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Notes: Veering away from the comedy route this fic has seemed to take more often than not, this chapter is pure melodrama. Yeah! ^__^ James gets fed up with someone, and something bad happens. I think that's about all I can say without giving the rest away. :p

Rating: PG - Small amount of violence. Nothing real scary.

Disclaimer: Cori-chan doesn't own Pokémon. She cries often because of that. She also talks about herself in third person for no good reason. :p

Chapter Nine - Sacrifice

"Where's your girlfriend gotten off to? I haven't seen her in awhile."

James rolled his eyes and hunched down farther over his work, pretending not to hear. Figuring out if he could salvage the empty Pokéball he had accidentally stepped on this morning and managed to crush into three pieces was hard work, after all. Probably futile, but it was something to do while ignoring Jon and trying to look like he wasn't.

There was roughly only two weeks left until the end of the summer, a mere fortnight until the boy would be going back home. It was hard to believe it had been that long, but... James couldn't say he was sorry. He should have felt guilty about that, but lately the kid had just seemed so annoying. The only reason he hadn't lost his temper yet was most likely because of Myrea. She had a tendency to be very protective of Jon, and that protectiveness seemed to include keeping James from saying or doing anything she considered "rude". And somehow she always knew when he was about to. It wasn't like he had a quick temper at all, but lately...

"Hey! I said, where did your girlfriend go?"

"She said she was going to wash her hair," James answered as evenly as he could, hoping to satisfy the boy's curiosity and get him off his back at the same time. Of course, that never seemed to work.

"Oh really? Why aren't ya helping her? Or are ya having problems with your relationship again? Come to think of it, you've been in a really bad mood lately. You not getting enough sleep or what? I know she's been having ya train an awful lot, but you really need to stop acting like a..."

At this point, he trailed off slowly to stare at James, who had actually jumped up to loom over the much shorter boy, clenching his hands into fists in an effort not to grab ahold of him. He'd finally had enough, and Jon obviously sensed it. "Now look here, you little brat. I don't think I need you telling me what to do, and I definitely don't need your opinions. Why don't you just shut up so it can actually be quiet around here for a change?"

It hadn't been what he'd meant to say, and it certainly hadn't been called for. But James didn't even feel sorry, not even as he watched Jon's reaction. The boy's eyes had grown progressively wider during James' ranting, but now he narrowed them, trying to look angry despite the tears filling them. "Oh... that's fine, Jim. If that's what ya want, I'll just leave ya alone so it'll be quiet."

"Why don't you do that?" James grumbled back, dropping to the ground again to resume examining the broken Pokéball. Seconds later, he looked up to see that the boy was indeed gone. Naturally, it was then that remorse chose to strike.

God, James, you're an idiot! Look what you've done now... and Myrea's going to kill you. There are better ways to dig a grave for yourself...

Sighing, he flopped backwards to stare up at the sky, flinging the Pokéball pieces aside. It couldn't be fixed, anyway. What really needed fixed was his attitude. Jon had been right about that much. He could always have blamed it on Jessie, her angry emotions constantly festering like an open wound in the back of his brain. Normally he could filter them out, but lately he hadn't even tried. Even Myrea had been put back by some of his behavior these past weeks. He would just have to try harder in the future not to let it get to him, but for now he had to fix the damage he'd already done.

Getting to his feet, he went out to search for Jon, hoping to return with him and have everything smoothed over before Myrea got back. How hard could it be to find the kid, anyway?


Two hours later, he was desperate. If he kept going out much farther away from the camp, he was going to get lost. It was true that they had spent more than a week training in this area, and he had become rather familiar with the territory, but this was getting ridiculous. He must have already searched a two mile radius!

And he could only imagine what Myrea was doing right now. Probably looking for the both of them, worried out of her mind. And also getting ready to kill him. She'd know, just like she always did. It wasn't as though he as scared of her, but... she certainly knew how to put someone in their place when she felt it was needed. And it wasn't exactly fun, James knew that well enough already. It wasn't the same as when Jessie got mad, but... He shook his head. There was no time to think about that now.

Coming to the top of another rise, he stopped to survey the area. Nothing. Except... There was a noise coming from somewhere ahead, perhaps just over the next small hill. A faint noise, sounding... muffled somehow?

As cautiously as he could, he crept up to the top of the hill and looked over. What he saw froze him in place momentarily. Jon was there, but he wasn't alone. The largest Arbok James had ever seen was coiled tightly around the boy, slowly squeezing him.

Perhaps he had just stumbled into it's nest unaware, or maybe the Pokémon had actually attacked him without provocation; whatever the reason, it really didn't matter at the moment. What mattered was saving Jon.

He looked pale and very scared, no doubt extremely uncomfortable, so out of breath that he could only moan as he rolled his eyes in James' direction. At least the boy knew that James was there now and could calm himself. A little. No matter how certain you are to be saved, being squeezed by a giant snake would still be far from a calming experience.

Then James realized: he had left all his Pokémon behind, not anticipating the need for them. Cursing his stupidity, he searched desperately for something, anything he could do. He spotted a Pokéball laying on the ground a few feet away from the Arbok. It must have fallen there when it had attacked Jon, maybe before he had the chance to call it out. Riza.

James knew there was probably nothing he could do himself to free the boy, but maybe Riza could distract the other Pokémon enough that it would let him go. It was worth a try... all he needed to do was call it out. He started forward as quickly as he dared, the Arbok only looking at him briefly before turning it's attention back to Jon. At least it wasn't going to give him any trouble. But as soon as his hand closed over the ball...

Searing pain cut deeply into James' chest, causing him to let go of the ball and fall backwards, landing hard on the ground and gasping desperately for breath.

Why? What's happening?

Realization came quickly. By taking Jon's Pokéball without his permission in this way, he was inadvertently stealing, even though it was for a good reason rather than a bad one. And the bracelet Yume had given him apparently couldn't distinguish between the two reasons.

James sat up slightly, enough to see that Jon's face was turning blue, his moans becoming sickening gurgles deep in his throat. Desperation forced him to get up and crawl back toward the ball, fighting the agonizing pain that reappeared, twice as sharp this time and hot like fire. He could have sworn he was about to die when he finally held it in his hand, and it took every ounce of willpower he had to keep from screaming.

"Go... go, Riza," he gasped out, trying to toss it at the Arbok's head, but only managing to get it to roll to a stop by the end of it's tail, which would have to do. Then he dropped flat on his face, unable to support himself any longer, the pain gone but the effect still taking it's toll.

So he didn't see the Charizard appear, roaring in anger at the sight of it's master's predicament, flying overhead only to swoop down and crush the snake Pokémon's head in it's massive claws. Freed from the Arbok, Jon fell to the ground only a few feet from James, his breathing hard and frantic. When he was able, James finally crawled over to the younger boy.

"Are you... you okay?" Jon nodded slowly, his eyes still closed, but he reached out to touch Riza's foot as it sat anxiously nearby. "Listen, I'm sorry... I'm sorry this happened. If I hadn't been so mean to you, this never would have..." His words died away as Jon shook his head.

"No, Jim... ya got no reason to be sorry... it could've happened to me anytime... and if ya hadn't felt bad and come to look for me... it would've been too late by the time ya did get here. I shoulda left that Arbok alone, anyway... it was a stupid thing to do."

"But I'm still sorry," James continued earnestly. "I really shouldn't have said those things... I'm still just a idiot who needs to change from what I once was..."

"I'm not sure I understand what ya mean, but I forgive you. I'll try not to be so annoying from now on... cuz I guess I was overdoing it..."

"Oh my god..." Myrea's voice made them both turn to look over at her as she stood gaping at them, Riza, and the dead Arbok in turn. "What happened here?" She all but ran over to kneel beside them, her eyes scanning over them as if looking for any visible injuries. "Are you two alright? Tell me... tell me everything that happened."

Jon obliged her, telling her in a voice still half out of breath the whole story. She glared angrily at James during most of the first part, leaving him wishing he was anywhere but sitting within her reach. But later, she just looked sad, staring at the ground as Jon finished the story.

"And neither of you is hurt?" she finally asked after a time. They both assured her that they weren't, after which she simply reached out to hug Jon. "You're very lucky that you weren't bitten. I'm so glad... you're both alright," she concluded, sitting back again to smile faintly at James. "Let's go back to camp and get some rest, okay? I have a feeling you'll be needing it." They nodded in agreement and began the long, slow walk back, each of them quiet in their own thoughts.


"Look at him now... he's so peaceful. I suppose he was scared at the time, but he's almost forgotten about it already. He's a pretty tough little kid."

James just nodded without saying a word and continued to watch Jon as he slept on the other side of the little fire they had built for the night. It was dying down now, tiny wisps of smoke curling up into the black sky. The boy was sleeping peacefully, very peacefully for someone who had had such a close brush with death. James, on the other hand, still felt sick to his stomach whenever he thought about it.

"You're awfully quiet," Myrea continued next, looking at him now instead. "But I hope you realize now why I always made you keep your temper in check around him. Kids have a tendency to do dangerous things when they're upset. A lot of experience has taught me that. I should be extremely angry with you now... but I think you've been through enough already without me being like that. After all, you saved his life."

"Riza saved his life."

She seemed startled by his sudden statement, but she soon had a reply. "Without you, Riza wouldn't have been able to save him."

"Without me, there wouldn't have been a reason to need to save him."


"If he had died, Myrea... I would have been responsible. What would I have told his parents? 'Thank you for trusting me with your son's care, but my stupidity killed him'? Why did I... why did I even..." He couldn't say much more as tears started to run down his face in what felt like rivers; he was dimly aware of Myrea hugging him, and he momentarily felt awkward for behaving this way.

"James, please don't do this to yourself," he finally heard Myrea saying. "You've learned your lesson, everything is forgiven, and Jon is just fine. Dwelling on 'what if' is usually unnecessary unless you're planning on putting yourself through more misery than is really needed. Honestly... Jon took this much better than you, and you weren't even in that much danger.....There now, just stop crying," she soothed, patting his back gently. When she pulled away at last, he was able to smile at her faintly.

"Thank you."

"It's the least I can do for you," she shrugged, giving him a warm smile in return. They sat in silence for some time before Myrea started searching her pockets for something. "Here," she said, offering him that something. James stared at it in surprise.

Two identical pieces of gold-colored metal lay on his upturned palm, glinting dully in the remaining firelight. And looking at his left wrist, he saw for the first time that the bracelet Yume had given him was gone. Except it wasn't gone, it was laying on his hand, broken. "Where did you..."

"I found it as we were leaving from the place the Arbok was. I figured it was yours, and I thought I'd save it for you. But what did you do to make it break apart like that? Is there something that happened that you're not telling me?"

Her tone was accusatory. He didn't know what to say. To the best of his knowledge, he had done nothing that would cause it to break. So he offered the first weak excuse that came to mind.

"Well, I did trip once... I guess it must have smashed against a rock or something." Her eyes told him that she thought he was lying, but thankfully she just nodded and let it go at that. Why she wasn't prying the truth out was beyond him, but he was definitely grateful.

"I think we should be getting to sleep now," was all she said. "And James..." she continued as if on impulse, giving him a stern look. "You're going to move on and stop blaming yourself, aren't you? Well?"

She made him promise that he would before she would smile again, then she lay down to sleep. James just sat looking at the stars for a long time before he finally slept as well, his dreams restless and impossible to understand.


The light awoke him; that glowing, pink-tinged light that seemed very familiar to him now, even though it was only the third time he'd seen it. This time, however, he wasn't frightened, and he didn't have to look to know that his two friends were still asleep.

"Yume..." he began slowly, searching for the right words to say. "I... I'm sorry if I did something I shouldn't have and the bracelet broke because of that... I really didn't..."

"Everything is alright," Yume assured him, her voice smooth and comforting. "You could have just gone on wearing that bracelet until your wish was complete... But you've shown through your sacrifice that you no longer have need of it. That is why it is broken now."

"Sacrifice? What do you mean..."

"You were willing to go through an immense amount of pain to help another. As I said, that stands as proof that it no longer needs to control your actions."

"I see..." He thought he did, at least. "So... is the reason Jon is with us because of that?"

"I cannot say."


"Do not worry. Someday, you will understand everything. It will all make sense on that day. Farewell... for now." James quietly watched her fade away, then sat looking at Myrea and Jon. He did understand that he was lucky to have found friends such as them.

Laying down once more, he tried to sleep, allowing the peaceful calmness of Jessie's own sleep to drift through him. For some reason, he dreamed of her the rest of the night.

I'd love you forever if you'd send me comments. Uhh.. maybe that's more discouraging than encouraging. :p

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