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Piouso Resurrection

Chapter Eight - God of the Pokemon

Ash, Misty and James sat in the tow truck the entire way to Celadon City,their massacred vehicles being carted off behind them, nothing but a tangled heap of metals and glass. Misty looked back at it occasionally, sometimes thinking it was a weird bit of modern art and other times, a tragedy.

She saw the car and motorbike for the very last time when they were dropped off at the Pokemon Center, a worried Nurse Joy greeting them at the doorway. She hugged and kissed James as if he was a child, crying her little eyes out over how happy she was that he was safe.

"Oh, you poor thing. Your mother would have kittens if she ever found out you had an accident. But it wasn't you fault, honey, just rotten practical joke by delinquents. That's all it was, oh, you're hurt, come on, let me take a look at it for you, ok?" she wept, her face near drowning from her tears.

"Joy, you're embarrassing me. I'm a big boy now, I treated myself for the wounds. It was just a little accident, the insurance company will take care of it. Don't worry so much or you'll put my own mom's nerves to shame." He chuckled, giving her a gentle hug.

"Oh, well, I was just so worried. Your mother called me this morning to tell me you'd arrive this afternoon to help out, but here it is, 10 o'clock at night and you are brought here in a tow truck with mangled vehicles behind you. I didn't know what to think, James dear," she cried, wiping her eyes," But don't you fret either, you don't have any patients tonight. Miss Erika and her friends volunteered to help until you arrived. We were all so worried, honey."

James nodded, then said," Yes, and I will thank them personally when I get the chance. I am still a Pokemon doctor. I'd like to see how the patients are doing so I can commend those fine ladies for all their generous help. I can't thank them if I don't know what they did, now can I?"

She smiled, clasping her tiny hands together. "You're right, James, it would seem hollow if you thanked them without looking. Oh yes, and Erika has that perfume fragrance you ordered a yesterday, Daffodil Dre....Mmmph!"

"Ooo, ah, thank you, Joy, I will pick it up in the morning, ok? No more talk, take me to the patients, chop, chop. No more perfume talk." James blurted out, keeping his hand over Joy's mouth as he rushed them both into the emergency ward.

"What was that all about? I don't get why he's scared of a perfume order." Ash shrugged, going over to the phones.

'Dense, it's a wonder he and Vera stay together. Idiot.' Misty thought, shaking her head in disbelief. "What are you doing, Ash?" Misty piped up, walking quietly over to the emergency doors.

"I haven't talked to Vera since we started tailing James. She's probably worried about me....and who wouldn't be about such a hunk like me. Heh, heh." Ash boasted, lifting up the receiver and jabbing at the buttons.

"Ehhh, probably worried you might come back." Misty muttered, entering the emergency ward as Vera's high-pitched voice rang out from the phone.


Misty found James alone near a window, staring at a litter of Growlithe puppies, yelping and feeding off their mother in a padded, cozy looking room. "Growly...." James said quietly, a tear rolling down his cheek.

"You miss him, don't you?" Misty said, coming up beside him. James nodded, as if he'd known she was there the whole time.

"He was my first Pokemon....and my favorite. I hated leaving him behind, twice now, even with Piouso, Jessibelle will still come back and use my stupid parents to find me. By blood, I'm their son, and if they knew how close I lived to them, they'd send Officer Jenny to take me back to them and marry that witch. I'd rather die than go back, but yes, I miss Growly. My only real friend, he never abused me or yelled at me, called me stupid or insulted me. He was a true friend....and I can't get him back because....I'm still afraid. I don't want to be caught again." He said, another tear falling down his cheek, and then more came.

"James, where did Piouso come from? What is he to Pokemon?" Misty asked, touching his wounded arm gently. "I left out the part about him....when I told you how Jessie and me were separated. I walked around for a short while, and fell through the floor. I fell for a long time before I hit an underground river, then....I blacked out," he sighed, putting his good hand on the glass," I woke up on some kind of altar, tied down with a handful of Pokemon around me, and one that was flying, a golden bird, one of the unnamed ones. Piouso wouldn't even tell me what it was, as if I had no right, not enough honor to hear it. There were other Pokemon with the bird, Charmanders, a Krabby, and a couple of Clefairies. They all chanted about me for a while, and I thought they were going to eat me. The things were shriveled and sickly looking, like they'd been starved for a long time."

"How sad....what happened next?" Misty asked.

"My body hurt, I guess that was Piouso taking me over, but he was angry. I felt it, I heard it, and when he was finally all inside my body, he destroyed all but the glowing bird Pokemon. He had wanted to have a Pokemon for a host he told me later, Jessie caught the Charmander Piouso was meant to possess. Getting a human boy wasn't his cup of tea, so he destroyed the Pokemon, then the temple, but I fought him. I got him to the beaches of Sunny Town, and finally got control back, trapping him in the necklace he'd been imprisoned in for thousands of years. The rest, you know." He finished, lowering his head.

"Oh my, that's....horrible to do. To you and those poor Pokemon. How can he be so cruel....and call you his vassal. That does mean slave, you know." Misty blurted, her tone outraged.

"Don't you think I know that. Piouso is used to doing what he wants, not what everyone else does? He's the God of the Pokemon, all Pokemon."

"A god? How come nobody knows about him."

James looked at her, frowning. "When the Pokemon first appeared, like Mew and the other rare Pokemon, Piouso was the one who gave them life here, he protected and punished them, but he punished abusive humans more, that's where he went wrong. He favored his own children over our ancestors. He underestimated them...and as a result, they imprisoned him inside this necklace of pure blue crystal," he explained, touching the necklace," He had managed to save the last Mew from being hunted down by primitive humans when a shaman and his followers cast the spell upon the crystal and threw it at Piouso's back, absorbing him inside for all times, but....Mew escaped with the necklace days later, hiding it deep within that island, protecting it."

"So Mew was considered a favorite of Piouso's, like they were best friends." Misty put in, getting another nod.

"You could say that, yes, they were very close. Mew was Piouso's first child, the first Pokemon to be created. Piouso is so....deadly now, more than he ever was, when he infected me. He learned in his resurrection that so many of his children are gone....Pokemon from ancient times that are no longer around and some that are very few in number. He can repopulate them, recreate the fallen ones, but it took him a long time to get a decent population of Pokemon anywhere in an uncivilized world....with pollution, cities, the Pokemon League, it may take centuries to rebuild his work. I don't know whether to hate him for being so cruel or pity him for the pain he feels with so many losses," he muttered, the tears coming again," Sometimes, I feel both, or nothing at all. I'm forced to use him when I'm in a place where his children are being abused, he hurts me when I try to shut him out. I am his vassal, but that doesn't mean I have to like it. If he tries to hurt innocent people....gets out of control, like he was....about to....with you, I fight as hard as I can to make him go back."

"So, you're slaves to each other, except you have more humanity. Everything is expendable to Piouso....isn't it?" Misty sighed, reaching her hand up to his face and wiping the tears away.

"Correct, Piouso only cares if he's right and his children live on worshiping him, their deity. Ironic he's trapped in the body of an ex-Pokemon thief, and a bad one at that. I do have to admit, I stole two Pokemon after Piouso merged with me, the Scyther and Electrobuzz of the Yas and Kas gyms in Dark City. Actually, I was told to steal them, by the Board of Pokemon Health. The Dark City gym's still hadn't learned their lessons, so taking their Pokemon away was all we could do. I was given Scyther for my efforts and Electrobuzz was put in the Safari Zone, for its own protection. That's it, Misty, all my secrets are out in the open. Guess I'm not as noble as you thought I was." He muttered, looking away from her.

"James, I don't think that. You're still you, and nobody's perfect. It took a lot of guts to tell me all that, even stuff I didn't ask about. So what if not everything is sugar-coated with happy stuff and fairy tails, life is life, James. The good thing is that you're fighting the bad inside and outside of yourself, no matter what happened to you, you keep fighting it, even when things seem like they're at their worst. It doesn't make you a bad person." She said, hugging him from behind.

"Misty....why? Why the heck do you like me? You couldn't stand me when we were kids....and in one night, your opinion changes. What's so special about a loser like me?" James muttered, remaining perfectly still.

"Not in one night....James Hartman, it took a few days of thinking to wonder why I wasn't freaking out over kissing you.....and dancing with you. Then I saw the changes you'd made in yourself....what you had inside when you really pushed yourself, you looked you had everything going for you. It....was....a peaceful look, something I'd never seen on your face....I felt for you. Notpity....but....well," she said, feeling him stir against her.

"What?" he asked in a curious tone. "I felt love for you, the way you cared for Pokemon and others....hearing how you'd been hurt....It reminded me....a little of when my father died, all the pain I had in my heart, like the world was against me, but when I heard how you suffered, I felt close to you, not so alone. Ash never had to worry about such painful losses like death and betrayal. No one ever understood my pain....until I met you again." She explained, crying a little.

"I know about're the only one I've told about my past, I was too ashamed to tell my new parents....any of my so-called friends in school. I didn't think your mother and sisters were as heartless as to not think about how you were hurting. You could at least tell people why you were upset, I had to lie to my parents when they'd catch me crying in my room. I envy you still, Misty, you had a pain that could be told, healed with time, but not me, who couldn't tell anyone they used to be a Pokemon thief and has a tyrannical Pokemon god in his soul," he said, moving a little again, his hands on hers,", love me? You're not just saying that?"

Misty giggled lightly, nuzzling her head against his back. "Yeah, I do, James, more than I thought I could. I'm not going to dwell on the past," she replied, feeling him turn in her arms, hugging her back," Just promise me one thing."

" long as its not illegal." He chuckled, patting her back.

"Promise me that you won't ditch me and Ash....when you go to fight Team Rocket. Promise me, please." She said, looking up at him warmly.

He smiled, lowering his head again. "I promise, even if they try and separate us too, I won't ditch you guys. I swear on my license....and my heart." He told her.


"What took you guys so long to come to the sleeping room anyway? Were there a lot of sick Pokemon after all?" Ash asked as Misty and James came back into the lobby the next morning. He looked like he'd been there for a while, leaning against the desk, Joy typing on the computer. His hair was messy and he had a little spot of food near his lip. Pikachu was sitting peacefully on the desk, looking as perky as ever, unlike the rest of them. She and James looked just as tired and messed up as he did, thanks to a full night of discomfort of yesterday's events.

James had changed clothes, unlike them, wearing a red jacket with white sleeves, a white T-shirt under it, but the same black jeans. He looked like he was part of a high school sports team, but he had explained to her that he'd gotten it from his parents after graduation, from the Pokemon League, a jacket instead of a hat like Ash.

"Not really. Misty wanted to hold one of the new Growlithe puppies and see what water Pokemon were here. Joy and I also had to put Starmie and Seadra in the ward for treatment, they took quite licking from Team Rocket." James said.

"Women are always drawn in by cute things. The biggest weakness of the gender, but heck, Pokemon are all cool, no matter what anyone says they are, cute or otherwise." Ash smirked, laughing.

"Jerk! That is way rude, picking on me just cause I think some Pokemon are cute." Misty snarled. "What do I care what you think, Misty? You're just jealous because I am a Pokemon Master and you're still swimming with the few badges you were able to barely win." Ash countered, smiling.

"Does it hurt much, Ash?" James said suddenly.

Ash gave him a puzzled stare. "Does what hurt?"

"That pea sized brain of yours trying to get out a decent thought and only pouring out garbage 24 hours a day." James said, grinning snidely.

"My pea sized....why you!" Ash growled, running at James. Misty moved away as the two men started fighting, punching and kicking at each other on the tile floor. "Oh, you guys, quit it, this is a hospital, not a back alley! Cut it out!" Misty scolded, but they kept fighting.

"He started it!" Ash hissed out, taking a low blow from James and getting knocked flat on his back. "No, you did with your ignorance about the power of women. Not only are you so full of yourself, you disrespect everyone around you! You make me sick, Ashley!" James griped, resulting in Ash leaping back at him.

"A fine distraction so Ash wouldn't ask Joy how the visits were with the Pokemon. The he'd be even more obnoxious about what we were doing all alone together, like it's any of his business." Misty muttered, crossing her arms in frustration. She felt a light tap on her shoulder, then a voice saying," Excuse me, miss, could you direct me to Dr. James Hartman. I have a package to deliver to him immediately."

Misty turned around to see a portly man standing behind her, holding a big, puffy yellow envelope between his chubby fingers, wearing a dark blue jumpsuit and tag on his chest that said," Howard."

"I'll take that for him, he's busy defending himself." Misty replied, and the man pulled out a clipboard with sheets of paper and a pen dangling by a shoestring on it. "Just sign here then, miss." He said. She signed her name and he gave her the package, then as suddenly as he had appeared, he was gone, the door shutting behind him.

"Hey, James! mail for you." Misty shouted, making a face as she saw James and Ash were still fighting, James still getting the best of the battle. "Oh no, not until I kick his tail in for insulting me!" Ash hollered, taking another swing at his opponent.

"I don't have time for this. Time to cheat." James said, ducking away from the blow as he touched his necklace. He looked at Pikachu, the crystal on his necklace glowing gently, and Pikachu jumped off the desk to run up beside Ash.

"Ka-chu!!!!!!!!!!!" it shouted, letting out its thunder shock attack on its trainer. Ash glowed a bright yellow with the powerful electricity for a few second, then the attack ended and Ash fell over, charred and surprised.

"Pikachu....what are you doing????" Ash croaked out, the tiny electric mouse sitting on his chest. "Pikapi...." It mumbled, sounding almost sad.

"Now that the peanut gallery has been dealt with, let's take a look at the mail," James sighed, taking the package from Misty carefully," Hmm, not from Erika, no return address. I'll have to pick that up today then."

"Dare I ask who the perfume is for?" Misty teased, smiling. James returned it and winked. "All in due me, now let's open this sucker."

James tore open the package and reached inside, something plastic sounding inside. He pulled out a videocassette, unlabeled and alone. James turned the package over and shook it, but nothing else came out.

"Joy, I'll go view this in the security room, ok? Hold the fort till I get back," James said quietly, his face slowly draining of color," Misty....Ash, would you mind coming with me?"

Misty nodded and so did Ash as he was getting up. "All right, lead the way, you big fat cheater." Ash grumbled, following him into the emergency ward.


There was no one in the security office, it was too early for anyone to come into work, and James looked very relieved about that factor. He popped out one tape from the dozens of monitors, one that had its sights sets on the payphones. James put his tape inside the monitor, punching play under the screen.

It was dark at first, then the three saw a familiar face on the screen, or half of it. "Hello, James, its been a long time." The man said, petting his grinning Persian.

"Giovanni!" James gasped, his hands curling into fists. "Yes, its me, your boss in the flesh. You're watching this now because you decided to make it hard on yourself instead of coming back to work for Team Rocket. So, last night, I took matters into my own hands with my other members and picked up a few special things that just might change your idiotic mind about defecting from the team any further." Giovanni smiled, then snapped his fingers.

The camera on him moved below him, to the doors where he kept his Pokemon in before battle. The doors opened and a few Rocket members came out, along with Butch, Cassidy, and Jessie, leading three people with sacks over their heads. One of them looked like child.

Misty looked over at James, and gasped. His eyes were wide with fright, his teeth grit tightly together, and his hands digging hard into the control panel of the security system. "No, please, not them. Anything but them, please God, don't let it be....." he was begging, tears streaming down his face.

The bags were pulled off, revealing another Nurse Joy, a dark-haired man and a little girl with brown hair, her face red and crying loudly, her little hands tied behind her back just like the adults.

"NO! NO! NO! Not them! How could they possibly know....They're not involved in this! You coward! It's me you want, not my family! Not them! Leave them out of this!" James screamed, pounding at the screen as if the people inside could hear him.

"You have three days before they take your place with a firing squad, the child goes first, mind you. Unless you come here and surrender yourself, well, I'll send flowers for their funerals. Don't be late....or they pay the price," Giovanni uttered in the background, then the camera went back to him," We're still in the same place, James, the last time you saw me. so, don't keep us waiting."

The screen went blank after that, but James wasn't calming down, tears pouring down his face like a flood, sobbing on the control panel painfully, and beating his fists against the dark screen.

"That cold hearted....he doesn't deserve to be a gym leader. He's a monster!" Ash growled, slamming his fist on the panel. "Yeah, a number one creep. How dare he use innocent people to get to James. That's sick! I say we take him out right now!" Misty hissed, but James said something that made their jaws drop.

"We can't do it." he muffled out.

"What do you mean, we can't do it! Your family is going to die if we don't get to Viridian City now, your family is going to die! Don't you care about that?" Ash challenged.

James stood upright in a flash, his face full of rage. "I do care, but barging in won't save them. We have to plan this out, not rush in like big-headed idiots. We'll get killed for sure and so will my family. I don't want that. But we have to act fast, as in leaving right now."

"But what about Nurse Joy? I mean this Joy, not the one Giovanni has." Ash put in.

"Leave her to me," James said, reaching nervously into his pockets and yanked out his wallet," Take my credit cards and rent us a car, anything, just make sure its fast."

"You got it." Ash yelped, running out of the room.

"Misty, make sure he does that, and buy some wigs, two for women and brown one for a man, short hair. A blonde with curls that's short and a straight red one that's long for the girls. Make it fast." James added, pushing her out rapidly. "What are the wigs for?" she asked as he came out the door, tape in hand.

"All part of the plan. Just hurry, I have another Joy to lie to....for the last time." James said, smashing the tape against the wall.

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