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....AND......for those of you who are into the written word.....

......just a few things that I have written over the years.

.....AND....hopefully some written by others!

To You...For You

Lifting, floating, dreaming
Each night as I fall asleep
I hear the sound of your sweet voice
Inside my head so deep
We started simply typing
Exchanging messages in the night
And now my feelings for you
Have never shone so bright
I long to run to meet you
My heart is saying...go
But fears have kept me grounded
About the things I do not know
I yearn to learn about you
All your dreams and hopes and fears
And when I can not speak to you
My heart is filled with tears
There are a hundred differences
And many miles between
And what will ever happen
Remains as yet unseen
I want to share your sadness
Your happiness, and all that's you
And though the miles will still remain
Our love can still be true
And one day we will finally
Decide the time is right
And then, my sweet darling
I'll be on my way that night
...from me

Sounds To Move

Sweet, soft, melodic chords
Wavering, teasing, tantalizing
Wrapping, entwining themselves
Around the strings that play my heart
Rustling leaves and wind chimes
That gently sing in the wind
Waves breaking on a pebbled shore
Music the soothes your exhausted mind
Children's voices in the field at play
The hum of the bees in the hive
The honk of geese flying overhead
Bustling sounds of life going on
The haunting cry of a loon on the lake
An owl calling from that old dead tree
Soft crunching of leaves under your feet
Animated voices of creatures in the night
Of all of these that I love so much
The sound in life I will miss the most
Your soft breathing at my side
Your gentle voice in my ear


A flowing spirit
Escaping the boundaries
Moving forward in an unending stream.
Semi-conscious realities
And mystical enchantments
Breaking loose.
Unfiltered hopes and dreams
Sprout from minute seeds
Of joy and despair.

Awaken mind and heart
To ceaseless thoughts that daze the soul
And forever shadow lost images
With drowsy motions.

Open thoughts! Free from moral stagnation
Unmarred by dark obstructions and
Reflections on the thoughts of others
And thaw the frozen river of ideas.

written by Mary

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If you have a poem that you would like to add...just send a message to me...