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Where Angels Fear to Tread

Notes: Part 3 starts up where Part 2 left off (aren't I nice to think of doing it that way? ^_^). Seriously... Jessie and James are faced with a choice which will decide their fate in the gang... oh, and there's more angst. Gotta love that. :p

Rating: PG

Disclaimer: How many ways can I say I don't own them! I get tired thinking about it. -_-

Part Three - Eternity

I'm not sure how long I was outside, but by the time Jaycen leaves, I am feeling more than a little uncomfortable. My clothes have been soaked and re-soaked so many time with the chill rain that I am afraid I might catch cold. But, on the other hand... Jaycen's kissing leaves me with a warm feeling inside, the feeling I get when I feel truly wanted by someone... I'm not sure if I appreciate his touching me so much, but my philosophy has always been to keep the guy happy, because who knows whether he'll take offense at your protests and decide to leave you...

I guess that lately, with the death of Tyra's father hanging over my head so heavily, I need to feel wanted, needed. That might not make much sense, and maybe this isn't the best way to get the affection I desire, but I simply can think of no other way.

Thinking about this makes the warm feeling dissipate, so I push it out of my mind and head on back to the hideout, figuring I should check on James again. This brings a frown. He truly is starting to worry me; he almost never leaves the hideout unless it's absolutely necessary, and he seems so quiet and withdrawn even from me... Maybe one or both of his parents are dead and he is just reliving the feelings he went through then. But I don't know much about his life before I met him, and he is never terribly enthusiastic about answering any questions. I just hope he can snap out of this phase, whatever it is, soon.

When I arrive at last at the thankfully dry hideout, I squint at the darkest corner of the room, where he usually sits. There's nothing there. Checking the other room produces nothing. My frown returns, much deeper than before. Why would he have left? He doesn't like to go out at all before, but why now? I had seriously doubted it when he told me earlier that he had gone out today, but maybe I was wrong.

With a shrug, I set to changing into dry clothes, then snuggle into a blanket in the corner he likes to wait for him to show up. Before I know it, I start thinking about Jaycen again.

I had met him a mere three days ago, yet I already thought this could be the one I've been waiting for, dreaming of since I was a little girl, because I didn't really have any significant males in my childhood. I'd never met my father, for example...

Anyway, at first, when Wire and the others introduced Jaycen as a new gang member, he seemed a little shy, but he soon made it obvious he was interested in me. And I couldn't help but be interested right back, even when he started to lose that shyness and began pushing me to do things I knew I probably wasn't ready for. But I needed this attention, craved it.

All of a sudden, I think of James. Why haven't I ever felt like he could be the one? We've been together a long time... I'm his best friend... but maybe I just feel too much like his big sister right now. It's not that he's unattractive... with that soft, shoulder-length blue hair... those large green eyes in a gently handsome face...

I need to stop thinking like this.

Besides, who knows how he feels toward me? He's not exactly the type to actually come out and say it if he was desperately in love with me...

I'm afraid that I'm falling asleep as I think...


When I awake, the door is just opening. I stretch, trying to ease the crick in my back from sleeping against the wall. I look up, and James is just standing in the doorway, staring at me, water dripping off him and pooling at his feet. It doesn't seem like he is going to move.

"James! What are you doing?" Without waiting for a reply, I jump up to shut the door, while he doesn't move at all beyond hugging himself; I can only imagine how cold he must be. "You didn't answer me," I say next, pushing him farther inside toward the bathroom. Once I get him inside, I turn around to grab some dry clothes for him from the pile in the corner. Finding only sweatpants and an old long-sleeved shirt, I decide they will have to do as I shove them into his arms.

"Put these on now. Do you want to get sick?" I stare at him, but he can't seem to meet my eyes now. His own eyes seem puffy, and with the strands of wet hair clinging to the sides of his face, he looks awful. I can't imagine what could be the matter, but I leave him to change before I demand any more answers of him.

While I wait, I decide to make him some hot tea. We don't have many supplies here in the hideout, but we do have tea. I wouldn't mind some, myself.

Twenty minutes later, it's ready and James still hasn't come out of the bathroom. I'm finished with my tea by the time he finally appears, walking very slowly. He sits down, leaning against the wall a few feet away from me, a despondent look on his face. His eyes never move in my direction.

Setting my empty cup aside, I walk over to hand him his own. "There now, drink this. Careful, it's hot."

He fends me off with a mumbled "I don't want any", and I become angry in spite of myself.

"Well, you should have thought of that before you decided to spend hours in the rain. You're drinking this." Just so he knows I mean business, I plop down on top of his lap so he can't escape - fortunately without spilling a drop - and begin to hold the cup up to his lips, forcing him to drink. His eyes widen, and he wiggles at first as if to push me off, but eventually he relaxes and drinks it all sip by sip as I tilt the cup every so often.

"There. That wasn't so bad, was it?" He just looks at me, a look that isn't exactly easy to read. I climb off to kneel beside him, fixing a firm expression on my face that will hopefully persuade him that telling the truth would be in his best interest. "Now. What exactly possessed you to go out there and wander around for so long? And without your bike? Just make it easy and tell me, alright?"

He takes his sweet time answering. "Well... I... I changed my mind about going out after you asked me... so I went out to find you. You said they were close, so it would have been a waste of time to get my bike. I looked everywhere... but I couldn't find you on this block or any other. I just walked around then... for something to do."

I eye him suspiciously. Everything he had said had sounded solid up to a point; then he had started talking quieter and breaking eye contact. So. He was going to be like that, then? Oddly enough, I didn't feel like challenging the issue. But it still doesn't explain why he looks as though he has been crying.

My back stiffens as a thought suddenly occurs to me. What if he had seen... No, of course not. He wouldn't be acting like this if... would he?

"Okay... if that's all you want to say to me... Why don't we get some sleep? Tomorrow is going to be a big day, I guess. Wire kept talking about it constantly for some reason. You're going to be there, right?"

"Be... where?"

"At the park tomorrow morning... Sorry, guess you wouldn't know, would you? But you are going to be there.... aren't you." This had sounded like much more of a command than a question, but I had meant it that way.

"I... I guess so..."

"Good. Now just get some sleep, alright?" I sigh, my expression softening somewhat as I brush away the few strands of hair still stuck to his face. Inexplicably, he stiffens and draws back from my touch, quickly reaching for a blanket to wrap himself in before he lays down without another word.

I don't understand this, and I find myself trying to rid my mind of the image as I fall asleep.


The next morning arrives, as grey and gloomy as it has been for the past two or three weeks, which is starting to come as no surprise. James and I set out on our bikes bright and early... well, early anyway... in order to make it to the park on time. Wire had told everyone to be there as early as possible, and I didn't think it wise to disappoint him.

James rides quite some distance behind me, making me wonder whether he's following me or just going in the same direction by chance. He hasn't said a word since last night, and has generally acted so dismal that I had really started to worry. Maybe Chopper would come back soon, they had been such good friends and it might cheer James up. Which leaves me to wonder... if I'm his best friend... why isn't he so happy to be with me any more? Had I done something wrong?

I soon forget this, however, when we get to the park and I see Jaycen. Cozying up beside him, I feel better, and I don't notice where James is, or even if he made it here.

Most of the gang seems to be here now, the majority of the older members in a separate group from the new arrivals. I may be wrong, but the old group seems to have a mistrust of the new group. I guess I have to admit that most of Wire's new "recruits" just look a bit tougher and meaner... but what's a gang for if it isn't for tough people? Wire's approach to running the gang might not be too bad after all.

"Hey, listen up!" Wire shouts suddenly over the babble of excited voices. When it's quiet, he continues. "Today's the day! The day we've all been waiting for, right?" Most people cheer, but I have no clue what he's talking about. In my hearing, at least, he had never hinted about what was so special about today. I suppose I'm about to find out.

"Today we'll wipe out the entire Bridge gang so bad they won't ever come back! You all better have brought your Pokémon... but if that fails, we'll take them down a little more... physically." There are murmured agreements to this, but my reaction is somewhat close to complete shock. This is what Wire had planned? And what would Tyra and Chopper think of this? The rivalry between the two gangs had always seemed fairly friendly... more good-natured than hostile. But before I can voice my opinions, everyone is beginning to scatter as if they know what to do. Being still completely baffled by this turn of events, I look to Jaycen for an explanation.

"Geez, Jess, where ya been?" he laughs, giving me a lopsided grin that at some other time I might have found cute, but now just leaves me considerably annoyed. Obviously reading this from my expression, he continues quickly. "Well, Wire's got it all arranged. We were gonna meet the Bridge gang today for a Pokémon battle. But what they don't know is that we're really gonna wipe them out completely. Maybe even steal some of their Pokémon, beat 'em up or something unless they agree to break up their gang and never ride again. Cool, huh?"

I suppose I should be excited or happy or something... but somehow I'm not thrilled about this. Wire is just trying to take advantage of the rival gang while he is in a position to do so... maybe he'd been planning this all along... Why else would he have been so interested in getting new members so quickly... But why would he want to do this in the first place?

I must appear to be totally out of it, because Jaycen is leaning in closer to me, a questioning look on his face. "It is cool, isn't it...? Jess?" He bends down to kiss me gently, and it's so hard to say no...

"I guess..." That is the best I can do. I guess it's cool... but I don't know. I'm not sure why, but I turn suddenly to look for James. I spot him almost immediately, leaning against a tree and staring at Jaycen and me. Gawking might be a better word. When he sees me watching, his face turns red and he looks away quickly. But then I notice that Wire, the only member left in the park besides James, Jaycen, and me, is approaching James now. Sneering.

"Jess? You gonna come?"

"I just... I'll catch up with you later."

"Oh.. okay. I'll see you at the bridge in a little while, then." I nod absently and watch as Jaycen runs off to get his bike, then I turn back to see exactly what is going on. James regards Wire with a rather frightened expression; I wonder what he could be so afraid of.

"Look, Jim. You need to contribute here. You're a member of this gang, right?" James nods uncertainly. "Well then, you better manage to grab at least one of the other gang's Pokémon, or maybe just bang 'em up enough so they're in really bad shape. At least. Or else I'm throwing you out. Understand?" Without waiting for any kind of reply, he reaches out and shoves James' shoulder roughly. "Prove that you're a man and not girl," he sneers.

Unable to control my reaction, I angrily stalk over to stand between them, facing Wire while glaring ferociously. "You can't talk to him like that! Who do you think you are anyway, the--"

"I'm the leader of this gang, Jess," Wire hisses in return, looking almost about to shove me too, but wisely reconsidering. "You have a problem with that? If you do, you can be thrown out, too!" This makes me back down, biting my lip in indecision. I don't really want that... do I? But I don't have much time to deliberate before Wire turns and starts walking away.

"You both better show up. Or you'll both be out," he tosses over his shoulder at us before riding off. Slowly, I turn to look at James, and oddly enough, he looks as though he expected this. Which I don't understand at all.

"So what are you... what do you want to..." I begin haltingly, which is so unlike me.

"I guess I'll go," he shrugs noncommittally. "I don't want you to get thrown out... but then... maybe you'd be happier if I was gone and you could spend more time with... with..."

"That's crazy. James, you're my friend. Jaycen is just... another friend."

"Seems different to me," he mutters, stepping around me and walking over to pick up his bike.

"J... James? Are you..."

"Yeah, I guess I'm going. Come on." I follow him, slightly bewildered by the sudden assertiveness he's showing, knowing this is probably a mistake but feeling there is no other choice...


When we get to the bridge, the only word I can think of to describe the situation is chaos. People are running everywhere, most of them battling Pokémon or pummeling each other with their fists. How it could have degenerated to this so quickly is really beyond me.

Actually, I can think of another word for this now: stupid.

But what choice do we have? It's either this or be out on our own, alone again...

"You're one of those Sunnytown people, aren't you?" a blonde-haired girl yells at me. "I never would have thought you stupid jerks would sink so low! It's because of you this happened! We'll never break up our gang!" She tosses a Pokéball, which turns out to be a rather frightening-looking Graveler. Naturally, I have Ekans with me, but it will be a tough fight. I just hope that James is doing okay; I know he always carries around his Pokéball with Koffing.

Ekans tries... Ekans tries very hard, but unfortunately it is no match for the Graveler. I am almost afraid that the girl will have her Pokémon crush mine, but she calls it back at the last second.

"Sunnytown gang members are so weak," she sniffs at me before running off somewhere. I call Ekans back quickly, then start looking around for James. I have suddenly lost the feeling that I need to fight - these people aren't really my enemies. All I want to do is get out of here.

Then I notice two girls and a boy closing in on me. I don't recognize them. "We'll get this one," the guy announces. "We'll teach the Sunnytown gang what we think of them."

My mind is reeling, and all I can think is that they're going to hurt me. My eyes scan the area desperately, and I finally spot Jaycen. "Over here! Jaycen! Help me!" He turns to look at me, then shakes his head slowly.

"Sorry, Jess... gotta look out for myself. You'll be okay." Then he's gone. He's leaving me here...

I back up and close my eyes, praying this will be over soon.


It's dark. Very dark. But when I open my eyes, I know it's still daylight. It's streaming through the single window, making me blink. A face is leaning over mine, and when my vision clears enough I can see it belongs to James.

"Jessie! Do you feel alright?" His tone sounds anxious. I sit up slowly, still blinking, but the view in my right eye still seems fuzzy. My lower lip feels puffy, and I can taste the faintly metallic tang of blood when I lick it. Then I remember how I'd passed out.

"James... are you okay? I feel like crap, but what would you expect?"

"I'm okay... mostly," he sighs. When he pushes his hair away from his eyes, I can see a cut on his hand, but it's small. Other than that, I can't see any other injuries.

"So, how bad do I look?" I groan. "James, can you get me the mirror?"

"Jessie... I don't think you..."

"James. Get me the mirror."

Sighing, he obliges me, bringing the mirror back and biting his lip while he wait for my reaction. An ugly bruise is already painted on my right eye, and my lower lip is split open. Looking down, I see several other scrapes and bruises on my arms and legs. My head also throbs from the bump I know is there without having to feel for it. But my face and arms are clean, and I can only assume that James washed off the mud I'm sure had been covering me. I put the mirror down.

"Well, it's not that bad," I shrug, doing my best to sound indifferent. "But you are okay, right?"

"I'm fine. But... but Koffing got hurt." That's when I notice the round purple Pokémon resting on a pile of blankets nearby; I'm not sure why I hadn't noticed it before. There is a large reddish swelling on it's side, but it has it's eyes closed and appears to be sleeping peacefully. "Someone threw a rock at it," James frowns. "I'm sure it will be alright, but I wish that hadn't happened..." he trails off, watching his Pokémon sadly. He looks so depressed, I find myself wishing the same thing.

My mind floats back to all that's happened.. are we going to be kicked out now? It's not like Wire could have been watching us the entire time... "James? What happened after I passed out?"

"Oh... I was trying to battle with Koffing... but then I saw you laying on the ground... I managed to get you here without anyone trying to stop me."

I nod slowly. James had rescued me. James, my best friend. Jaycen... he'd abandoned me. Left me all alone when I'd needed help. No guy ever seemed to stay around me very long... Would I lose James someday, too? Would he ever... abandon me?

I turn around quickly to hide the pain I feel, laying down again on the floor and trying to forget that Jaycen ever existed, that I had been let down again by someone I thought had cared so much for me...

"Je... Jessie? Are you okay?"

I should be grateful to him, but James' timid question annoys me. "Just shut up and leave me alone!" I snap at him, not bothering to move from my spot on the floor. He obviously takes my command to heart, for it is silent for quite some time before I hear him get up and move a short distance.

After awhile I make myself peek over at him just enough to see what he's doing. He is sitting cross-legged on the floor holding Koffing on his lap, his arms wrapped around it gently. I can see tears seeping from the corners of his tightly closed eyes as he rests his head down against his Pokémon.

I can't help but feel a pang of guilt at what I'd done. I was so mean to him... why can't I stop thinking of only myself now? Yet it seems I can only focus on the way I'd been betrayed...

It is silent for a very long time before there is a loud noise outside, taking us both completely by surprise. It sounds like... an explosion?

Oooh... only one part left. *relieved* Comments?

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