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And I'm not a child. I just know when not to risk my neck." Meowth hissed, baring his claws.

"Your words have little meaning for me, you want to be more human....not Pokemon, but this does not matter to me. This so-called battle ends now. Team Rocket, heed my warning, the next time we meet will be the day of your ultimate destruction. Do not encourage this encounter to happen, or you will be very....very sorry." It warned, glowing even more, the colors going from blue, to purple, then red.

"We just want James, fork him over and we'll never have to meet again. Now tell us where that little coward ran off to!" Jessie screamed, holding Raticate's face down in the dirt. The furry Pokemon was still struggling, muffling out its name angrily and its teeth biting rapidly at the dirt.

"You really don't get it do you? You can not have my vassal, no one can. For your impudence, you will pay." Piouso boomed, the bright red light flashing out from its body, and screams filled the air.

Misty shielded her eyes, feeling the intense heat from Piouso's attack just licking at her skin. As it lessened, she looked towards the screams. It was Team Rocket and their Pokemon sailing swiftly through the sky, charred, battered, and crying.

"Looks like Team Rocket is blasting off again!" the three and Meowth shouted out, disappearing into the distance.

Piouso was still there, now on the ground and standing in front of Pikachu. She watched it touched the small electric mouse, a light blue glow pulsing from its claws into the tiny body. Pikachu stirred slightly, staring up at the new figure aiding him. "Pika!Pika....Chu, chu, chu!" it squealed happily, smiling.

Piouso didn't stay with it, walking over to Starmie and Weezing to do the same healing touch to them as well. Misty finally found the strength to stand up, opening her mouth timidly. "You're a Pokemon, right?"

Piouso turned a bit, and nodded. "I've never heard of you. Are you like the Mew Pokemon? Only one left in existence?" she asked, her voice gaining some enthusiasm.

"No, I have always been one, not hunted to extinction by your miserable ancestors. Mew, Seadra, Weezing, Pikachu; all Pokemon are my children. You should ask my vassal such things, I care nothing for worthless human prattle.....Ugh....Not now, don't wake up." Piouso groaned, grabbing its head. It fell on its back, kicking and howling in the dirt, a small white light forming in his chest, his heart, Misty guessed.

Then she heard a familiar voice, James', almost choking his words out, sound from the writhing crystal body. "Piouso, return."

Piouso let out a hollow wail as its body lit up, its crystal form fading into flesh and blood, and clothing. After a minute, James was laying in his place, his left arm covered with blood.

"James! Oh, are you all right? What should I do?" Misty cried out, rushing to his side, placing his cold head in her lap. His eyes fluttered open weakly, a small glitter of recognition appearing in them. "My bags, I keep a medical kit in one. Bring it here." he rasped out. Misty set him against a tree carefully before going for his bags, dragging the heavy parcels to where he was sitting. She search the first one with no luck, only finding clothes, money, and some toiletries within, but the second one proved to be the better choice.

She pulled out the black medical bag out and set it next to James. He opened it with his good arm, and pulled out a few vials of bright liquid, some bandages and a needle. "You clean up the wound, then I'll inject the anti-venom and you can bandage it, ok? I have some rubbing alcohol on the bottom of the bag. Can you do that?" he asked, jabbing the needle into a vial of white fluid, pulling the plunger back to drain it out.

Misty nodded, and grabbed the bottle out and a cloth rag, and ripped off his shirt sleeve, holding her nose as the metallic smell of blood reached her. She quickly cleaned off the blood and traces of poison from his wound, being careful not to hurt him. James injected the needle's contents into his blood, giving a small sigh of relief as it started to work. Misty bandages him up carefully, moving slower each time he winced.

"Where do we put all this stuff now?" she asked, setting the rag on the ground. "Simple," he uttered, reaching back in his bag," I always make sure I have something to keep it from sticking someone."

He pulled out a cork and small plastic bag, corking the needle point, then tossing the rag and needle into the bag. He tied the end in a knot and stuffed it bag in the black bag, tossed in the alcohol and empty vial, then shut it. "I can have them disposed of at the Pokemon Center in Celadon City. I'm a doctor, remember, oaths were taken to protect the environment and Pokemon as well as other humans. I'm not inhuman." He said, stuffing his black bag back in his duffel back, zipping it closed as well.

"I know that, but....what about Piouso? What is he in the Pokemon world? How come no one's ever seen him?" she said quietly, getting a hurt look from him. He was about to say something when a groan interrupted him.

"Oh man, my head's spinning." Ash muttered, getting up dizzily and rubbing the back of his head.

"Pikapi!" Pikachu said happily, rushing over to its trainer and climbing up his body to sit on his shoulder. "Pikachu! You're all right. Ow, Team Rocket, you're going to pay for hurting Pika....chu? Hey, where'd everybody go?" Ash whined, stomping his foot on the ground.

"James and me took care of them. Last we saw, they went sailing off into the sky, like always. Really Ash, you worry too much." Misty said, wagging her finger at him.

Ash looked at them, his eyes lowering on James' form, then smirked. "Arbok?" Ash said, pointing at James' arm. "Yeah, Jessie hasn't changed one bit, which isn't a real shocker, but there's no time to worry about that. Team Loser won't hesitate to come back after us, believe me, I know how stubborn the members can be," James said gently, reaching into his other bag, and pulling out his little, gray cell phone.

He dialed quickly and started walking away from them, talking to a tow truck service, while Misty and Ash stared at their wrecked vehicles once more.

"He's not so weird now that he's saving our butts, now is he Ash Ketchum? He told you so." Misty sighed, in an "I told you so," fashion.

"Yeah, yeah, so what if he did? He's still James. Maybe he's trustworthy, so what, I still don't have to like him. I just don't get it why you're being so nice to him. You'd think you owe him one or something." Ash grumbled, moving away from her with Pikachu, kicking his car door.

"Can a person be that dense? Yes, if its Ash Ketchum you're talking about, he's more dense than water. James and I are lucky he wasn't around when we were kissing, he'd die from shock....heh, I nearly did too, but...." She said quietly, looking back at James, who had long since hung up," He's so different, appealing....I can't put my finger on it, James is just now. *Sigh* We'll tell Ash someday, James, appalled or not, I don't care. I you, James, no matter what people say, I'll always have that."

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