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It all seemed so distant as Misty clawed through the wet rubble, crying and choking against the reminiscent with the fumes of the remains of the hot flames. Misty could still hear it clear as a bell, and could feel the streets of Viridian City shaking madly, but her eyes couldn't fathom what she had seen when she turned about in the street. Piouso had teleported them a ways down the road from the gym, but the blast from building was well in everyone's sights, flames and smoke shooting out, blasting the front off the building across from it.

"JAMES!" she had screamed, running back towards the building," Ash, call the fire department, the police anybody! James might still be alive!"

"You got it!" Ash had called back, running off for a nearby phone, James' family running after Misty.

The fire department had come after a few minutes of waiting, Officer Jenny leading the charge on her motorcycle. The flames had been stubborn, but after a long, hard fight, they were all but a painful memory.

Now Misty, with Kara a ways behind her, helping search and rescue find the survivors, of the explosion hadn't killed everyone as it happened. Misty recalled Piouso's last words to her, that James was sorry. She cried not because it was him saying good-bye, but because she didn't feel he needed to say it. She didn't blame him for what was happening, she blamed Team Rocket and all the torments they'd laid upon James just for being alive.

She heard little Kara sniffle, saying," Big brother, where are you? Please, you promised to come to my birthday party. You never break your promises. Please, big brother.....sniffle." the little girl cried out, her little blackened fingers shoving rock after rock out of the way.

She felt a horrible burning in her heart for the child. James had been around for this little girl's birth, her birthday's and almost every special day she had. To her, he was her real brother, blood and bonded, he was all she had to relate to as a role model. She didn't understand what she'd heard about him, not fully, but she was forgiving him with her efforts, trying to find him, to be there for him too.

Misty pushed another rock away, holding back a sob, when something soft brushed against her hand. She looked down and saw it was a hand, a man's hand, still attached to an arm, maybe more if she kept digging. "I think I've found him. Kara, Ash! Everybody, hurry, I've found him! It has to be him!" Misty cried, throwing rock after rock away from the hand, bloody and bruised. It flinched slightly as more of the arm appeared, then fell over, limp on the rubble.

As Misty dug further, more hands around her helping pave the way down, she saw a jacket sleeve, ripped and bloodied, char marks all around, but she could see James was all in one piece. He was still holding Meowth under his arm, the cat Pokemon virtually unharmed, but out cold. As they were pulled free, Joy took Meowth out of his arms, then touch her son's bloodied cheek.

Misty hugged James, feeling at his chest and neck as tears streamed rapidly down her cheeks, but it was brief. "He's alive, I can feel him breathing, his heart's still beating." she cried, then two men approached her with a stretcher.

Jenny brought a stretcher over and had James placed on it. "To the hospital now! He could be worse than he looks, get him there on the double!" Jenny hollered at the ambulance men, who nodded and carried his limp body away, leaving Misty and the rest behind.

"Misty, we can see him at the hospital. Let the search and rescue teams take care of finding Team Rocket. Let's go now....come on." Ash said, pulling Misty down the mountain of rubble.


Healing Hearts and Broken Bones

* 1 week Later *

Misty was pacing in the waiting room as Ash and James' family slept in the chairs, little Kara in Joy's lap and Meowth in Max's. Misty had barely slept since the Viridian Gym had exploded, putting James into a coma, breaking on of his arms and cutting both of his cheeks. The concussion he'd gotten still had him sleeping, tubes in body and his head bandaged. The doctors had said there wasn't any brain or skull damage, and his arm would heal.

The coma was something they couldn't really give a diagnosis for, the concussion wasn't great enough to do it, but it was all they could give them, other than the explosion was a great shock to his mind and body. Misty had been convinced he'd wake up after a few days, but now a week had gone by, with no change in his condition other than his arm healing a little. All she could do now was wait, and deal with nightmares of that day in the gym, watching James vanish in a ball of fire, reaching out for her and changing into Piouso clawing at her. The nightmares kept her from falling asleep and it showed, her hair had lost its shine and her eyes looked dark and tired, bags hanging under her eyes, stained with what was left of her tears.

"Mr. and Mrs. Hartman? I have....some news for you." said a voice. Misty looked up, her breath catching in her throat as she saw the elderly doctor standing in the doorway.

"What is it? Has something happened to my baby!?" Joy cried out, holding her little girl close to her as she stood up.

"No, he's all right. He's finally opened his eyes....but....he attacked the nurse. He was saying how he hates being stuck with a hospital gown on....poor woman didn't know he was so angry about it and got a black eye out of it. He requested his clothes....and to see his family. If you're up to it, just be sure to bring him his bags." The doctor said, smiling a little.

"Certainly, Misty, would you mind picking some clothes out of his bags. Oh, I'm sorry, but I just have to see James." Joy yelped, running towards the doctor, Max and Ash in tow.

"I understand, as long as he's all right. His bags are in the rental car, I'll go get them. Just wait for me, ok?" Misty said happily, running past them all out the door.


Misty came back quickly to find his parents and little sister hugging James in his hospital gown, the sheets pulled up over his legs, his arm was still in a sling and bandages on his cheeks. "Oh honey, we don't hate you. Just don't ever scare us like that again, please! We can talk about this at home, just don't ever do that again. Don't take all the pressure alone, we're a family, even if its not by blood. We're still a family, next time, let us help you. Promise me that, James, please." Joy cried, weeping as she hugged the young man tightly, his face grimacing in pain.

"I will, I swear, but Mom, Dad! You're killing me! It still hurts!" James yelped, his family pulling away quickly. He rubbed at his sides with his good arm. "I know, I lied, but I did it to protect you, you all know that, right?" he said, still wincing.

"Yes, son, we know. We were hurt by the deception....but you never hurt us with it. We know you only trying to shield us from the shame you felt. Just know you're not alone, we will help you. And you even saved this Meowth, and it didn't even ask for it. You're a good man, James, and you've bettered yourself over that Giovanni. You're not a loser or a charlatan like he said, you've conquered your past well. All that matters is that you're alive, son, that's all we wanted." Max said, patting James lightly on the head.

"And that he'll have his dignity back too. Got you some clothes, James." Misty chirped, smiling widely.

Ash was smirking over in the corner. "I should a known he'd be wearing a dress sooner or later."

"It's a hospital gown and I didn't put it on, Ashley, that stupid nurse did. Now can I have some privacy, then you can all smother me....Oh, once I feel a little better." He mumbled, staring down.

"Fine, isn't he so shy, huh Misty? All his girlfriends say that." Kara squeaked, snatching the clothes from her and tossing them onto James lap.

Misty blushed, watching his family step out, then Ash led her out. "Girlfriend?" he asked, but Misty said nothing, just staring at James, even as the door closed.


James laid in bed, dressed in the purple shirt and black jeans Misty brought up along with his brown boots. He still hurt all over, but it wasn't so bad with Piouso repairing his body from within. Still, he had to act hurt or people would do tests on him like a lab rat. He felt his privacy had been invaded enough and his pride hurt as well, he didn't need more questions rising up out of the blue to haunt him.

He was happy his family was forgiving him for all the deception. He had hoped they would understand the why's and why not's he'd chosen in life. It was enough for now, but James guessed that he'd have a lot of long talks with his parents about his affiliations with Team Rocket, all the things he'd hidden in the back of his mind.

James heard the door creak open at that, looking up slightly to see who it was."Misty? Shouldn't you be sleeping or something? Its probably after midnight...." He said, leaning back into bed.

"I haven't been sleeping well lately, but your family is. So are Ash and Meowth, all in the waiting room. They were just so happy you're all right....and all. But, I just couldn't sleep, without talking to you first," she said, sitting down beside him," You were hoping that blast would take you out too, weren't you?"

"No....Piouso would have known, I was making it seem that way, though. So Team Rocket would have known better than to misjudge me, thinking I didn't have the guts to sacrifice my own life to save others. I was just trying to make an impression, didn't mean to pour on the drama, but knowing Team Rocket, it worked better on them than anything," he sighed," I was saying sorry too....because I was. That's why I tried so hard to keep you and Ash out of it, I didn't want you to see me like that, like Piouso. He's not the greatest thing to be possessed by....if anything. What I had to do was for my eyes only."

"As noble as ever, trying to protect us from everything all of a sudden. Such a little hero," she cooed, rubbing his forehead, then looked down in dismay," You tore your sleeve off."

"Had too, doctor's orders, as of my broken bone is healing nicely, he says I don't need a sling anymore. Still, he said I should let it breath....among other things, the guy just wants me to stay in bed for a while longer, but knowing Piouso, I'll be better by morning." James smirked, closing his eyes for a moment. Misty hugged him suddenly, lying across him gently with her legs beside his. "Welcome back, James." she whispered, and he reached his good arm around her trying to return the gesture.

"Thanks, good to be back, Misty....heh, if I still have a home to go back to....I know this isn't the best time, but would you like have dinner with my family? If it's ok, ow! Oh....boy, next time Piouso can stay for the collapse of the building."

"Let's hope there isn't a next time. And sure, I'd love to have dinner with your folks, if their anything unlike your real parents, I'm all for it." Misty chuckled.

"You and me both. Heh, I love you, Misty." He returned. "So do I James, so much. Don't you ever scare me like that again or I'm grind you into paste." She returned back, hugging him tighter.

"Ok, I swear I won't, now watch the ribs. You're killing me." he mock whined.

They were both laughing there, holding each other tightly, unawares that a shadow was standing in the doorway. As the two kissed, the shadow made a light stutter come out of his mouth, then started to walk away.

'Love each other? James and Misty? Kissing? So that's why they were alone together....Jeez.' he thought, still walking away from the room as quietly as he could,' Leave it to Misty to have weird taste in men.' He smiled at that thought, heading back for the waiting room.


"Well, look who's up today? Where do you think you're going?" Ash smirked as James was wheeled out by his mother and father, Meowth perched on his lap with his paws crossed. "Fish every day?" he was asking.

"For the millionth time, yes. Fish, whatever you want, no more canned gunk that's been sitting on the cobweb encrusted shelf for years. I swear, you think saved you just to kick around?" James exclaimed.

"It crossed my mind, but I guess it takes all kinds of circumstances to change, even a ditz like you," Meowth uttered, then saw Kara's little face next to him," Uh, but thanks. This makes my day."

"Now Eevee can have a playmate, right Jimmy?" Kara smiled, patting Meowth on the head. "Yeah, just be sure you have lots of balls of string. He digs that the most." James chuckled.

"Yay! Now we can have conversations! I can know what Eevee is saying and we can all have lots of fun. Right, Jimmy?" she chirped.

"Right, Kara, you have all the fun you want. You've earned it," he smiled, then grimaced," Oh, so have I....if I'm still welcome."

"You are, James, and as your mother, I think you should stay at the Sunny Town Pokemon Center a little longer. I insist." Joy said, kissing his bandaged cheek.

"Between that and being tortured to death, I think I'll take the nurse's orders. Sorry Mom, I was going to tell you....someday, its just that it isn't something you tell people everyday. I was....well...." he stammered out.

"Afraid we'd reject you? You should have given us more credit than that. We would have been a little angry, yes, but you still would have still been our boy. You made good on yourself all these years without a bit of hesitation....and made us all proud when you didn't have to. It'll take some time to get used to the truth, but we're not going to just kick you out like a bum on the street over something you fought alone to protect us from it."

"I will tell you everything once we get home....I promise. I just want to be in my own bed, my own room for a long time. And keep working, I'm not a lush. I still intend to do my job, no matter what my past is." James sighed, petting Meowth.

"Can I come too, I mean, if it's all right with your parents." Misty said shyly.

"Sure, honey, any friend of James' is a friend of ours. Especially, the girls." Joy giggled, pinching James' cheek.

"Mom....can we all just go home? The sooner the better. I'm with my final badge, I need to rest up to kick Gary and Ash's tails in....oh....when I can move without seeing stars." He groaned, and Joy started pushing his wheelchair again.

"Yeah, and it'll be a fight to remember James....if you make it that far. Still, it'll be worth the wait, I guess. Be seeing you then, James, and not a minute sooner." Ash offered with a grin.

"It'll be worth it to wipe that smug look off your face. Till then, don't get last time. Adios, Ash." James called as his mother and father lifted him into the car, Misty and Kara climbing in behind him and shut the door.

"So long, James. Misty! See you all later." Ash called, then watched the parents get in the car. A few seconds later, the car had started up and drove away from him.

"Yeah, just leave me with the rental car. Well, might as well made some use out of it and go to Pewter City. I hope Brock doesn't freak out when I tell him who Misty is dating. He'll have kittens. Heh, I love telling him." he chuckled, walking back down the street to the rental.


James was leaning against Misty, fast asleep, breathing quietly. Misty was trying to go to sleep, but his baby sister, sitting beside her, was talking to her. "You're the prettiest girl James has been with, and the quietest. Not like his other girlfriends. They all are so quiet, then scream at him and Haunter. Are you always quiet? What's your favorite Pokemon? Huh?" Kara giggled out, pulling at Misty's shirt. Misty blushed, her eyes fluttering again.

"Kara, leave the nice young lady alone. She needs her sleep too you know, just like your brother. Shush and go to sleep, honey." Joy called back at her.

Misty smiled at that, the little girl pouting, but was quiet now. She stared out the at the window and sighed. 'Feels goods to be free from adventure, but it was good while it lasted. Oh James. Now you're free, no more Team more surprises....I hope, for everyone's sake.' She thought, leaning her head against his, letting her eyes fall shut.

~ Meanwhile, in an Abandoned Warehouse ~

" a little insect like that. All my Pokemon....all of my members! Gone, all because of James! I'm ruined! It will take forever to get all of the Pokemon we stole back!" Giovanni raged, Cassidy grumbling as she bandaged up his head.

"Quit bellyaching. I told you all he wasn't worth all the trouble, but no one listens to me." Cassidy hissed out.

"Shut up, Cassie, you were the one who said we should kidnap his family, let Jessie in on it. God, we could have just ignored him. If he turns us in, he ruins his whole career. But you're all so busy talking about a grand revenge, who can a word in?! You beat yourselves by being so stupid." Butch moaned, favoring his broken leg.

"We would have had him if not for that stupid Piouso. Steal that and he's just James, a little wimp with a medical license. Ooo, he makes me so mad, my beautiful face will take weeks to perfect again, all these nasty burns and scratches. He's dead meat," Jessie whined, smacking her Arbok," And you're in a lot of trouble. How dare you turn on your master."

"Arbok...." It said timidly, looking at the floor.

"Do whatever you like....It really doesn't matter to me cause I quit!" Cassidy announced, tying a final knot on the boss' head.

"You can't quit! I forbid it." Giovanni raged, his Persian hissing.

"Rant all you want old man, but I've had it with this team. I've got plenty of money saved from my checks to leave and you have nobody but Jessie and Butch left to push around. I'm going back into the advertising racket. At least I got some respect there and got to keep my dignity. This team is beyond embarrassment." She seethed, heading for the door.

"You can't leave this team. I won't allow such insubordination. You stop right now or....I'll...." Giovanni began, but Cassidy finished for him.

"Shoot me? With what, spit balls? Face it boss man, you've got no guns, no Pokemon but that worthless feline, and only two dolts working for you. Try and stop me, I've got better things to do with my life than keep on wasting it." Cassidy said sarcastically, shoving the door open.

"Wait, Cassidy!" Butch called, hobbling after her, leaning on a piece of wood.

"Don't try to stop me, Butch. I've made up my mind." Cassidy replied.

"I'm not going to do that. I wanted to know if you could give me a lift home. Team Rocket ain't worth stomaching without my partner, so why stomach it at all? I'm quitting too." He said back, teetering a little.

She smiled and gestured with her head to follow, disappearing out the door. "You two have fun....we're moving on. So long suckers." Butch called back, hobbling out after Cassidy and slamming the door behind him.

"We'll get them later, Jessie, you'll see. No one disrespects Team Rocket and gets away with it. I'll make them all sorry." Giovanni proclaimed.

Jessie and Arbok just stared at him, then at each other. "Cork it, boss."She said, then began tossing rolls of bandages while Arbok flung old, crunched soda cans as well at the Persian and its master.

"Argh, stop it. The head, watch the head!" he screamed.

"ARBOK! Arbok....bok!" Jessie's Pokemon yelled. "Yeah, nail him, Arbok! Now I'm second in command, and from now on, I'll have some say in your plans and a better paycheck too! I'm your only member so you better treat me good if you want me to stay!" Jessie yelled.

"All right, all right, just stop that crazy thing! STOP! Argh, I'd rather face Piouso than this everyday!" he yelled.

"No more James hunting garbage for a long time. Now we do this Jessie style. Hah ahahahahaaaaa!" Jessie laughed, tossing things at her boss as the full moon rose outside.

The End....Or is it?

Hey! Now that you've finished the story, write Vanessa and let her know what you think. (Tell her she needs to write more too. ^_^)

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