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Where Angels Fear to Tread

Notes: This part wasn't meant to be long. That is why it isn't. :p It's just an epilogue... and epilogues are supposed to be short. Err, anyway, Jessie and James make the big decision in this, the final part of WAFT. Yep, this is it...

Rating: G

Disclaimer: I would say I owned them, but my conscience would eat me alive.


I can hardly believe it... but in a way, I can. I had rescued Jessie when that guy "friend" of hers had run away. I'd seen that, but had been unable to reach her until it was too late. She'd been hurt. Maybe that is why I can believe she is acting this way now. If I had just been faster... maybe she wouldn't be so upset. I believe that's what it must be.

I try not to cry as I press my face against Koffing... but I can't stop myself. I can't justify it other than to say I just feel bad for Jessie. And also for Koffing, and maybe - just a little - for myself. I didn't want any of us to get hurt. More than anything right now, I just want to leave this place.

When I hear the noise outside, something that sounds like an explosion, I sit up so fast that Koffing nearly rolls off my lap. Cradling it gently, I look over at Jessie to see her looking at me with the same shocked expression I'm sure is on my own face. Wordlessly we both get up to go to the door, Jessie a little faster since I have to put Koffing back on it's blankets. When I join her a few seconds later, I can see that her mouth has dropped open in shock at whatever she is looking at. And when I look for myself, my reaction is immediately the same.

The bridge is gone.

Well, it's not completely gone; there is still a few feet extending out across the water. Everything in between is... gone. The area is already a hive of activity, people swarming to stare at the destruction, and police cars with their lights flashing. Without realizing it, I had stepped outside the door to gawk, with Jessie beside me.

"What could have..." I hear her begin to say, but when I look to her to continue, she shakes her head. The unfinished question hangs in my mind as well: What could have done this? Or who... But I'm afraid I might have a fairly solid idea for that. The why is what bothers me.

"Excuse me! You two there! Do you have any idea what happened here?"

We both turn to see one of those annoying Officer Jennys standing there, her hands on her hips as she glares as if she knows we have the answer. And as far as I know, Jessie is just as in the dark on the matter as I am.

"No, we have no idea," Jessie answers shortly, turning back to stare at the bridge's remains.

Jenny stiffens slightly at being brushed off like that, but before she gets suspicious, I say, "No, ma'am. We don't know anything about it at all. If we find anything out we'll come right down to the station and tell you." Apparently heartened by my fake assurance, she finally turns to leave after saying something else I don't quite catch. I'm too busy thinking.

Could Wire have done this? How? And what would it possibly prove? Maybe he was trying to get at the Bridge gang in some way... but I didn't know anything about that, of course. I turn to ask Jessie about it, but she just takes my arm and pulls me back with her into the hideout.

"Come on, James. Let's get some sleep. We may not have a roof over our heads much longer." Night is coming on quickly, and I have to agree with her. Who knows how much longer we'll be here...


"Hey! Jim, are you alright? Wake up!"

As I blink out of sleep-weary eyes, the person hovering over me becomes clear. It's Chopper. I sit up quickly and stare.

"Oh... yes, I'm alright. What about you..." I trail off, noticing that Jessie and Tyra are off to the other side of me, both looking at me as worriedly as Chopper is. I can't imagine what's wrong. "What? I'm fine... what is it?"

"It's nothing... well, we just got through talking to some other members, and Jess was just telling us about what's been happening around here lately... I wanted to tell you I'm sorry." I stare at Chopper a moment longer, then look down at the floor. I'm not sure how comfortable I am with them knowing some of those things.

"It isn't your fault," I mumble after the strained silence becomes too much to bear.

"We shouldn't have been gone so long," Tyra sighs suddenly. "All this junk that's been happening since we left..."

I feel grateful to her for shifting the subject away from me, yet sad at the same time. "That isn't your fault either," I offer quietly, looking at both Tyra and Chopper in turn. "If it's anyone's fault, it's..." I can't seem to make myself go on.

"Wire's," Jessie finishes simply for me. Everyone else nods. More silence.

"So... what happened... out.."

"The bridge? That was Wire's doing, too. He thinks he can just rule everything... I don't know where he got that many explosives, but he certainly managed to fix the Bridge gang." Chopper sounds bitter, and it's no wonder. I had known there was no real animosity between the two gangs, just a friendly rivalry. This prompts my next question.

"So why exactly did he do this?"

Chopper sighs, then looks right at me as he answers. "There must be something wrong with him... I don't know, but a year or so ago, he was in the Bridge gang. But he got thrown out for some reason, and he came over here. He couldn't get past me, with everyone on my side, so he just acted real nice and friendly... ya know? He was just waiting for an opportunity to get back at the Bridge gang. I guess he got it."

"Maybe he did, but it isn't going to last long," Tyra adds. "He's out, and anyone who he got to join after we left. The people we wouldn't let join before because they were too... antisocial. Didn't care to work as a team... always looking out for their own glory. I just couldn't believe he'd go this far... but I guess I was wrong.

Silence fell again, thick and heavy. I have the feeling that Chopper is gathering up the courage to say something.

"You... you guys... I mean, what are you guys planning on doing now..."

I sit back and look at Jessie for what feels like a very long time, trying to see if she has a decision in mind. But she just looks at me confusedly, and I know she doesn't know what to say.

"We're going to leave. I personally think it would be the best for both of us to leave here..." And I meant that. Even with as much as our relationship with Tyra and Chopper meant, I had firmly come to believe that it would be best. After all, I had spent half of the night thinking about it. Jessie seems shocked, probably because I had sounded so decisive. But she nods. It really would be better for her to leave, to get away from where that guy lived.. the one who'd left her. I certainly had no desire to see him again, either.

"Are you two sure..." Tyra begins slowly, but Chopper cuts her off with a shake of his head.

"It's their decision, Tyra. As for us, well... We've decided to join up with anyone who wants to be in the Bridge gang now. Anyone else can form their own gang for all I care, but we owe something to the Bridge gang. The bridge'll probably be rebuilt someday, but... Anyway, we wanna do something for you two... what can we do before you leave?"

"I don't think there's anything--"

"For one, we're gonna make sure you guys become legends in our new gang. We'll tell everyone how great you were... Big Jess and Little Jim," Chopper grins fondly. "It was fun... while it lasted, wasn't it?"

I look at Jessie, and she smiles. "Yes, it was..."


We say our goodbyes the next morning, and find ourselves walking again, to where, I don't know. I suppose it doesn't matter. I look sideways at Jessie as we travel, noticing the way she is watching the ground before her feet, frowning in thought. Before I can stop myself, I blurt out the question that has been on my mind most of the morning.

"Jessie, do you think we were meant to be together?"

Freezing in her tracks, she turns slowly to me. "Is something wrong, James?"

"No... I just wanted to..."

"Well, I think... maybe."

It isn't much of an answer, but "maybe" will have to do for now. Not wanting to wait long and lose my nerve, I continue with, "So do you think we'll always be together?"

"'Meant to be' and 'always' don't necessarily go together," she snaps back at me, just a bit too quickly. Like she is being defensive. I take a step back from her, and can't seem to look her in the eyes now. I feel so embarrassed.

"James..." she sighs at last. "I'm sorry. I... plan to stick around with you until you don't want me around. Just come on, and don't worry about it anymore."

She turns abruptly and continues walking, and I hurry to catch up. Relief floods through me. I resolve at that moment to try to be stronger, to be as strong as I can to make it through anything with Jessie, no matter what may happen next. I want to try to do that... but most of all, I want to be together with Jessie, always.

There. It's done. Now comment. You know you want to.

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