past, old friend? Big emphasis on old," James laughed," Weezing, smoke screen. Hit it, Misty."

"To protect the world from devastation." Misty's voice announced, the Weezing shooting out of the woods, forcing everyone into a foul darkness.

"To unite all people's within out nation!" James crooned.

"To denounce the evils of truth and love!"

"To extend our reach to the stars above!"

Jessie was getting angrier every second she heard their old motto, then a few dark forms stood before them all as the smoke cleared.

"Misty!" Misty said, making a peace sign, her Seadra leaning against her.

"James!" holding a single red rose between his bare fingers. Then the two raised their hands to the sky, the other hands out in front.

"Team Pokemon blasts off at the speed of light!" Misty said proudly.

James looked at the three Rocket members, his mouth curving into a wicked smile. "Surrender now, or prepare to fight."

"Weeze, weezing!" Weezing groaned out, floating down in front of them.

Jessie, Cassidy, and Butch stared angrily at them. "That motto is old hat and insulting, James. How dare you make a mockery out of the great Team Rocket!" Jessie sneered.

James shrugged, tossing his rose at her feet. "Too late," He chuckled," But enough talk. Beedril, twin needle attack. Weezing, sludge attack!"

"Starmie, water gun. Seadra, hydro pump!" Misty ordered.

"Oh no you don't. Venomoth, sleep power!" Cassidy yelled out.

Venomoth dove at Starmie, swirling around the water attack, the glitter of its sleeping power showering upon Weezing and Starmie. They fell over, stunned into the unwanted sleep within seconds.

It's victory was short lived as a powerful blast of water slammed into Venomoth's body, sending it crashing into Cassidy. The woman and Pokemon fell onto the muddy ground, slipping and shrieking together as they tried to get up. "Hypno, psychic attack the insect!!" Butch growled, his Pokemon springing into action.

Beedril was charging at Butch, its stingers poised to sink into the turquoise-haired man. Hypno landed in between them, its pendulum swinging and rays of echoing light pouring out from its body. "Hypno, hypno....hypno, hypno." It chanted, staring up at the still attacking Beedril.

The bug Pokemon started to swerve around, its wings weakening. "Yeah, finish it off with a head butt! Now!" Butch ordered, the Hypno rushing its head up at the Beedril. It slammed its skull into the torso, the creature sailing backward, buzzing madly. It landed at James feet, laying limp and quiet as its body hit.

"Ack! No! This isn't working. Misty, get the heck out of here, I'll get Ash!" James said, but Misty shook her head at him.

"No way, baby, we do this together or not at all. Seadra. Hydro pump, full blast!" Misty shouted, holding the Seadra in front of her.

"Sorry, twerp. You can't beat us, no matter how hard you try! "Arbok, poison sting!" Jessie announced, Arbok jumping out from behind its master, it fangs bared. Seadra brought up another giant stream of water, but not as powerful as Misty had hoped. Arbok avoided it easily and charged at her.

"Oh no, Seadra! Without a water source, you can't keep your powers from draining quickly! Seadra, return!" Misty yelped, pulling her Pokemon back into its Pokeball.

"Misty!! You don't have time for that....Look out!" James hollered, shoving Misty out of Arbok's path. He felt like a truck had hit him when Arbok made contact, the poison from its attack stabbing into his arm. He cried out as the fangs sunk in a few second later. James struggled, punching at the snake's eyes and scratching at it wildly, but it was no use. He thought Arbok would never let go, until Jessie spoke up."Never mind him, Arbok, bite that little tart that took him from us. Then squeeze her until her scrawny little head pops off! No one upstages my beauty, not even that little harlot." Jessie hissed out, Arbok letting go of James and quickly slithered towards Misty.

She had been leaning against a tree the whole time, and James saw why as he looked at her. Misty's foot was caught in some vines, and she was still trying to free herself as Arbok moved in for the kill. Before James could even move to help, Arbok bit her in the leg, making her scream, then wrapped about her body tightly.

"Jessie! Stop it! She's not a part of this. You came for me, not her!" James screamed, glaring at the laughing woman.

"Anyone who seduces my old partner is my ultimate concern. Why would you want an ugly little duckling like her when you could have a real winner like me, a true beauty queen? We tried to make it simple for you, but since she seems to be your main concern, she's part of the problem. Hah, hah, hah, it will so worth while to turn her into worm food for all the nasty old people jokes she used on me. I should have known you'd like her, she never made fun of your looks, of how handsome you are. She's had this coming to her for a long time, and this is as good a time as any for a lot of payback!" Jessie smiled, looking very proud.

James did not share her enthusiasm, his face going beet red, eyes blazing with hatred and contempt. "How dare you, you worthless old cow! You're killing her because of hurt pride!? Pride!? You've got to be kidding me. Jessie, you haven't changed a bit, you're still the same old vainglory, egotistical, obstinate, self-centered, whining little spoiled brat you always were, just as abusive to everyone around you as ever! You still think you can get away with hurting people because things don't go your damn way! Well, time to wake up, Jessie, no more Mr. Nice Guy. Time for you to feel what a real Pokemon can do to trash like you!" James raged out, a sneer spreading across his once gentle features.

"Why you rotten little brat! You have no respect for the team anymore. You're better off dead, to hell with our hopes of bringing you back alive. After we're done with that little witch, you're next. You have no more Pokemon left, James, you're finished!" Jessie cackled," Arbok, tighter. I don't see any veins popping in her skull yet!"

"I have one trump card left, you wretch," he grinned, grabbing the blue ball on his necklace between his fingers," Piouso, rise!!"


"What? What's Piouso? Huh?" Jessie said quizzically, then a bright blue light emerged from the small crystal ball. Jessie, Cassidy looked away, shielding their eyes, but Misty couldn't take her eyes away from the light. She watched the light wrap about James' body, his form seeming to disappear. Her eyes stayed open, afraid that if she blinked, she'd never see him again.

As the light died down, James was gone, a tall, blue figure floating in his place. To her, it looked like demon, two horns sticking out of his head, its face only having two wicked, irisless eyes, claws on each hand and smooth feet. It looked like it was made of a light blue crystal, similar wings plastered on its near transparent back, its arms were crossed over its chest as it stared down at Team Rocket, still shielding their eyes.

Misty felt Arbok pull away from her, mumbling its name quietly, and slithered off next to Jessie and nudged her leg. "Huh? Who are you?" Jessie yelped, staring up at the crystal creature.

"Piouso, the Pokemon to end them all. You harmed my subjects.... And my vassal. You are to be punished, human." It said, its voice sounding robotic, deep and guttural. Its eyes glowed a bright white at the trio, its body moving towards them.

"Fat chance, we're too busy to bother with you....unless you'd like to make it easy on yourself and surrender to Team Rocket. The boss would love a new Pokemon, the rarer, the better." Jessie grinned, taking out a Pokeball.

"Suit yourself, weakling. You will suffer for such insolence." Piouso hissed out, unfolding its arms slowly.

"I'll show you who's weak. Arbok, wrap attack!" she ordered, but nothing happened. She looked at Arbok angrily, but the Pokemon was staring up at Piouso, calm and smiling. Jessie turned towards Butch and Cassidy, seeing their Pokemon were doing the same thing. They didn't look frightened or stubborn, they were in awe of the new Pokemon, as if they were respecting it.

"Arbok! I said attack that freak of nature!" Jessie urged again, trying to push her Pokemon forward, but it wouldn't budge. Butch and Cassidy tried the same with theirs, only resulting in failure.

"Ugh, I'll do it myself. Meowth, my bazooka." Jessie ordered. Meowth did so, but reluctantly, his wide eyes fixated on the hovering being. "Maybe you shouldn't, Jessie, I've never heard of this type of Pokemon existing....You might regret firing at it." the cat Pokemon warned, getting a punch in the skull as Jessie snatched the weapon away.

"When I want you opinion, I'll give it to you. Prepare for major trouble, Piouso. You're about to become twins." Jessie laughed, pulling the trigger.As she did, Raticate, bit down on the device, ripping through the metal like a hot knife through butter, but still, the bazooka shell fired. Arbok finally moved and tried to block it, getting blasted sky high for its efforts. Hypno was attacking Butch and Cassidy, scratching and head butting them repeatedly.

"What are they doing? Have they gone crazy?" Jessie groaned, then shrieked as Raticate started chasing her around with gnashing teeth.

"I told you that you'd regret it." Meowth reminded her.

"Wise words, from such an unfortunate Pokemon. Your masters do not deserve such as you and the others, my disciples." Piouso uttered as it raised its arms up high, glowing brightly.

"Meowth! I only follows Team Rocket and the boss. I work for them, not some disciple thing. next page