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One of Those Nights

Notes: This little skit was something I wrote up way back in February for my little sister (who was obsessed with The Oregon Trail game and desperately wanted me to write a story about Team Rocket playing it). Even though this story is a little farfetched (no, not the duck), it's kinda funny. And... *gasp of horror* Cass and Butch are in it! o.o;

Rating: G

Disclaimer: I don't own Pokémon. I bet the real owners of Pokémon would be embarrassed by this story. Oh well. ^_^

*THE SCENE: Friday night in Team Rocket HQ. Jessie, James, Cassidy, Butch, and Meowth are the only members in the building. Needless to say they're bored silly and more than likely to kill each other by the end of the night. Jessie sits on a couch between James and Meowth, while Cassidy and Butch share a couch opposite from them.*

JESSIE: "Why are we always the ones who have to stay around here on Fridays? It's obviously when all the exciting missions are going on..."

CASSIDY: "Well, YOU'RE here because you're a screw-up and really can't be trusted on an IMPORTANT mission."

JESSIE: "Then how come YOU'RE here?"

CASSIDY: "Well... to make sure you don't screw up while... sitting around doing nothing."

JESSIE: "That's pathetic."

JAMES: *hides a yawn behind his hand* "I agree. We..." *yawn* "are not screw-ups. At least not... all of the time."

JESSIE: *glances at him sideways* "Wake up."

JAMES: "I'm not asleep..." *yawn* "Yet, anyway..."

*Silence falls. Cassidy and Butch stare into space while Meowth plays with a yarn ball and Jessie glares as James' head starts falling toward her, mouth wide open.*

JESSIE: "That's it! We're finding something to do, and I mean now!" *slaps the back of James' head* "And YOU wake up before you start drooling on me!"


SCENE CHANGE: The gang searches the HQ for something at least remotely interesting to do. After Butch's lame suggestion of chess is violently opposed, Meowth points to the HQ's computer.

MEOWTH: "We could always play a game..."

JESSIE: "Solitaire isn't going to cut it, I don't think."

MEOWTH: "No, no, no... we've got some old games for dis thing somewhere around here, if we could just find them..."

BUTCH: "You mean these?" *points to a dusty stack of boxes standing in the corner*

CASSIDY: "Hmmm..." *pulls the top one off, blowing dust off it in a cloud* "The Happy Chef? Ummm... it doesn't exactly sound very..."

BUTCH: "...stimulating?"

CASSIDY: "Exactly. I suppose that's the best we can expect out of all of these boxes too."

JESSIE: "Wonderful. That's another idea that isn't going to work." *angrily kicks the boxes, scattering them across the floor*

JAMES: "Ooo... look at this one!" *picks up the box that had landed by his feet* "I love this game!"

JESSIE: *squints at the box James is holding up* "Oregon Trail? James... are you feeling okay? Or have you gone from a fifth grade mentality to a third grade one?"

JAMES: "What?" *pouts* "It's fun..."

MEOWTH: "Hey, we can give it a try, right? I mean there IS nothin' else to do, right...?"

*Everyone finally agrees, and they settle in around the computer.*

BUTCH: "Who gets to type?"

MEOWTH: "MEowth!"

JESSIE: "Look at it this way... Meowth doesn't even have fingers, Cassidy and Butch... well, they're Cassidy and Butch, and James can type about one word a minute, so since I'm the most beautiful, I should be the one who gets to type."

*Everyone stares, no doubt astounded by her logic.*

JESSIE: "I'm glad you all see it my way. Now... umm... where does the disk go..."

*collective sweatdrop*

JAMES: "Here." *puts it in for her and the title screen pops up* "This is so exciting! I just love this game! Do we have popcorn anywhere?" *notices everyone staring at HIM now* "What?"

CASSIDY: "Oh brother. Let's just get this thing going."

JESSIE: "Okay... occupation..." *scans the list* "I can't believe Pokémon thief isn't on here! Why would I ever want to be a doctor? Or a carpenter?"

BUTCH: "Just put in whichever makes the most money."

JESSIE: "Hmm.. banker doesn't sound too exciting either... but I suppose it's better than being a farmer or something dumb like that... Let's see now, of course my name is going to go in the first space, since I'm typing."

JAMES: "But that's not fair! You'll be the last one to die!"

JESSIE: *turns to glare at him* "But that's the way it should be, right?"

JAMES: *laughs nervously* "Heh... heh... of course!"

*Cassidy and Butch roll their eyes as Jessie continues typing in their names. Fifteen minutes (and a lot of arguing) later, their supplies are all bought and they "hit the trail".*

JESSIE: "This is getting kind of old... watching this wagon all the time..."

CASSIDY: "You've only been watching it for five seconds."



CASSIDY: "Whaaaat? I'm sick already? And with... what is that anyway?"

JAMES: "You don't want to know."

CASSIDY: *groans* "And I suppose I'll die from it next."


CASSIDY: "Aaaaahhhh! This game is so dumb!"

JESSIE: *smirks* "Actually, I think it's a very intelligent game. It's already weeding out the weaker party members." *smirks even more*

CASSIDY: *silently glares daggers at Jessie's back as Jessie watches the screen again*

JESSIE: "We're out of food already? James must've ate it all." *rolls her eyes*

JAMES: "I did not! ....Ooo, let me hunt, Jessie! Let me!"

JESSIE: *glances sideways* "Why?"

JAMES: "Because it's fun, and I'm good at it! Really! Pleeeeaase?" *uses those big cute puppy dog eyes*

JESSIE: "Well... alright. Just this once."

JAMES: "Yay!" *reaches over Jessie and grabs the mouse* "Stupid rabbit! I almost got him... Look at that buffalo! I'm gonna... Stupid buffalo! It got away! Okay, this deer for sure... dangit!!! Stupid deer!"

JESSIE: "You are PATHETIC." *grabs the mouse away from him*

JAMES: *pouts* "I ALMOST had it..."

JESSIE: *ignores him* "Let's see... we're at a river crossing... so what do we do?"

CASSIDY: "Who cares, I'm dead."

BUTCH: "I say caulk it."

MEOWTH: "I think we can ford it."

JAMES: *growls* "I say we load all the rabbits and buffalo and deer on it and watch it sink to the bottom and then LAUGH."

*Everyone stares again.*


JESSIE: "Anyway... I guess we'll just ford it." *watches as the wagon floats across the river, then tips over* "Umm.. oops. Meowth drowned."


JESSIE: "Well, at least our wagon is lighter now."

MEOWTH: "Oh, you're real nice."

JESSIE: "I know."


BUTCH: "Huh? You can't... die from that, can you?"

JAMES: "Ohhhh yes."

BUTCH: "Geez, this game is so violent..."


BUTCH: "Okay... so who didn't see that coming..."

JAMES: "Now it's just me and Jessie..." *gets starry eyes* "Jessie and me... isn't that just so... so..."


JAMES: "Umm.. can I hunt again?"


JAMES: "But we still don't have any food! We'll starve! I don't want to starve Jessie!"

JESSIE: "James, just be quiet."

*Minutes pass in silence as the wagon slowly moves on, various parts breaking and oxen dying along the way.*


JAMES: *eyes glaze over* "This is it... this is the low point... We're starving to death on the high plains, thousands of miles from any civilization, sun blinding our eyes, dust covering our bodies, I lay puking my guts up as all the rabbits and buffalo and deer surround me, they're mocking me as they await my death, they'll gnaw on my bones and then--"

JESSIE: *smacks him* "Will you knock that off?" *mutters* "Honestly."

JAMES: "Sorry Jess... I'll just await death in silence then..."


JAMES: *falls over*

JESSIE: "Well, it's just me now! I'm ready to get there!"


JESSIE: "What kind of cheap joke is this? I'm the leader, I can't die! I'm too young and beautiful to die anyway!"

JAMES: "The rabbits are mocking YOU now... I can hear them even in death..."

JESSIE: "I said stop that!"


JESSIE: "WHAT? This is inhumane! This is horrendous! This is... stupid! Whose idea was it to play this anyhow?"

*everyone's eyes swivel to James*

JAMES: "The buffalo made me do it! I mean... umm... well, I thought it would go better than this, is all..."

CASSIDY: "I guess it could be worse, I mean... at least it kept us occupied for a good...oh..."

MEOWTH: "A lousy half hour."

JAMES: "I thought it was quality time..."

JESSIE: "You would. Let's bury this stupid game so no one can find it. It's nothing but heartache and grief."

BUTCH: "And we certainly can't let anyone know we played it, we'd be laughed at forever..."

*They shove the box back in the corner with the rest, then sit back down in their original places.*

MEOWTH: "So what now?"

JESSIE: "Beat Mr. 'I Can't Even Shoot a Buffalo From Two Feet Away' up for suggesting the stupid game."

JAMES: "Ummm... take a nap? And... forget we ever played a game." *laughs nervously*

BUTCH: "Anyone for chess?"

CASSIDY: "Sit around and stare again?"

MEOWTH: "Sounds good."

So they did.

I know that was wierd... but tell me what ya think anyway. ^o^

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