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EvAnGeLiOn!EvAnGeLiOn My GoDdEsS!My GoDdEsS!


SoMeTiMes ThE PiCtUrEs On ThEsE PaGeS GeT MeSsEd Up. It ShOuLd Be FiNe If YeW ReLoAd...AlSo If AnY AnImAtEd GiFs Or PiCs ArEn'T RuNnInG Or ShOwInG Up PlEaSe E-MaIl Me AnD I WiLl FiX It As SoOn As PoSsIbLe! ThAnK YoU

To my drawn pictures page

To my animated gifs page

Aint she hot? heh ^_^

^(NiKkI)^ MaH GoDdEsSeS HoMe PaGe ^(NiKkI)^

^^^NiKkI Is Mah BeSteSt FrIeNd^^^


- ^ - ! ! ! ! SENI SEVIYORUM ! ! ! ! - ^ -

::PaGe StAtUs::

Ugh, this page sucks, i'm gonn make the anime part a sub section of my normal page. I've changed greatly and now since i have school, this site will be updated very very seldom...

::PaGe StAtUs::


sign my guestbook...PLEASEEEE view the nice people who've signed my guestbook!


ThIs PaGe Is BeSt ViEwEd WiTh NeTsCaPe Or MiCroSoFt InTeRnEt ExPlOrEr...DO NOT VIEW WITH AOL BROWSER!! PiCtUrEs LoOk ChOpPy AnD HoRrIBlE!

another link to nikki's homepage

Thanks To:

Nikki for giving me many of the ideas that are on my page and giving me a few gifts such as the counter. :)


Come Back Soon!!

This The Goldenboy Webring site owned by RaNmA.
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