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Road Trip

It was one of da most beautiful mornings a Pokemon could ever see. Even in da car as we were, I had da chance to enjoy da scenery.

Jessi was drivin'. Of course, she did most of the time, anyhow. An' James was, of course, still asleep. Since we had all our stuff in da backseat, I was curled up in James' lap. I didn't like human contact as much as some Meowths mighta, but it wasn't so bad.

To da left and to da right of da highway we were on was forests. Some trees were whole with all deir leaves an' stuff, an' some were bare-twigged, thinned out by recent fires. Early mornin' mist curled around deir trunks almost like smoke.

Jessi had been drivin' all night, just about. If I had been a little more awake, I woulda offered ta take over, but as it was I knew James would do dat when he woke up.

Sure 'nough, da male Rocket member stirred in his seat. I meowed indignantly 'bout being moved, but I settled back down quickly- I knew I'd have to move in a minute.

James looked over at Jessi. She was so focused on da road dat she didn't notice we were awake. I glanced up at James; he hadn't turned his gaze offa Jess. I coulda laughed, it was so obvious dat dose two liked each otha, an' I know dey'd be alot better off if dey told each otha.

"Jess, do you want me to drive?" James asked softly. She was startled a bit, but nodded groggily.

"Sure, yeah, thanks," she murmured. It was a good thing James woke up when he did, or Jessi mighta fallen asleep at da wheel, and dat wouldn't'a been very good.

Jessi pulled da car over on da side of da road. Dere were really no otha cars around us; it was too early for dat. Da sun wasn't even up yet. I glanced at da blinking, green clock and remembered ta add fifteen minutes to what it read (and also to get either Jessi or James ta try and figure out how ta fix da clock) Four'o'clock, usually an unearthly hour for us.

James smirked down at me as he scooped me up an' put me on da dashboard. I was too tired ta protest except barin' my teeth slightly. I closed my eyes, den on a second thought opened 'em again. I wanted ta see if my human partners would be smart enough to get outta da car an' switch seats, or if it'd be more interestin'.

An' apparently, it would be. Jessi got up, stoopin' 'cause of da ceiling, an' James sat down in da middle of da front seats. Even with my eyes slitted, I could see da furious blush on James' face from Jessi passin' so close in front of him.

I never underestimate da need ta keep lotsa catnip toys on da floor of da car, an' dis trip was no exception. So when Jessi slipped on one a' my strategically placed toy mice, it wasn't much of a surprise ta me. She sat down hard. Right on top a' James. Uh-oh.

But Jess was too tired ta do any more den raising a hand at no one in particular as if she was going to hit da air. I guess it was too early in da mornin' for bein embarrassed, cause dey only stammered quick apologies an' slid into deir respective seats.

I pretended not ta notice when dey both glanced at me ta make sure I hadn't saw dem. I gave my most convincin' snore an' held back a laugh at da same time, resultin' in a very odd noise dat I'm sure I never heard before, or will hear again. But I think Jess an' James were too absorbed in deir embarrassment ta notice.

As James started da car back up, I wondered vaguely what kind a' trip we'd have da rest of da way. Considerin' the events of dat mornin', it might turn out ta be more interestin' den I'd thought it'd be...

Chapter Two
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