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Fredania smashed his head against the wall and said the magic words. Then the lights dimmed and the air got all sparkely. As Fredania was whizzing back to his homeland, he thought he saw a man flying around in the air along with him. He couldn't make out quite what he was saying, but it sounded something like, "SPARKELY!!! SPARKELY? Hmmm. COME BACK SPARKELY!!!" After five dizzying minutes of intense whirling in a glittery glitter planet, Fredania fell head first on his lawn in front of the castle in the sky. (Well, it wasn't really in the sky,, screw it.)

Fredania was sitting up to nurse his tender head when he saw another person about his age, probably a little older, land head first next to him on his front lawn. "HEY!" Fredania cried out. "WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?" The boy got up and ran over to Fredania. "SPARKELY????" He sobbed. "I don't know, who are you?" Fredania asked the overwhelmed person he had never seen before. "I...I am Bob. I live somewhere in a place that isn't here and I WANNA GO HOME!! HOLD ME!!!!!!" And he promptly wrapped his arms around Fredania and squeezed. Really really hard. Fredania couldn't get this crazy off of him!!! And what kind of a name was Bob? And what was his deal???

He stood up and walked (well, I guess he kind of staggered, seeing as how a boy named Bob was somewhat attached to him, but oh well) back to his castle. That wasn't in the sky. But oh well. He staggered in, and although he and the queenie Abe and the kingie Herb tried to have a happy reunion full of hugs, Bob got in the way. He was still bawling and screeching something about the sparkelys. "HEY! BOB! CAN IT, MAN!!!" Bob's eyes grew larger than saucers and he slid off of Fredania. Then he walked into the corner and sat. Fredania turned back to his kingie and queenie. "MAMA!! DADA!!!" He cried. Abe and Herb ran up to him and they hugged and hugged and hugged and hugged. Herb played a welcome home ditty on his saxophone and they all had a nice dinner of really good food and lots of beer.

They were all about to go to bed when they heard "SPARKELY!!" and a big big CLUNK. They ran out to where Bob was. He was lying face down on the floor. And crying. "Bob! What happened?" Fredania asked. "I...I don't like your sparkelys. They are MEAN!!! But you are nice. I like you. BYE NOW!!!" and with that, he turned and ran out of the house.

Fredania and his kingie and queenie just stared out the door at the odd visitor. For the next few weeks, Fredania had an odd feeling he had just met someone that would be very important in his life. But after a while he decided that he was mental and had no clue what he was thinking so he got it out of his head.

Fredania had been so moved by his late night talks with Jelly at Jim-Bob's house that he found himself thinking about them all the time. He realized he wanted his very very very own fake palm tree. He began thinking about how he could get one. He had no clue, and he decided that he would just see if fate decided to grant his one wish.

One day he woke up and heard lots of commotion downstairs and usually all it is is Herb tuning his saxophone, but today it was a DIFFERENT kind of commotion. Today it was a SPECIAL kind of commotion! Today it was...BIRTHDAY COMMOTION!!! Fredania jumped out of his little bed and ran down the stairs to see that his parents were setting up a party for him.

"Hey!" Fredania said. "What the heck is going on around here?" "Well," said Abe, "We figured that since you're probably now older than you were before you came back home to us, it was time to throw you a birthday party!!!" Fredania squealed with joy. He had never seen so much glitter in one place!! (Well, besides the secret limbo place where he was when he was coming home from the sewer.) Just then there was a knock on the door. "Well, now, who could that be?" He wondered. He went to the door, and opened it wide...


Back to the page from whence you came!! BACK BACK EVIL DEMON SPAWN OF FLUFFY!! BACK I SAY!! ...sorry...*grin*