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A Special Dedication
Mack McKinnon

Some personal thoughts by Dragon

Few people have the priviledge of meeting someone who inspires and influences them so greatly that the rest of their life is affected. Mack McKinnon had that effect on me.

Having discovered my BDSM interests at the young age of 17, my search for knowledge lead me to TopMan Leathers, the leading supplier of BDSM goods in Vancouver at the time, and it was there that I met Mack. He was a tall, imposing man, head shaved, with a gentleness in his eyes that shone past his obvious power. It took only a look, or a few softly spoken words from him to know beyond doubt that he was a man of great knowledge, compassion, and integrity. An unorthodox alliance was quickly formed.

It wasn't long before this young, "straight" BDSM novice was spending his evenings after work visiting the shop, listening to a middle-aged, wisened, experienced gay member of the BDSM "Old Guard". Mack taught me how to do leathercraft, and I repaid him by sweeping floors, helping him at work, and tending to customers. While we worked, he talked....and I listened. I learned of values, respect, safety, techniques, styles, and of the need to share knowledge with others who enter the scene. He said to me "Just as I have taught you, now you must teach."

One day, I asked Mack to sum up in a few words what it took to be a good Dominant. He said simply "Identify the submissive's need....and meet it." To this day, I remember those words in every scene that I do.

Actively involved in the Pacific NorthWest BDSM community, Mack's dream was to see us united, straight, gay, lesbian, black, white, novice and pro. He dreamed of a day when we could all recognize each others' right to be different and still share openly and with respect, our mutual interest. On his dying bed in 1989, his last words to his life-partner were "Keep the dream alive!"

I will, Dear Friend....I promise ! Rest in peace, and know that I will never forget you,
or what you have taught me.

I pray that, at my best, I will be half the man you were at your worst.

It has been my honour and priviledge, over these past eight years, to contribute in my small way toward keeping "The Dream" alive. Mack's dream is a good one, which we should all embrace. This October, "The Dream" will be alive, well, and flourishing for three days, but let's not stop there. When the lights are turned off, and Mack VIII is nothing but a wonderful memory, let's take "The Dream" home with us, and keep it alive all year round!

Thank you!

Master Dragon

This site is dedicated to the Memory of R. "Mack" McKinnon
Keep The Dream Alive!
