Bob was in Chemistry one day, just sitting there. And he was learin' all about gas laws. All of this stuff was WAY over poor Bob's head (even though he was tall and true and 6'2" and all that good stuff.) Bob's good friend Melvin got it though. He was like a sponge. (Not Sponge-Bob-Square-Pants though.) Bob was insanely jealous that Melvin, the silent one, was smarter than he was. So he wrote a letter to his congressman complaning. The congressman laughed at Bob and threw the letter away. Poor Bob was sad and threw Melive off a cliff, whree he landed on some squishy grass and was just fine. Bob thought this looked like fun, so he did it too. And promptly gave himself a big ole concussion. Which sucked.
By: Liz. With a Z. Like Zorro.