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Going Straight

Notes: A comedy about what might happen if Team Rocket were to join up with the twerps. General silliness throughout. Written in a play-type format.

Rating: G (small amount of violence, but no one is shot, permanently maimed, or fed to a Magikarp)

Disclaimer: I don't own Pokémon! But if I did, I'd know exactly where I'd want the story to go...

THE SCENE: A peaceful day in Viridian Forest. Or is it...? *cue ominous music*

Jessie: "THIS... IS... THE... LAST... STRAW! That kid... and his Pikachu... are going DOWN next time!"

*Jessie, James, and Meowth are sitting on the ground, looking slightly charred, smoke rising from their burnt clothing*

James: "But that's what you said last time! We're never going to wiiiiiin..." *eyes glaze over*

Jessie: *crosses the distance between herself and James in one second flat* "Stop whining! We ARE going to win!" *grabs his shirt front*

James: "No we're not! No we're not!"

Jessie: *shakes James violently* "YES WE ARE!"

James: *voice wavers from being shaken* "No... we're... not, no... we're... not.."

Meowth: *places paws over his ears* "Could you two shut up? My ears are ringin' as it is!"

Jessie: "YES WE ARE!"

James: "No... we're... not, no... we're... not..."

Meowth: "Why do I even bother askin'?" *jumps into the fray as a small fist fight ensues - the dust settles to show Meowth atop the two humans, both with red scratches across their faces*

Meowth: "Dat's better." *jumps to the ground* "Okay, new suggestions for catchin' dat Pikachu?"

*Jessie and James untangle themselves, not without blushing for some odd reason, and sit side by side, frowning at the ground in thought*

Jessie: "How about we dress James up as a sick little girl whose last wish is to have a Pikachu of her very own? Those kids are so soft, they'll crack and hand it right over!" *laughs maniacally*

James: *wails* "I don't like that idea!"

Meowth: "Nah... too complicated. Let's stick wit' somethin' simple."

Jessie: "Uhh... we could dig a hole and--"

Meowth: "NO!"

*a long silence follows*

James: "Umm... how about we just give up?"

*Jessie and Meowth slowly swivel their heads, looking at James. A large sweatdrop forms above his head.*

Jessie: "What..."

Meowth: " you mean..."

Jessie: " that?"

James: *turns pale* "Well, I mean... the good guys always win, right? So if we were good guys... we could win too! It's better than losing all the time..."

*Jessie and Meowth continue staring blankly.*

James: "Uhh... we could at least try it... and then if we don't like it, we can go back to being bad again..." *clears his throat nervously* "Well...?"

*Jessie and Meowth's faces slowly split into huge grins, and they launch themselves at James, squeezing him so hard he turns as blue as his hair.*

Jessie: "James, what a wonderful idea! It'll be fun!"

Meowth: "So you ARE good for somethin', James! I never doubted ya for a minute!"

James: *wheezes something unintelligible*


SCENE CHANGE: A little camp in Viridian forest. Two boys and a girl are sitting around looking bored. The girl has a Pikachu on her lap.

Misty: "So, what are we going to do now?"

Ash: "I don't know. Wait for Team Rocket to try to steal Pikachu again?"

Pikachu: "Pika?"

Misty: *growls* "That's BORING!"

Ash: "Okay then, let's go see if I can get another gym leader to give me another badge!"

Misty: "That's boring too! We need some REAL excitement around here!"

Pikachu: "Pii! Pii! Pikachu!"

Misty: "Don't you think so, Brock?"

Brock: *thinking about some girl or another* "Huh? What's that?"

Misty: "Nothing, never mind." *folds her arms in frustration*

*A rustling noise is heard behind them. Everyone whirls around.*

Jessie: *loud voice* "Prepare for... I mean... hi there!"

*Ash, Misty, and Brock stare at the members of Team Rocket, who are standing there in their uniforms, only the jackets removed to show their black shirts underneath.*

Ash: "Wh... Wh... What do you want?! Back for more abuse?"

Jessie: "Don't be stupid." *Jessie, James, and Meowth flop down on the ground - Ash, Misty, and Brock jump back about ten feet, Misty holding Pikachu tightly* "We're here for your help, of course."

*The twerps stare dumbly.*

Misty: "Help... with what?"

Meowth: "We're gonna join ya! We've decided to go straight at last!"

*Ash, Misty, and Brock faint into a pile on the ground.*

Sometime later...

*The entire group is sitting in a circle. James is gleefully rocking back and forth holding Pikachu on his lap - it seems to have taken a liking to him for some odd reason.*

Ash: "So you need our help... because...?"

Jessie: "How dumb can you be?! We don't know HOW to be good, so we thought you could teach us!"

James: "Yeah! 'Cause if we're good we can win!"

Jessie: *slaps him* "Shut up you idiot!"

Misty: *tsk'ing* "Well Jessie... no more of that then. It's not nice to hit your friends or call them names."

Ash: *muttering* "So how about all the times you've hit ME and called ME names?"

Misty: "What did you say?"

Ash: "Nothing."

Jessie: "But... I HAVE to do it! How else do I get him to shut up? Besides, he's a masochist anyway! He likes it!"

James: "I am not! That's so mean Jessie!" *bursts into tears*

Misty: "Now look what you did! You hurt his feelings! If you REALLY want to be good, you gotta apologize right now!"

Jessie: "I'm not apologizing! It's not my fault he always acts like such a big baby!"

*Misty and Jessie face off, glaring at each other. James can be seen still wailing in the background, Pikachu patting his leg in comfort.*

Misty: "You're serious about being good now? Well, you have to apologize!"

Jessie: *wavers* "Oh... fine." *turns to James, who is sniffling and staring at her with big watery eyes, clutching Pikachu like a stuffed toy* "I'm... sorry, James."

James: "Oooh Jessie! *jumps up, instantly all better* "Thank you!" *hugs her tightly, squishing Pikachu between them*

Pikachu: "Piii... ka... CHU!" *electric shocks them both*

Ash: "You know... this is going to be a long day."

*everyone sighs*


SCENE CHANGE: The new "gang" is all standing beside the road leading out of Viridian Forest. Jessie and James have changed clothes to look more like average Pokémon trainers. Jessie is wearing a pink tank top with black shorts; James a pair of loose jeans and a white t-shirt. Jessie's hair is re-styled into a ponytail, and Pikachu is perched on top of James' head.

Pikachu: "Chuu!"

Ash: *glares at Pikachu* "Traitor."

Brock: "Everyone ready to go?"

*A chorus of unenthusiastic "yeah's" is heard, and Brock takes the lead along the road.*

James: "This is so exciting! We're gonna be Pokémon trainers! Aren't you excited Jess?!"

Jessie: "We already ARE Pokémon trainers you nitwit!" *reaches over to pound him, but sees Misty watching and puts her hand down, mumbling something incoherent*

Meowth: "So what are we doin' now anyway?"

Ash: "Well, we're on the road to Viridian City." *hums*

Misty: "Don't even start that..."

Ash: "We got some shopping to do."

Jessie: "Shopping? Did you say shopping?" *drools* "I could use a new dress, a couple new pairs of shoes, maybe a new--"

Misty: "Not THAT kind of shopping. We need to pick up some supplies for our Pokémon."

Jessie: *face falls* "Oh. How boring."

*several minutes pass in silence*

James: "I'm tired. Are we there yet?"

Jessie: "What do you mean you're tired? You're not carrying anything!"

James: "I have to carry Pikachu!" *holds his hands up in protest*

Pikachu: "Pika?"

Jessie: "Why I oughta..." *looks at Misty* "Please can I hit him? Just once? I've been dying to all day!"

Misty: "Nope."

*Jessie grumbles, and James smirks at her triumphantly.*

Jessie: *leans in close to James and whispers in his ear* "Just wait until we're alone."

*James turns white and walks a little farther away from Jessie. The group continues on, until two figures are seen in the distance.*

Jessie: "Who's that?"

Ash: "Probably other trainers." *gets excited* "Maybe we could have a match!"

Brock: *dreamily* "I hope one of them's a girl..."

*collective eye roll*

*The pair slowly comes into plain view. Both are boys, dressed in identical shorts and t-shirts, each about 10 years old. The two groups stop and stare at one another.*

Boy 1: "Pokémon trainers..."

Boy 2: "...I presume?"

Ash: "Yeah that's right, we are!"

Boy 1: "Then it is our obligation to..."

Boy 2: "...challenge you to a battle!"

Jessie: *pushes to the front* "I want to go! Which one of you twerps wants beaten first?"

Misty: "Jessie!" *singsong voice* "That's not very niiiiice..."

Jessie: *trys to compose herself, one eyebrow twitching* "I meant, which one of you little boys would like to battle me first?"

Boy 1: "Battle YOU? But you're kind of..."

Boy 2: "...old, aren't you?"

Jessie: *eyes blaze* "Old?! I'LL SHOW YOU OLD!" *She lunges at the boys; it takes Ash, Misty, and Brock combined to hold her back.*

Jessie: *calms down* "Alright. Well then. Who IS first?"

Boy 1: "I am! Pokéball, go!"

*A Blastoise pops out of the Pokéball. Everyone's eyeballs bug out.*

Jessie: "Umm... go Ekans!"

*It soon become evident that Ekans is going to lose.*

Jessie: "I... I... I can't lose!"

*She runs back over to James, grabbing the Pokéball from his belt. She tosses it out to join Ekans, then grabs Meowth and flings him out too.*

Jessie: "There, beat THAT!"

*The airborne Meowth smacks Boy 1 in the head. Quickly recovering, he calls his Blastoise back.*

Boy 1: "You're... you're..."

Boy 2: "...crazy!"

*They both speed off, leaving only a cloud of dust behind. Everyone stares at Jessie.*

Jessie: "Umm... oops." *picks up her Ekans and starts walking down the road again, while everyone else follows in silence*


SCENE CHANGE: Once in town, the group decides to stop and get something to eat at a local McDonald's (face it, McDonald's are EVERYWHERE, it's part of what makes them so scary). They manage to find a table where they can all fit, twerps on one side and Team Rocket on the other as they eat. James happily feeds Pikachu french fries when he's not stuffing his own face.

Pikachu: "Chaa!"

Ash: "Traitor."

Misty: "I can't believe you did that!" *points at Jessie*

Ash: "Yeah. I would've beaten both of those guys if you hadn't ruined it!"

Jessie: "Oh who cares? There are plenty of other little brats running around to beat."

Brock: "You guys aren't doing very good at trying to be good..."

Jessie: "Who asked you, blind boy?"

Brock: "I can see perfectly well, thanks!"

Meowth: "Yeah, how else do you think he can stare at all those girls?"

Misty: "Now, now, let's not start a fight..."

James: "Hey Pikachu, want an ice cream cone?"

*Everyone stares at James.*

James: "What?"

*Jessie's foot "accidentally" slips and kicks James' chair over, banging his head against the floor.*

James: "Oooh... look at all the pretty Staryu..."


SCENE CHANGE: The dusty road out of Viridian City. Everyone is walking slowly, dragging their feet. The twerps are walking in front, with Team Rocket walking behind, Pikachu riding on James' shoulder.

Jessie: "So where are we going now?"

Ash: "Wherever fate takes us!"

Jessie: "Gee, I figured you'd say something corny like that."

Misty: "Oh come on, don't start up again."

Jessie: *mumbles*

*Minutes pass in silence.*

James: "Jessie, I'm hot. I'm tired. When can we stop for the night? Did we bring any food with us? This Pikachu weighs a ton. Did you know you can tell whether you're in the northern or southern hemisphere from the direction a toilet swirls when you flush it? This road is too dusty. I can't--"

Jessie: "James... shut... UP!" *she proceeds to slap him silly, then pushes him on the ground, jumping on top and wrapping her hands around his throat*

James: "Aggghhaaakkk..."

Misty: "Hey, now stop it!"

Pikachu: "Pika! Pii! Kachu! Chaa piika chu! Chuchu pii ka chaa! Chuu! Ka pi ka chaa chu pii pii! Pikachu!"

Jessie: *stops strangling James* "Huh? What did it say?"

Meowth: "Well, I'd tell you, but this story IS only rated G."

*Everyone sweatdrops.*

Ash: "Face it, you guys are hopeless! You're not good at being good!"

Jessie: "Oh I don't care anymore!" It's too hard anyway! We quit!" *stands up, yanking James to his feet along with her* "But don't assume you've seen the last of us! Team Rocket will triumph in the end!"

*Team Rocket speeds off in a cloud of dust, Jessie dragging James and Meowth running behind. They stop when they're far enough away, trying to catch their breath.*

Meowth: "That's the LAST time we ever listen to YOU James!"

Jessie: "Yeah, your idea was no good! What a waste of time!"

James: "Oh, I don't think it was a total loss." *looks smug*

Jessie: "And what's THAT supposed to mean?"

James: "Well..." *reaches into his shirt and pulls out a furry yellow object*

Pikachu: "Pii!"

Jessie and Meowth: "We got Pikachu!"

That was... disturbing. Did ANYONE get the Viridian City thing? Why did Pikachu like James so much? (Well, I always believed Pikachu was a girl...) And the toilet flushing thing happens to be true. Comments? Death threats? Email me. o_o
